What does it mean to settle? Is accepting someone as they are the same thing as settling? This episode breaks down the difference between the two in dating and relationships, and why practicing acceptance is so important. I also get to a few questions about this topic in the episode that you asked me on Instagram! Connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/dating.intentionally/ Get my dating troubleshooting guide: http://eepurl.com/ihTMYj Get instant access to my course on identifying...
Published 03/12/24
5 juicy dating questions we get into: Should you give someone a chance to change/prove themself? How do you know if you’re aligned after 3 months of dating? What’s the best way to communicate after a first date? What do you do if your friends don’t like your partner? If you live in Brooklyn can you date someone in NJ? Ilana also talks about how she met her fiance on Hinge! It’s a great story.  Connect with Ilana on IG Slide into my DMs @dating.intentionally Get more on the blog About...
Published 03/08/24
If you just started seeing them and you're having doubts, this episode might confirm (or deny) what your gut is telling you. These 10 signs don't mean a new relationship will 100% not work out, but if one or more are present, then that's going to be a potentially painful relationship for you to be in.  Don't forget to rate, subscribe and follow Dating Intentionally! Connect with me on IG: @dating.intentionally More on the blog: intentionally.dating
Published 03/05/24
Why is asking for our needs to be met so scary? And how can we be our own secure base? These are the two main questions I explored with guest Rikki Cloos, who wrote an amazing book called Anxious Hearts Guide. We talk about what's happening when our anxious attachment is activated, what to do when we feel anxious in early dating situations, what's normal to need in a relationship and how to create more emotional safety for ourselves in dating. Rikki also talks about how she ended up in a...
Published 03/01/24
Don't you hate it when you meet someone amazing, but their kissing skills aren't up to par? Don't worry. There are ways to address this. In this episode, I'm sharing different ways to handle a "bad" kisser and how to make sure YOU aren't the one whose kissing skills need work. I also talk about how to ask for consent before kissing without making it awkward.  Get my new free Dating Troubleshooting Guide!  Connect with me on IG: @dating.intentionally More on the blog:...
Published 02/27/24
Do you feel like you have no idea how to flirt? Does flirting feel awkward? Benjamin Camras, aka The Flirt Coach, shares his best tips for getting started with flirting, even if you have no idea how to do it. We discuss the five dimensions of the flirt, the four different flirting styles and how to use body language in a subtle way to flirt in real life, without feeling awkward. Flirting is a skill you can learn!  Get my date tracker!  Follow Benjamin Camras: @benjamincamras Connect with...
Published 02/23/24
I get so many questions about what to do when the check comes at the end of the date. The easy answer is, that whoever asks is who pays. However, it goes so much deeper when it comes to heterosexual dating. In this episode, I deep dive into the reasons why women believe men should pay and why men are increasingly bitter about it. What we're experiencing now in dating is the growing pains of traditional courtship between men and women catching up with the progression towards gender equality...
Published 02/20/24
Do you feel like you have to wait until you lose weight to start dating? Are your feelings about your looks holding you back from getting on the apps or putting yourself out there? In this episode, I talk to Leah Kern, and anti-diet dietitian, about how to approach realistically improving your body image. Because you can't go from hating how you look to loving your body overnight. Leah shares so many helpful tips and insights for getting started on improving your body image so you can date...
Published 02/16/24
We need to stop chasing sparks in dating! Just because you don't feel a spark does not mean that connection is doomed. In this episode, I talk about what the spark is and what it isn't, and why we feel attracted to some people and not others. I focus heavily on tips for building chemistry in early dating, but with the caveat that chemistry alone can't carry a long-term relationship. That's where compatibility comes in.  Slide into my DMs on IG: @dating.intentionally Read the blog:...
Published 02/13/24
In this episode, I talk to veteran dating expert Evan Marc Katz about all things early dating! We get into why your confidence is the first thing to work on in your dating journey, tips for moving on from a past relationship you’re still stuck on and why you might be having a hard time finding men you actually like. I also had Evan give his take on one of my Instagram posts which he kindly disagreed with so it was fun to get into that more and hear his point of view. Evan's free guide: 7...
Published 02/09/24
On this episode of Dating Intentionally, you'll hear our engagement story (including a real-life nightmare scenario) from my fiance, Johnny, and how he selected a ring for me! I also talk about why I proposed back to him and how I chose a ring for him as well. At the top of the episode, you'll hear a mini tangent about Valentine's Day and the importance of communicating your expectations around dates and gifts.  Where Johnny got my ring: Adiamor Where I got his ring: Richter Scale...
Published 02/06/24
Yes, you can work on healing your attachment wounds even if you're not in a relationship. I got to talk to Julie Menanno about her new book, Secure Love, and how to apply its insights even if you're single. Julie and I cover steps to healing attachment if you don't work with a therapist and how to tune into your body to figure out what you need when you feel anxious, and what's at the root of your emotions. We also talk about spotting the negative cycle in early dating, the healthy way to...
