Many singles come to this site in search of romance tips for Christian dating. Many are also surprised to find a Christian dating site giving out romance tips because, to them, the two simply don’t mix. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Navigating the world of dating can be a challenging experience for anyone. For Christians, there’s the added layer of finding a partner who not only complements you in personality and interests but also in faith. Integrating romance into...
Published 09/20/23
Wondering how to be rich? Did you know Christian singles  worry more about money than relationships? That’s crazy but true.   In most Christian dating relationships, money issues can cause lots of problems!  Even if we try not to worry about money, it can still find a way to sneak into many different areas of our lives to create stress and even cause relationship problems. In a world where materialism often overshadows spiritual beliefs, how can Christian singles work towards wealth without...
Published 09/19/23
Looking for biblical advice for marriage problems?  One of the most sacred institutions has been celebrated and revered across cultures and religions. For a Christian, the Bible serves as an invaluable guide on this journey. But how does a single Christian, yet to embark on this marital voyage, perceive and relay Biblical advice for marriage problems? Let’s dive into these waters, combining age-old scriptures with the fresh perspective of a Christian single. Marriage Through the Eyes of a...
Published 09/17/23
Don’t you just love that title? I do. Christian dating without losing your brain. Now there’s a novel thought. How many Christian dating singles have acted irrationally in pursuit of their perfect date? From Christian single girls who date bad guys, to dating mistakes by both guys and girls, it seems many need a little help in this area. And it’s especially the case with internet dating. Well. here’s some good news: in our Christian dating podcast of the month, Pastor Bob Gibson, of the...
Published 09/17/23
Finding great Christian dating tips can be challenging, especially when your faith plays a pivotal role in your life. For many Christians, dating isn’t just about finding someone they connect with, but also about honoring their relationship with God and following His plans for them. If you’re diving into the world of Christian dating, here are some valuable tips to ensure you navigate love without compromising your faith. 1. Begin with Prayer Starting with prayer is crucial. Before...
Published 09/16/23
Looking for great sex tips for Christians anyone? I know some of you may be thinking, “Great sex tips? Why in the world is the topic ‘great Christian sex tips’ on a Christian website?” Just chill, ok? Great Sex Tips-Why Talk About It? First of all, God created sex and He wants us to enjoy it to the max in the way in which he designed it. Second, just because the world has turned something God has blessed and called good into something ugly doesn’t mean we should not broach the subject....
Published 09/13/23
What’s the best Christian singles relationship advice you may ask? Christian singles often find themselves navigating the treacherous waters of dating in an increasingly secular world. They seek companionship, love, and understanding, just like everyone else. But, there’s an added layer of faith that can make this journey uniquely challenging and, at the same time, incredibly rewarding. This article offers relationship advice tailored for Christian singles, helping them to align their love...
Published 09/11/23
Learning how to enjoy living alone as a single Christian is a great way to grow as a person as you wait on God for the “ONE”.Living alone can be a mixed bag of experiences. For the single Christian, it can offer moments of deep spiritual reflection, but at times can also evoke feelings of loneliness. However, the Bible reminds us that solitude can be a period of growth and deepening our relationship with God. Embracing solitude while harnessing the benefits of single living can make this...
Published 09/10/23
Who can forget that first kiss? Remember? I know some of us have yet to experience that first kiss but be patient. A first kiss is well worth the wait if done at the right time, place, and way. Many unbelievers and not a few single Christian singles may be surprised to find first kiss tips in the Bible. Fact is one of the most romantic love songs ever, The Song of Solomon, speaks about the thrill of that first kiss and the first signs of attraction between and man and a woman. Listen, you can...
Published 09/09/23
Learning how to deal with peer pressure is essential if one is to grow in the Christian faith.  Being a Christian single person comes with a lot of peer pressure. There is peer pressure inside and outside of the church. It’s amazing how much peer pressure is put on single Christians to conform to other Christians’s wishes and ways of living. And how about those singles outside the church? Peer pressure can come from these singles as well in areas such as dating, finances, and workplace...
Published 09/07/23
Learning how to forgive a cheater is one of the most difficult things in life. When I was a Family Court mediator teaching how to forgive was one of the most important things we taught. Yeah, that includes learning how to forgive a jerk, abuser, or user. Why? Learning how to forgive speeds the healing process, and prepares for future, healthy boyfriend/girlfriend dating relationships. Conversely, a lack of forgiveness brings bitterness and additional suffering. Cheating is one of the deepest...
Published 09/06/23
A significant part of the Christian single life consists of fighting temptation. When we think of fighting temptation as a single Christian, many of us think of battling sexual impurity. But fighting temptation as single Christians is not just about sex. Being single and Christian in the modern world is an exhilarating journey, characterized by unique challenges, personal growth, and rewarding experiences. At the center of this journey lies a common thread for many Christian singles: the...
