We’ve come a long way, baby! This is our 4th meet up with Kenny Weiss… by now you’ve probably gotten a sense of his spirit and point of view… and you realize so much of what he’s saying makes pure, practical sense. We’ve had 3 jam-packed hours of real life… useful and entertaining… but maybe not fulfilling. This week’s episode of Business Rules with Peter Feinstein will deliver on the promise of offering insight into how to move from stuck to success… it’s a journey.. and actually one many...
Published 03/14/18
We’ve come a long way, baby! This is our 4th meet up with Kenny Weiss… by now you’ve probably gotten a sense of his spirit and point of view… and you realize so much of what he’s saying makes pure, practical sense.
Published 03/14/18
Our conversation with Kenny Weis continues…if this is your first time listening, we’ll make joining in easy and painless; Kenny has written a ‘how-to’ book, based on his own life’s trauma experiences, and breaking free of their death-grip. It’s lessons on how-to live a more mindful life, how-to recognize when what you’re doing is re-living the worst-day of your life – no matter what form the circumstances are… and they will show up in myriad forms…but they’ll all each have the same content…...
Published 03/07/18
Our conversation with Kenny Weis continues…if this is your first time listening, we’ll make joining in easy and painless; Kenny has written a ‘how-to’ book, based on his own life’s trauma experiences, and breaking free of their death-grip.
Published 03/07/18
Have you ever been captivated by a book from the very first sentence? It’s rare, isn’t it? If you were tuned into Business Rules with Peter Feinstein a couple of weeks ago, you heard me start our conversation with Kenny Weiss about his book “Your Journey to Success”. Both Kenny and “Journey” are so insightful that we’re continuing the conversation; if you weren’t here for the first episode, don't worry, there won’t be any inside jokes; we’ll make sure that you’re in-the-know so that you can...
Published 02/28/18
Are you hungry for an answer to the meaning of success? My guest today is intimately familiar with that feeling and the journey… he’d been stuck for years, but broke through the paralysis to enjoy his life’s ambitions! Now I’m not saying that we’re going to solve all your problems in one hour, but we’re going to reveal what’s worked so well for my guest and those who follow his suggestions! Today’s show is all about breaking through the feelings that cause us to avoid creating our own...
Published 02/21/18
Miracle-mindedness? Sounds like some fancy magic potion, doesn’t it? Actually it’s the polar opposite. Miracle-mindedness is all about changing our minds about who and what we are so that we can learn to forgive everyone for all the bizarro things we seem to think we hear them say, and do. The things we “seem to think”…What on earth am I talking about? I’m talking about this week’s show creating an instant of doubt in your mind about all that we experience here in this world. At first...
Published 02/14/18
Miracle-mindedness? Sounds like some fancy magic potion, doesn’t it? Actually it’s the polar opposite.
Published 02/14/18
With Wall Street on a tear, and the bull market making fresh news everyday, it seems like there’s no end in sight. Today's show isn’t going to hype you up in one direction or another. Instead we’re going to avoid the rabbit hole altogether. My guest this week is a bonafide expert, a Certified Financial Planner, with literally over 2 decades of experience…that’s somewhere over 40-thousand hours, if you’re counting…that makes him an expert, by any measure! Gregg Suerez is here to help us...
Published 02/07/18
With Wall Street on a tear, and the bull market making fresh news everyday, it seems like there’s no end in sight. Today's show isn’t going to hype you up in one direction or another. Instead we’re going to avoid the rabbit hole altogether.
Published 02/07/18
Have you noticed how the online world seems to be all-consuming? Google IS search, Amazon dominates retail… heck, we don’t even bother with saying “dot com” for them anymore… or Facebook either. But wait, there’s more! There’s offline media… radio, TV, print, direct mail. And that’s what this week’s show is all about… understanding the rules that govern Direct Response when digital seems to be the direction everyone’s moving. It’s kind of like digital wants everyone to believe, “The...
Published 01/31/18
Have you noticed how the online world seems to be all-consuming? Google IS search, Amazon dominates retail… heck, we don’t even bother with saying “dot com” for them anymore… or Facebook either.
