In Episode 164, we talk to Dr. Mike Israetel about both the benefits and perils of the wealth information on health, fitness, nutrition and performance available on social media and other accessible sources.  While it should not be difficult to find good, well-researched, common-sense information on these subjects, people still appear to be attracted to unproven trends, online gurus, charismatic influencers and methods that are simply not effective.  Dr. Israetel gives us many solid...
Published 04/11/24
In Episode 163, we engage Ben Newman about his approach to coaching some of the top sports teams, business organizations and leaders over the last 20 years.  Ben gives us a breakdown of what motivates him to help push the top performers to greater heights, as well as keeping them at the top of their game for the long term.  Some of the most successful outcomes were the result of a combination of pain and challenges experienced by individuals who find a way to develop greater resiliency to...
Published 03/28/24
Published 03/28/24
In Episode 162, we discuss the close connection between physical training, personal fitness and overall health and fitness with Sean Pastuch.  A key concept covered in this interview is the process of identifying key traits in clients – including mind-set, commitment and focus – that will ensure that they are successful in their efforts to improve their physical abilities and, ultimately, their overall health and performance.  This approach also helps you to design your business around...
Published 03/12/24
In Episode 161, we are joined by Dr. David Rabin to talk about his involvement in the creation of an innovative wearable device that helps individuals manage their nervous systems responses and encourage relaxation and calm through tactile vibration, similar to the sensation of touch. Through his research and work with Apollo Neuro, Dr. Rabin has developed an accessible wearable technology device that produces a spectrum of frequencies that can be used to create a relaxing response that can...
Published 01/31/24
In Episode 160, we are joined by Emily McDonald who engages us on the topic of neuroscience and its involvement in health and wellness. We start with a discussion on the nervous system and how it impacts anxiety, and then explore the negative effects of social media on brain function and overall mental health. Regular exercise can provide a more natural outlet for mental focus, but also help to regulate healthy releases of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. The conversation also covers...
Published 01/28/24
In Episode 159, we sit down with Lee Boyce. Lee begins by going into detail on how he got into the coaching and personal training field following his sport and athletic pursuits. One of the qualities that remained constant throughout Lee’s development as a coach, trainer and educator was the ability to communicate and connect with clients and other professionals. This ability to communicate extends to his affinity for writing, whether it is providing articles for other publications or...
Published 01/17/24
In Episode 158, we discuss training with Ben Bruno. We discuss Ben’s training philosophy, as well as the time and effort that goes into providing the best training programs for both his individual one-on-one clients, as well as his virtual client base. He explains his basic business model and how his disciplined approach to working hard and serving his clients made him successful, relevant and resilient. Expanding his business to online training services – while many people may think it...
Published 11/16/23
In Episode 157, we are fortunate to get some time speaking with Matt Wenning. Although Matt has tremendous experience in the sport of powerlifting and the physical preparation of athletes, he also has extensive experience in the restoration, repair and engineering of motor vehicles. We talk about his current automotive projects, as well as how he translates those skills and concepts to strength training. The details of Matt’s education and career development are inspiring, as well as his...
Published 10/24/23
In Episode 156, we sit down with owner of Strong New York, Kenny Santucci, to learn more about his upcoming Fitness and Wellness Expo on November 18, 2023, as well as learn more about the mind behind ‘Strong New York.’ Kenny has built the Strong New York Fitness Expo in just a few years to become one of the most sought after events in the country. We talk about Kenny’s development in the business of strength, fitness and wellness, as well as how he is now know to be one of the best at...
Published 10/05/23
In Episode 154, Don and Derek discuss the simplicity and efficacy of running as a fitness modality. We have seen the shift to other forms of aerobic fitness training over the last few decades, with many options available to individuals looking to improve aerobic conditioning, improve body composition and manage stress in their lives. But few people know how to assemble a sound running program and may be intimidated by the challenge of using running as a primary fitness tool. Don and Derek...
Published 09/27/23
In Episode 154, we talk with Jacqueline Kasen about her incredible pursuit of climbing the world’s highest mountains. We learn about her comprehensive fitness preparation for such an adventure, but also some of the setbacks she has endured as part of such a lofty goal. Jacqueline discusses all of the challenges she has faced with these types of expeditions including the thin air at altitude, the unforgiving weather, the lack of showers and other conveniences, team cohesion and the ever...
Published 09/15/23
Episode 153 is spent talking with Louisa Nicola to discuss various factors that influence our brain health. We cover all areas of health and performance as it relates to exercise, sleep and nutrition and the impact – both good and bad – on the brain. Louisa Nicola is a neurophysiologist and human performance coach, as well as the founder and head performance advisor of Neuro Athletics - a consulting firm that boasts the best athletes in the world. By using science driven data from EEG...