Published 09/05/23
What are the signs of a soulmate, you may ask? Is there really such a thing from a Christian dating perspective?  For many Christian singles, finding a soulmate isn’t just about locating someone compatible. It’s about finding someone with whom God’s plan aligns. The term “soulmate” isn’t directly mentioned in the Bible. Still, scriptures provide hints of divinely orchestrated relationships, such as Adam and Eve or Ruth and Boaz. For Christians, discerning the signs of a soulmate often merges...
Published 09/03/23
Many Christian singles suffer from a fear of intimacy in their dating relationships. Sadly, this very fear is what keeps many people single. Intimacy. This simple word encapsulates a profound human need—to be known, accepted, and loved for who we truly are. Yet, many Christian singles find themselves wrestling with a fear of intimacy in dating relationships. This apprehension is not merely about physical closeness but delves deep into emotional and spiritual bonds. It’s about...
Published 08/31/23
Ever ask yourself: Am I a sex addict? Know any Christian single-sex addicts? The fact of the matter is if we believe what George Barna writes about the sexual practices of Christians, there are probably many sex addicts in the church who could use a good sex addicts anonymous small group.   Many of these folks have sufferin much pain, shame, and guilt, feeling they have nowhere to dump the burdens of their hearts. Sexual desire is an intrinsic part of the human experience. It’s what drives...
Published 08/28/23
“How to Stop Porn Addiction” is a popular search term among  That’s because many Christian single men and women struggle with pornography and its negative effects. In fact, surveys show 25% of pastors suffer from some form of porn addiction.  His addiction not only poses spiritual dilemmas but also impacts his mental and emotional well-being. The fact is, having a porn addiction will also keep a single Christian man or woman seeking marriage from developing godly relationships with the...
Published 08/28/23
Best sex tips and tricks for Christian singles? Well, okay, maybe the words in the title “Best Sex Tip” is a little bit over the top, but I happen to know Christian singles are desperately looking for some straight talk on how they can balance the fact that God created them to be both sexual and holy beings. Sexuality is a vital aspect of human existence, intricately woven into our identity, relationships, and spirituality. For Christian singles, navigating the waters of sexuality can be...
Published 08/23/23
Looking to live with purpose as a single Christian girl or guy? Whether single or married, almost all people desire to find purpose, to discover where they “fit in” to this thing we call life. It’s so sad that there are so many people out there who are not living with purpose and have no reason to get up each morning. Would you fall into this category? In today’s fast-paced, relationship-centric culture, the value of singlehood is often overshadowed by the allure of romantic partnerships....
Published 08/21/23
Making the most of changes and managing transitions in our lives is often a difficult thing to do, but essential if one is to prosper in this life. How do you manage transitions in your life? Life’s transitions and changes can be a great opportunity, but also a threat. Managing Transitions as Singles If you are having a rough go managing the transition and making the most of change, you are not alone. The fact is singles go through more life changes and transitions than married folks in the...
Published 08/20/23
Looking to know God’s will for your life and the one you like? Most of us would admit that we are a little confused about how to find God’s will for our lives, especially when it comes to finding  Mr. Right or Miss Right. Finding love is a journey that many Christian singles embark upon. Yet, how do we understand and navigate God’s will in a potential romantic relationship, especially when it involves feelings for a crush? Here’s a comprehensive guide that will help Christian singles like...
Published 08/14/23
Perhaps one of the greatest fears single Christians face is the fear of being alone forever. Some of us fear being alone as we contemplate the possibility of growing lonely, old, and sick. I know of one single gal who actually works herself into an anxiety attack as she thinks about the fear of being alone. Yet, she paradoxically also has a fear of commitment. Go figure. Understanding the Fear of being alone The fear of being alone forever is a common concern that plagues many individuals...
Published 08/12/23
As single Christians, knowing marriage builders tips while dating will lay the foundation for a healthy marriage relationship when you’re ready to make that commitment. Having worked in Family Court, I’ve seen lots of unhappy and unhealthy marriage relationships that sure could have used marriage builders tips. Not surprisingly, a recent University of Wisconsin study revealed that over 90% of our future happiness is related to the kind of mate we choose to date or marry. Therefore, having a...
Published 08/06/23
What does the Bible say about Divorce and remarriage? Divorce and remarriage is a hot issue in many evangelical churches. What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage? Can a Christian single man and woman remarry? This is a confusing issue because many Christian singles have been through a divorce. Divorce and remarriage are topics that have been debated and analyzed throughout history, but one common source that many people turn to for guidance is the Bible. The...
Published 08/04/23