Published 01/31/18
In our last show we covered some of the real-world life and death struggles of dogs and training. In today's episode my guest, Gary Wilkes and I will take a much easier subject to discuss... training people... now that's a topic that Gary and I can talk about... nearly without end. But the point of the show will be how people, who desperately need to be trained, can really help our canine companions become more the more loving members of our family. So we're going to rip the covers off...
Published 01/24/18
In our last show we covered some of the real-world life and death struggles of dogs and training. In today's episode my guest, Gary Wilkes and I will take a much easier subject to discuss... training people...
Published 01/24/18
So you think I’m exaggerating when I say “life and death” and dog training? Have you ever had a dog chew through a plugged-in extension cord? It’s fatal. It happens more often than you think. That Norman Rockwell-esque picture you have in your head of man’s best friend doesn’t just happen all by itself. 99% of the time it’s the result of consistent, ongoing training. Then you’re far more likely to have a happy dog, who’s a polite member of your home, instead of a four-legged, snarling...
Published 01/17/18
After spending years in dugouts, locker-rooms and practice fields, my guest this week reveals that in-truth sports and real estate are really the same game! Already in his second appearance as a guest on Business Rules, Steve Russell has a depth of experience in sports and real estate that literally qualifies him as an expert in both. Join me as we unearth the similarities beween professional sports and being a real estate professional. I suggest you be prepared to laugh, to learn and to...
Published 01/10/18
Have you known exactly what you’ve always wanted to do since you were 13 years old, or earlier? I knew that I wanted to be in radio since I was 8 years old… long story that maybe we’ll talk about in this episode, but the real story here is how my guest, Michael Grimes, was bitten by the video production bug when he was just starting his teenage years, and how his focus and spirit moved him to be one of the most accomplished video producers in an over-crowded field. This weeks’ show is going...
Published 01/03/18
Are you a workaholic? Good question, huh? Today’s show is all about finding balance in a world that seems to be 24/7/365. My guest, Shaun Mahoney, and I are driven, successful, and somewhat obsessive-compulsive. And we know it. We work in very different ways, but totally identify with each other’s approach to how we work… and the things we try to do, to bring balance in our lives. Today’s show isn’t as much about telling you about any rules of business, but more about asking each other...
Published 12/27/17
If you’ve ever experienced what therapists call The Dark Night of the Soul, then you perhaps you understand how far down someone can get in hitting their bottom. We’re going to spend an hour exploring the power of love, and specifically how giving and receiving of unconditional love can help us each move past anxiety, depression, or any other emotional or spiritual malady. This hour of Business Rules is just a little different, but not really… each week we take the best of human experiences...
Published 12/20/17
So, you think you know everything there is to know in healthcare? Listen to what my guest Tina Clemmons has to say about thermal imaging; it’ll blow you away! She takes conventional consumer wisdom and cuts through all the myths about mammography to deliver a fresh new insight into the power and benefits of thermal imaging. You’ll be amazed at what you hear; you’ll want to Google nearly everything Tina tells you. And you’ll find out it’s all true! That’s how powerful breaking the rules...
Published 12/13/17
So, you're a gym rat! You go to a group fitness class once a week, you lift weights, you're doing cross-fit, or kick-boxing or Zumba, and you feel like you're kicking ass and taking names. Congratulations. Now sit down and listen to the one of the smartest fitness dudes on the planet who's uncovered the most beneficial ways for people to move to get fit and stay fit. My guest Brandon Harris has made humongous shifts in his fitness and how he trains and coaches others to get fit and stay fit....
Published 12/06/17
Want an hour of answers instead of questions? You’ve come to the right show this week! Business Rules with Peter Feinstein is featuring Dr. Cherylanne DeVita of DeVita International, which creates natural, vegan cosmetics and other personal care products for your body’s biggest organ; lighten up guys… it’s your skin! Think you already know the rules to skin care, bet you don’t. Quick test. Answer these questions: What’s a red-light ingredient? What is vegan vs vegetarian? What is the...
Published 11/29/17
In this week’s show we’re going to talk about business rules, from a different perspective: Parenting. It promises to be powerful, with a man who walks the walk everyday with his loving wife and two amazing daughters. Adam Warren is a multi-talented man you’ll come to appreciate for his sensitivity, caring and the brilliance of using “A Bear with Pants” as the catalyst for helping parents, teachers and children see that we can stop bullying anytime we truly want. His new book “A Bear With...
Published 11/22/17