Final Fantasy was originally the "swan song" for then, SquareSoft, now known as Square Enix, as they were about to become bankrupt. Hence the name, "Final Fantasy." Final Fantasy 1 was released in December of 1987. It became a smash hit which spawned numerous entries within the franchise. Fast forward to 1994, the "golden" era of 16bit games. Final Fantasy 6, known as Final Fantasy 3 in America, has become one of the most talked about entries and viewed as a must have in the SNES library....
Published 07/16/21
Published 07/16/21
Mike, Dan and Joe are joined by composer, Rich Vreeland aka Disasterpeace, to discuss his experience about the production and playthrough of the game. It goes without saying how incredibly humbling it was to have Rich on the show. We hope you enjoy your...
Published 03/12/21
After it's departure from various online retailers in 2014, the re-release of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World have the gamers rejoicing to commemorate its ten year anniversary. Mike, Jake, Neal and Joe fans of everything related to Scott Pilgrim, willingly...
Published 02/08/21
It has been a "minute" since a point and click adventure game was discussed on the show. Mike, Lili, and Dan discuss Artifex Mundi's title, My Brother Rabbit. It's a story revolving around a brother trying to comfort his sister due to an illness by...
Published 12/14/20
The beat 'em up genre continues! Jake Baker, guest on Streets of Rage 4, comes back to discuss an anime infused girl power centered RPG like fighting game that has "flown" under the radar. Prior to the main discussion, Jake talks about his progress...
Published 09/15/20
It has been 26 years since the last iteration from this well-known Sega born franchise. Skepticism shrouded around the first trailer back in 2018 along with wonderment on whether not this was simply a cash grab or a game developed with passion and care....
Published 05/29/20
Published 06/18/19
Whackin' People Off
Published 04/18/19
Published 03/08/19
“Mobile Delight” – It's rarity that a mobile game gets discussed on the podcast, but the buzz surrounding this charming game was hard to pass up. Enjoy the episode!
Published 03/08/19
Published 01/31/19
“BOY.” – When God of War was announced for the PS4 the reception among the guys was lackluster due to that its previous nature was "samey" and tired of the two-dimensional character. Upon its release, the word spread fast how God of War is easily one of the best PS4 games. Listen as to why the guys say the hype is real. Enjoy the episode.
Published 01/31/19
Published 05/22/18
“Lucha-tastic!” – In 1994, Super Metroid, the popular and highly regarded SNES title, still plays a major impact in the video game industry. Not as its own entity, but it has inspired developers to use its formula with their own spin. Drinkbox Studios did just with their light-heartedness take on Mexican culture where the player controls an El Luchador to save the president’s daughter from an evil skeleton donning a mariachi suit, Carlos Calaca. The guys look forward to the sequel which is...
Published 05/22/18
Published 05/04/18
“Try this new penis out" - World War II is without a doubt one of the most famous wars in American history. Though, how many times in video games – even film – can that story be told and not become flat? Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, the sequel to The New Order, takes that war infused with advanced technology and turns it upside down: the Nazis are the victors. With its ‘colorful’ characters and engaging narrative, The New Colossus is a concoction of absurdity but yet manages to ‘ground’ its...
Published 05/04/18
Published 04/03/18
“Swept under the rug" - With its release back in November 2016, Dishonored 2 didn’t necessarily have the gravitas for an immediate day one purchase. It offers more of what the first Dishonored game gave the audience, but with a few gameplay tweaks, beautiful art and set design, the second installment has proven to be a delightful successor for the gents.
Published 04/03/18
Published 02/08/18
“ah crap" - Naughty Dog’s capability of providing a quality product to the gamers goes without question. Its latest installment, Uncharted 4, received mixed reactions at its E3 reveal. The reliance on previously established franchises from the prior generation of consoles came with some fatigue. Though, the question at hand was, did there need to be another Uncharted game? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. And not only that, it’s the better, if not the best, of the franchise. Listen to see if...
Published 02/08/18
“30 Years” – 2017 was and is a milestone for several reasons: a newly released Zelda entry, the first Zelda title hit store shelves, SEVENTY episodes and FIVE years of yours truly. Needless to say it was a time to celebrate. With that in mind, we chose a game that kicked off the title into stardom not only for itself, but for future games to come. We felt that it was appropriate to add a couple more guests to the show, Joe Wood and Matt White, to talk about this beloved title and franchise....
Published 01/19/18
Published 12/18/17
“Underwater Journey” – In this episode, the guys chat about Giant Squid’s visually sumptuous title, Abzû. Through and through, the game feels familiar with its visual presentation and the gameplay mechanics. Even with that said, the guys still found their aquatic adventure still worth the time even if it doesn’t reach the highest of highs. Enjoy the episode!
Published 12/18/17