Published 02/02/24
Are you following your intuition and trusting your gut feelings, or are you self-sabotaging? In this episode, I talk about why we self-sabotage and how it’s different than trusting your gut. I get into eight different ways we get in our own way and tips for tapping into your intuition more. I’m also sharing a very exciting update on my relationship!
Published 01/30/24
Not sure how to get your needs met in the bedroom? Feel awkward talking about sex with someone new? Abigail from @vibeslut and I get into how to talk about sex and navigate new experiences with new partners with confidence and ease. Abigail provides so many practical, realistic tips for good sex and great communication in this episode.  Abigail is a pleasure-positive and dating comedy content creator based in Los Angeles. With a background in stand-up comedy and writing for...
Published 01/26/24
Have you heard of the whole feminine and masculine energy framework in dating? If you haven’t, I’m sharing examples of the type of dating advice you’d hear if you go down the rabbit hole of tapping into your feminine energy to attract a masculine man. In this episode, I cover why this dating advice makes dating more complicated and causes us to overthink. There’s one part of this advice I do like, which I talk about as well. At the end of the day, you get to try different styles of dating...
Published 01/23/24
In this episode, I got to talk to dating creator and author Lauren Josephine about what she learned during her decade-long dating journey and going on over 200 dates until she met her current boyfriend in an unexpected place online. We get into how to recover from situationships and fantasy relationships that don’t pan out, how she got over the ick with her bf, bad advice she took in her journey and the mindset that works if you want to delete dating apps. Lauren provides so many useful...
Published 01/19/24
Do you get first date anxiety? This episode walks you through each step of a first date, from confirming the time to deciding if you're going to hug or kiss at the end. I also share tips for having fun conversations on first dates, as well as having a solid mindset so you don't let your anxiety run the show. At the end, I'm sharing your awkward first date stories with my boyfriend, Johnny. Connect with me on Instagram @dating.intentionally and read more on my blog: intentionally.dating
Published 01/16/24
In this episode, I'm talking to Julia from the Pretty Much Done podcast. We cover how to deal with comparing yourself to people in relationships, how to navigate being single when you thought you’d be married with kids by now and what the path to self-acceptance looks like. We also get into her dating life a bit in Austin, Texas and how she’s experimenting with meeting people in the wild. If you’re single and struggling or you’re thinking about getting out of a relationship where you know...
Published 01/12/24
In this episode, I'm talking to dating app expert Genny Diehl about how to increase your matches, improve your profile and go on more dates. You'll get tips you can use right away and learn insights Genny has picked up from using the apps for years and going on hundreds of dates.  About Genny: Genny Diehl (@DatingCoachDiehl) is your go-to expert on all things dating apps. As a "digital native" gen-zer, her fresh perspective has guided thousands of singles across age and experiences into...
Published 01/05/24
Could 2024 be your year to find a secure, long-term relationship? These are my top 10 dating tips for finding an amazing match (without compromising your mental health) in 2024. From building an amazing life on your own to embracing your search for love, these tips will have the highest impact on your dating life. At the end of the episode, I share a fun personal update. Connect with me on Instagram @dating.intentionally and check out the blog and more resources at https://intentionally.dating/
Published 12/29/23
Are they love bombing you or are they just eager about the connection? This episode breaks down the signs of love bombing, concrete examples, why people love bomb in the first place and how to remove yourself from a relationship with a love bomber. I also get into genuine interest and how it’s different. You’ll hear from a few love-bombing stories from Dating Intentionally listeners too. Get show notes and more at intentionally.dating or connect with me on Instagram @dating.intentionally.
Published 12/22/23
Not sure what to do when they keep texting you, but won’t ask you out? What about what to say to a ghoster? Or what should you expect after you’ve gone out a few times? This episode has you covered. Listen and learn about texting etiquette, what to expect, what to say and what not to say when texting someone you just started dating. Have questions? Reach out to me on Instagram @dating.intentionally. You can also grab my date tracker and 9 post-date questions on my site: intetionally.dating/gift.
Published 12/15/23
Have you ever dated someone for a while and wondered, ”what are we?” Going from just dating to ”boyfriend” and ”girlfriend” or whatever labels you want to use can feel terrifying. This episode covers how and when to have the DTR (define the relationship) convo and who to have it with. I’m also getting into what happens if they’re not on the same page, and if you should wait for the guy to initiate the conversation.
Published 12/08/23
Do you ever feel totally apathetic about dating? Or like just the idea of going on a date feels irritating? You might be experiencing dating burnout. In this episode, I talk about how dating burnout and fatigue happen and how to heal from it. You aren’t alone! Connect with me on Instagram @dating.intentionally.
Published 12/01/23
Scenario: you’re on date #2 with someone and they seem fine, but you’re not sure if you should keep seeing them. This podcast breaks down the three things to look for when trying to figure out if someone is a good match for a potential relationship in early-stage dating. Have questions? DM me on Instagram @dating.intentionally.
Published 11/24/23