Published 06/20/23
In this episode I talk about the three buckets f health and my top tips on making improvements in each. 
Published 06/20/23
We all have to deal with our biggest obstacle... ourselves. We have all been there before when we want something like greater health or more fitness but do things that keep us from getting closer to those goals. So how do we deal with this back and forth in our heads. In this episode I discuss how ambivalence is normal and 5 things we can do to fight against it. 
Published 06/05/23
Every found yourself elbow deep in a bag of chips realizing you just ate the whole family sized bag and wonder how you got there? It happens to all of us at some point. What we don't realize is that action didn't just happen there in the moment, there were many other little actions and habits that lead to that moment. If we want to cut down on overeating, snacking and make better food choices we need to learn how to identify what led to that moment and then break the chain. 
Published 05/10/23
As a nutrition and CrossFit Coach, I hear a lot of chatter about the newest fad diet or thing that somebody read on Instagram that will help them get lean and fit. These misconceptions take on a life of their own and begin to mislead people who are trying to make a difference in their life. In this episode I break down 5 of the most common mispcneptions I hear at the gym and give a response to all of them. 
Published 04/26/23
As of late, I have seen lots of people doing diets and nutrition challenges. These things are not bad to do but there is a better way especially if your goal is to make lasting change. A more sustainable approach isn't as exciting as one of thes challenges but it actually works. Give this episode a listen if you want to learn about a more effective approach to nutrition and fitness. 
Published 04/12/23
Having a set exercise/ movement practice is key for building fitness. There are many variables at play that determine the quality of your fitness routine. Listen to this episode to learn more about how you can get more out of your routine. 
Published 03/28/23
Getting fit and lean is simple. There are basic practices when done consistently that will lead to progress with our health fitness and nutriton. If the process is so simple then why does it feel hard to follow? Usually we get in our own way. In this episode I will go over 4 common pitfalls that get in the way of keeping things simple and what you can do to avoid them. 
Published 02/28/23
Ever been dissapointed with your results? We all have at some point. What can we do about it? Focus on outcome-based decision making. As a coach the biggest fault I find is people not understanding the relationship of their actions and their outcomes. In this episode I dive into the importance of understanding the affect of our actions on our outcomes and what we can do to make positive changes. 
Published 02/15/23
This episode builds off of Episode #41 and goes over why having a plan and being intentional with your nutrition makes all the difference. I talk about being intentional when it comes to HOW to eat and WHAT to eat. 
Published 01/31/23
I've learned over my years of training and coaching that we experience more struggles than we do success. This is just the reality of the journey. The issue here is that people fail to embrace this concept and give up once they run into challenges. In this episode I dive into this idea and give some practical ways to keep moving forward when things get tough. 
Published 01/17/23
The overwhelming majority of New Years resolution fail. Most people set out expecting change to happen in the New Year but never approach their goals with the right mindset which leads to failure. I talk about 6 different things you can do to start this New Year right and give you a chance to get moving towards betetr health and fitness in 2023. 
Published 01/03/23
I talk with Coach James Scharnick about why consistency and intensity are important for your workouts and how each of those affects the other. This episode will help you understand the relationship between the two and how you can apply these principles in your own workouts. 
Published 12/27/22
Ever get confused by all the conflicting information out there about nutrition? In this episode I break down what habits are most important for getting lean and staying lean. The goal of the nutrition pyramid is to clear up all the confusion and help you understand what actually works. 
Published 12/06/22
Epsiode #55 is a rerelease of Epsiode #31. I talk about putting together a game plan to get through the holidays. This is the time of the year where most people give up on their health and fitness but it doesn't have to be this way! This episode is packed with good idea to get you through the holidays while still enjoying yourself. 
Published 11/22/22
Eat on purpose is a mantra I use to describe how we should all approach nutrition. In this episode I go over and external tool we can all use to build awareness with our nutrition and help us move clse to that goal of eating on purpose. 
Published 11/08/22
Motivation is not a fixed trait. No matter how motivated you are, you can build it over time. Tune into this epsiode to learn the difference between motivation and enthusiasm and how to build motivation to help you move closer towards your goals. 
Published 10/12/22
In this episode, I talk about 5 practices that you can start now that lead to sustainable changes in your life. When we focus on these 5 habits we are empowered to make changes and be reslient in the face of the obstacles that we run into on our fitness and nutrition journeys. 
Published 09/15/22
We all know about fad diets and how they are suppossedly magical. It seems like we hear about a new one every year whether that be through instagram or the latest nutrition documentary on Netflix. In this epsiode I break down what's actually happening when you follow these diets and I give a more practical approach to nutrition. 
Published 08/25/22
Our reward depends on our effort. This episode builds off of the last couple episodes where we talk about self-responsibility, identifying the level of effort we are putting in and figuring out what we can do to improve. We all need tough love and honesty if we truly want to make improvements. 
Published 08/12/22
People WANT change but never really sit down to figure out where they are at both physically and mentally. If you don't have a solid starting point based in reality, then it doesn't matter how much you want change, it just won't happen. In this episode we dive into an activity from Precision Nutrition that will help you get clear on what it is you want, if you are willing to take the necessary action steps, and do you have the resources to make it happen. 
Published 07/26/22
Tough love... we all need it from time to time. In this epeisode I reference and Instagram post by Dr. Layne Norton that goes over what people think stops progress vs. what actually stops progress. 
Published 07/12/22
The first part of this episode is all about hydration, why it's important and how to stay hydrated. The second part is about what we drink and why it's important. 
Published 06/23/22
A common misonception amongst people is that hunger s an emergency and if you are hungry then you are doing something wrong. On this epsiode I talk about why we get hungry and what we ca do to manage hunger especially if the goal is to lose weight. 
Published 06/07/22
Not happy with your results? Have you been spinning your wheels? Sometimes we have to be brutally honest woht ourselves and look in the mirror and ask ourselves: am I actually trying? Tune into episode 45 to learn more. 
Published 05/24/22