Join Here: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie
Published 12/06/22
Practice this technique everyday if you can. Notice how you feel after just 13 minutes of slowing down and taking care of yourself.  Join me for a live meditation here: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 10/26/22
Sign Up Here for our Group Meditation Sessions: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie  Speak with Scott:  https://www.scottstemarie.com/coaching  Join the Newsletter: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 10/18/22
Speak with Scott: https://www.scottstemarie.com/coaching Join our Community: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 10/11/22
Whether or not you subscribe to any religion or belief in God, that’s completely irrelevant. As you are the architect of your life, how are you building it? How are you presenting yourself to others? What if you were building your life FOR this all loving, omnipotent, benevolent creature? How would your life change? Join me and everyone in our live weekly meditation sessions: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 10/03/22
Join us for our weekly meet-ups and support this podcast: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie
Published 10/02/22
Start with where you are - and then, write ONE thing you can change that would be good for YOU. Is it something to stop or start? Something to take away or add to your life? Join our meditation and support group: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 09/21/22
Sign Up Here: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie
Published 09/19/22
Unlock 100+ videos and meditations and join our live meditation Zoom sessions https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 09/06/22
If you're looking to connect with others and really feel heard and understood, meet me and everyone on Zoom here: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 08/30/22
Are you enjoying the ad/sponsor free episodes? Consider visiting my new Patreon page to unlock 80+ videos, meditations and to join us on Zoom. Click here: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie
Published 08/18/22
Mentioned at the end of this episode: If you're looking to connect with others and really feel heard and understood, meet me and everyone on Zoom here: https://www.scottstemarie.com/meditationandconnection
Published 08/02/22
Is your mind really worthy of such admiration, attention and energy? In this episode on the Being Human Podcast I share a simple meditation and simple examples as to why you don't have to believe everything you think. Worshiping the mind is a thankless task. FREE ANXIETY VIDEO SERIES: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 06/14/22
What do I do when nothing seems to work? All of the those tools just don't have any use. When I've felt like I can't go on, sometimes it's actually a signal to stop trying to move and be still. Here's the link to my newsletter to keep in touch: https://www.scottstemarie.com
Published 06/09/22
The polarization of thoughts. We just can't win against the negative emotion. The competition of behaviours and the fight, where does it end? If we don't win we lose? If we're not happy does that mean we're doing something wrong? Let's talk about negative emotions and answer our friends question. Free 5-Part Anxiety Mini-Course: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 05/24/22
A simple "meditation" to simply take a break from your day and sit in the middle of it. Notice and become aware of yourself in your surroundings. Would you drive through a beautiful landscape with the windows covered? We so often rush through a day and don't stop to experience the happenings of the moment. The sensations, the smells, temperatures, tastes, textures. Let's take a quick break together, right now.  Free anxiety video series: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 05/17/22
We become lonely when we don't know our true selves. We need to do that first and accept ourselves the way we are. Then, we find others who accept us for who we are, not who we can be or should be. Sending you love my friends. SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: https://www.patreon.com/scottstemarie
Published 05/09/22
We hold emotion in our bodies. The body knows more than we give it credit for, so let's love our body in this meditation and bring awareness to points of tension. Congratulations for taking care of yourself today.  For tools on dealing with anxiety and body tension: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 05/02/22
This episode is full of examples as to why you may not need to try so hard to be in the present moment and slow down the worrisome thoughts. Take care of your social, psychological and physiological wellbeing, have the tools available and just let the present wash over you my friend. No pressure, just let it happen. Here's are some of those tools I mentioned: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 04/20/22
I speak about my experience with anxiety and share a practice with how I've changed the relationship I have with the sensation of anxiety and thoughts that arise in the mind. Congratulations for taking care of yourself and taking a moment to slow down and check in with yourself. If this was helpful, join my newsletter for more meditations and resources: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 04/18/22
There's no pressure to feel better this morning. What if we just get through it together and take it one moment at a time. I'll walk with you and keep you company. I know the weight of depression can feel like it's too much to take. Just one breath a time knowing that this is you being so incredibly strong. Free Anxiety Video Series: https://www.scottstemarie.com/conqueranxiety
Published 04/12/22
You get out of bed, cook, clean, file taxes, deal with back pain, take care of friends, talk to family AND work at least an 8 hour day 5 days a week?! You're a superhero man. Don't ever forget it!   Keep In Touch: https://www.scottstemarie.com/blog
Published 04/05/22
In this episode I explain a simple technique you can use to feel, understand and then create distance with fear. This isn't about "getting rid of" feelings or trying to escape. Fear is such a primal and beautiful part of being human so let's integrate it into our lives and allow it to come with us for the ride.  Join my Newsletter: www.scottstemarie.com/blog
Published 03/30/22
Self help books were helpful for a time, until they became a source of unhappiness. What was I really looking for? What is your relationship with self help books?   The Video Episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VCGSczuJ3NE My Website: https://www.scottstemarie.com/blog
Published 03/21/22
I'm back! If you stayed subscribed, I really appreciate it and thank you. Keep your emotional and spiritual journey sacred, man. If it involves meditation, prayer, travelling the world, medication, or downing a pack of gummy bears every Sunday afternoon, it’s your journey my friend.  Richard Rohr's book: Falling Upward - A Spirituality of the Two Halves of Life My new website: https://www.scottstemarie.com Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2dCf8TKveE
Published 02/23/22