Bill McCloskey sits in the celestial cockpit above the world's commercial email traffic at Email Data Source. His company collects competitive intelligence on over 40,000 email marketing campaigns a day (1 million a month).Hear Bill's analysis of the latest trends savvy marketers are using to get you to buy. Learn the #1 idea you can model from the country's best marketers to increase your success. Find out what clever techniques Harley Davidson and Stoli Vodka are using to increase the...
Published 07/06/23
Big Jason is an email marketing consultant who drops in, optimizes your process, gives you perfect advice for conversion enhancement and sets you up so you can run your business moving forward.You can also hire him to get elbow-deep in your entire process, auditing your email practices and tweaking copy with split tests.There's no depth to which Jason won't go to wring more cash out of your email marketing. And some of the most savvy online marketers use Jason's experience to continue to give...
Published 07/06/23
Beth has been leading the communication of the Ecomagination strategy across the infrastructure, finance and media verticals that comprise GE's business. Learn how she innovates internally, what outside consultants she leverages and how she continues to build the global brand. Beth shares how she manages the CMO role with the 4I's: Instigator, Innovator, Integrator and Implementor and why she thinks the role of CMO is misunderstood. Find out what the 6,000 marketing pros across GE are tasked...
Published 07/06/23
Bernie Borges runs a national agency focused on inbound marketing (lead generation) for small and medium business leveraging the intersection of search and social media marketing.His new book, "Marketing 2.0: Bridging the Gap Between Seller and Buyer Through Social Media Marketing" distinguishes itself by focusing on the strategy of social optimization for SMB. In this episode of DishyMix, Bernie presents a series of case studies showcasing companies ranging from a 75 year old solder paste...
Published 07/06/23
Meet Joe Pine, co-author of a Time magazine cover story "Synthetic Authenticity" heralding his latest book "Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want." In a world where everything seems fake and we've reached a "toxic level of inauthenticity," Joe steers us forward as marketers, helping us render our brands authentic in a world where advertising is a "phoniness generating machine." Joe breaks down the reasons why as a culture we crave more authentic experiences and how we self-actualize...
Published 07/06/23
One of the most effective online advertising strategies that is increasing my conversions now is Retargeting.This is when you cookie a visitor to your landing page and then serve them ads when they are surfing other sites to remind them about your product or service.Doubleclick came up with this as early at 1998 and called it Boomerang, so the concept is old, and finally gaining massive traction.ReTargeter is a company founded by Arjun Dev Arora, an ex-Yahoo! guy who knows his way around...
Published 07/06/23
Get great advice from industry icon, Annette Tonti, founder of Blue Streak who is launching her second digital media company, MoFuse. The 122 million blogs worldwide make perfect "media snacking" content to view from your phone. Annette is helping bloggers make their blogs "phone ready," tracking readers and monetizing the content via the mobile channel. Annette says women start businesses at two times the rate of men but don't have easy access to significant venture money. Hear her story of...
Published 07/06/23
Pimp your button, work that line... Tune in for some A/B Split Test Fun Facts!Anne Holland has reinvented herself in a new publishing venture for B2B niche news.Two of her first hot categories include Which Test Won and Subscription Site Insider. More coming soon as she builds a new empire of great insider information for making money online and offline in emerging categories.This is an episode loaded like a baked potato at an all you can eat buffet on the way to a fat farm... Goooood stuff...
Published 07/06/23
Andy debuted "Radically Transparent," his book on online reputation management, this March. He said writing it pushed his edge harder than anything he's done so far in his life. It shows. This is a great book, chock full of step-by-step instructions and applicable examples that culminates in a "7 Step Action Plan" to execute your strategic goals for creating, understanding, managing, growing and if necessary, repairing the online reputation of you and/or your company. Andy balances his advice...
Published 07/06/23
Amy Powell creates all world-wide digital marketing for Paramount Studios. Interfacing with film makers and studio executives on top grossers like Mission Impossible and War of the Worlds and cutting-edge technology offerings like Beowulf, she plans her multi-platform engagement strategy for a movie, sometimes years in advance. Amy shares a bit of her movie budget planning, her career background and describes her internal team as well as her open door policy for anyone with talent and an...
Published 07/06/23
Alvin Toffler rocked the 80's with his futuristic look into the future of the knowledge economy with his international best seller, Future Shock. A global economist, he's predicted the third wave, our Internet world. Susan and Alvin talk about his life, his work and his latest book, Revolutionary Wealth. Take a road trip to the 21st century economy with Alvin and see who the fastest cars on the road are, and who are the steaming hunks of junk on the side of the road.Alvin, and his wife and...
Published 07/06/23
Alicia Navarro's story of the evolution of her start up from what she THOUGHT she was building to what the market wanted to buy from her is a perfect example of how good entrepreneurs LISTEN to the market to create revenue.SkimLinks is a European start up in the affiliate marketing space. If you're a publisher, creating content about products, you can easily add code to your site that automates affiliate links for additional revenue.Now with offices in San Francisco, Alicia tells the story of...
Published 07/06/23
Meet Alex Bogusky, darling of the advertising world. He's loved not just because he's cuter than Jackson Browne. Or because he's cooler than Laird Hamilton. But because his campaigns have simultaneously delighted us while screwing with our minds. From The BK Subservient Chicken to Mini "Transformers" to Virgin Atlantic's Jetrosexuals campaign, Alex and his more than 900 employees have consistently captivated us and raised the bar by artfully combining publicity with branding. Hear Alex deny...