Published 08/21/23
In Episode 152, we sit down with Dr. Ralph Esposito to discuss various issues around human nutrition and how it impacts both our quality of life and longevity. We cover numerous areas of health and nutrition including daily protein requirements, micronutrient consumption, calorie counting, body composition, body-fat versus visceral fat, food costs and energy drinks. It was the kind of conversation that could just keep going on and on, but we had to be mindful of Dr. Esposito’s time. Ralph...
Published 08/04/23
In Episode 151, we talk with Geena Martinez about her foray into a golf influencer role, bringing very little previous experience to the table. A late adopter to the sport, Geena learned relatively quickly that golf was a valuable tool for cementing business relationships and broadening her corporate network. But she also grew to love everything about the sport to a point where she is now known as a golf ambassador and a positive role model for people who are encouraged to take up the sport...
Published 06/23/23
Episode 150, we get the opportunity to interview Dr. Ricardo Komotar in between his numerous appointments. Ricardo tells us that he always wanted to be a brain surgeon from a very early age. The brain has always fascinated him. He explains that assessments and imaging can be useful in identifying potential problems in the brain, but too much screening can also be problematic. We also discuss various risk factors for tumor formation in the brain, with an emphasis on the role of nutrition,...
Published 05/30/23
Episode 149, we get an opportunity to talk with Chris Duffin about his lifelong journey of improving the strength, performance and wellness of individuals and teams through his innovations in both equipment and programming. Chris begins our conversation with a discussion of his development as a human being from a very young age, and how it drove him to constantly improve physically, mentally and professionally. Our discussion quickly moves into his innovations in the strength equipment field,...
Published 04/27/23
Frank Sepe joins us in Episode 148 to talk about his commitment to bodybuilding from a very young age, as well as the career development he has experienced for well over 30 years. Frank’s career has spanned several generations and he provides us with some great stories about the people he has worked with along the way. At age 51, Frank continues to lead by example in the art and science of bodybuilding, but also other areas of health and fitness through his social media, publishing and many...
Published 04/11/23
Episode 147 of the podcast was recorded with a group of coaching professionals attending a coaching leadership event at Vigor Ground Fitness & Performance in Renton, Washington. The group included Luka Hocevar, Kelsey Heenan, Dennis Heenan, Andrew Coates and our very own Don Saladino. The focus of the discussion was on nurturing the business side of the fitness industry and connecting with potential followers and clients. Each contributor has their own individual method of connecting...
Published 03/15/23
In Episode 146, Don and Derek have a serious talk about how their training has evolved as they have aged, particularly as it relates to weightlifting and resistance training. Younger athletes and individuals are able to lift heavy weight more frequently for many reasons. Not only do they tend to have more time available to dedicate to exercise, they also have more supple and resilient bodies that can handle just about any training load and intensity. As you age, you find that you have...
Published 02/28/23
In Episode 145, we are fortunate to be joined once again by John Callery, who has since retired from the DEA and is now working in the field of school safety. John is the Director of School Safety Operations for Surefox North America and will be presenting at an upcoming International School Safety Institute Symposium on April 19-20, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In our interview with John, he discusses all of the major steps required to make our schools safer. This includes comprehensive...
Published 02/04/23
In Episode 144, Don and Derek begin their visit by discussing the recent medical incident that occurred in the NFL with the Buffalo Bills player, Damar Hamlin. Hamlin went into cardiac arrest immediately after making a tackle and had to be resuscitated by medical staff using CPR and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Fortunately, Hamlin has made a fabulous recovery from the event and is gradually returning to normal life. However, it does lead into a greater discussion of the...
Published 01/19/23
Episode 143 has us revisiting with Dr. Nikos Apostolopoulos on the topic of stretching and, in particular, his proprietary brand of microStretching. Stretching is an activity that has been misunderstood and, in many cases, improperly applied to physical training and rehabilitation. If performed properly, stretching can help to alleviate pain, improve range of motion and hasten recovery. Nikos takes us through all of the benefits of proper stretching, as well as outline some guidelines around...
Published 01/10/23
In Episode 142, we engage Dr. Nick Nwabueze on the issue of healthcare and fitness. Dr. Nick provides us with his thoughts on the current state of healthcare and how he provides medical care to his patients. While many in the field treat symptoms in a reactive manner, Dr. Nick is adamant that a large proportion of these medical issues could be resolved with appropriate preventative measures related to diet and exercise. However, many doctors are not equipped to recommend nutrition and fitness...
Published 12/23/22
In Episode 141, we speak with one of Derek’s fellow Canadians, Andrew Coates. Andrew takes us through his career journey and highlights the importance of every single connection he has made over the years, expanding his network of both friends and fellow professionals. His enthusiasm for the fitness industry, as well as his persistent approach to establishing relationships is what has served him well over his career. Andrew Coates was born and raised in Newfoundland, but now makes...
Published 12/10/22