Published 07/06/23
It was said that Alan Moore sounded like a character from a Guy Ritchie movie at his SXSW keynote.Skyping in from Over, England (a village outside Cambridge), Suz and Alan talk about our collectiveresponsibilityto leverage open social systems, global connectivity,consciousnessand lightweight (green) business practices to the way we strategically create companies in the future.We must all collectively work together to end the slash and burn mentality, or the "toxic tail end" of the industrial...
Published 07/06/23
When I was 35, my mother told me the next thing I needed to accomplish was to be an extraordinary public speaker. If I wanted to be a CEO, this was my next task.I got myself a speak op and started practicing. By the time I found my way to speaker training at Decker Communications in San Francisco, I was already a good, if not great presenter.Decker speaker training changed my life. I learned the 6 ways to transform my personal impact. I learned how to be "first brain friendly." I learned how...
Published 07/06/23
This episode focuses on landing page optimization and post-click marketing. Anna recently self-published a book called Honest Seduction, using Amazon's BookSurge on demand printing system. We talk about the latest landing page best practices, what Web 2.0 Social Media elements work on landing pages, what increases conversion on landing pages, her opinions about squeeze pages and her perspective on optimizing for SEO on landing pages.She offers two free personally autographed copies of Honest...
Published 07/06/23
Anyone with this as the first line of their bio promises a great interview: “Stir (never shake) a spoonful of charisma, a jigger of positive energy and a mind as sharp as a freshly plucked lemon and you get close to the cocktail that is Adam Kleinberg. Adam is CEO and a founding partner of San-Francisco-based Traction, a creative agency with a digital core.”Suz and Adam get together at Traction, with the cable cars clanging outside in the background, and talk shop, life and general silliness....
Published 07/06/23
Adam Kleinberg is a DishyMix repeat offender. :PI love this dude. He's half my height and full of hugs and we have a lot of fun together.On this episode, recorded on location at ad:tech SF as part of the "Muckety Muck Insights" series, I ask Adam about leveraging influencers in the social sphere.If you haven't heard me interview him before, listen to that one too. And he also guest hosted the show and interviewed the founder of Pandora. Both are additional great shows.
Published 07/06/23
Meet Adam Gerber, now helping Quantcast, an upstart online audience measurement company get a seat at the table beside Nielsen, comScore, Alexa, Compete, Omniture and on. Learn about "hybrid ratings" and why they make sense in understanding the soul of the consumer. Adam takes questions about metrics and the state of online video from listeners including John Durham of CatalystSF, Rex Briggs of Marketing Evolution, Larry Everling, Mark Silva of RealBranding and Jed Savage of ScanScout. Adam's...
Published 07/06/23
Aaron is a CMO who walks his talk as a social marketing expert and he shares his strategy for lead gen through social influence for Powered, Inc., a technology and services company that helps brands create online communities. Find out about brand-supported communities from Sony, Kodak, HP, Ford and Atkins as examples of excellence, and about BreakingPoint Systems as small business social network marketing example.Take a trip to SXSW, where Aaron, a veteran, shares his top three...
Published 07/06/23
Conner Galway is a major up-and-comer in the agency world.Junction Marketing is his Vancouver, BC agency where they are performing the latest feats of social marketing for their clients.Get Conner's cheats and shortcuts for making effective Facebook promotions and Pages.Learn about:The etiquette of "Like-Gates"The Power of PagesThird Party FB Apps For MarketersWhere to find the most timely Facebook Page examples to copyConner's favorite Facebook marketer PagesAnd more, more, more.Take it from...
Published 06/02/23
Webinars are viral, a great source of leads and perfect for "closing" business. Scott Boulch has created FBWebinars so you can leverage the "endorsed traffic" within Facebook.Listen to this excellent interview where we not only discuss the mechanics of a webinar program but learn best practices and the psychology of using webinars for lead and revenue generation.Scott is giving away a lifelong account to one lucky DishyMix Fan. Just post on the Facebook Page and we'll select one winner. This...
Published 06/02/23
Chef Keith Snow is building a sustainable, seasonal, local food and cooking brand. Hear about his syndication strategies, his tiered membership offering and the platforms that work best for him to evangelize and monetize the inspiring prospect of eating good, local foods in season.We talk Apps, Roku, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, video production and conversion optimization.And we chat about recipes, CSA food baskets and farmer's markets.One lucky DishyMix FB fan gets a Lifetime Premium...
Published 06/02/23
Join me as I talk to the legendary Joe Sugarman about why people buy.Known for selling 20 million pairs of BluBlocker sunglasses, Joe cut his teeth as a print advertising wizard in the 70-90's. Find out how he came up with his famous 30 Psychological Purchase Triggers and how to apply them to your marketing.Live from the Clickbank Exchange conference in NY where Joe and I were both speakers, he joins me in my hotel room for a lively one-on-one.
Published 06/02/23
David Spark has a fresh, smart way to give your brand a voice in the market that is efficient and most effective when done at a conference your company is attending.He calls it, brand journalism (an old way of saying it is custom publishing or content marketing). What he does is build editorial (produce videos and content) that is associated with your brand. That helps your company associate themselves with a big industry issue. For example in the case study white paper David got Tripwire...
Published 06/02/23