Effective leaders understand the importance of adding value - to people, to the organization, and to the world. They recognize that it takes many people to build a successful organization, they share and give credit rather than claiming it for themselves. Are you making things better for your followers? Learn about the Law of Addition on today's Do Hard Things Today podcast.
Published 09/25/23
Run Disney Perfect Dopey participant Kevin Harrison answers all your questions about the Dopey Challenge - where to stay, how to train, where to dine, and out to get there - with four months to go before the big day.
Published 09/21/23
On today's episode of the Do Hard Things Today podcast, Kevin tells us about beginning the 75 Hard program. It's a self-improvement journey with some rules: Complete two 45-minute workouts a day, one outside. Read 10 pages of non-fiction per day, from a real book. Follow some form of diet plan of your choice. Drink one gallon of water per day. Take a progress photo every day. And that's it. But here's the catch: there are no cheat days, and no days off. Fail any ONE of the challenges on...
Published 09/18/23
What's your plan? Don't have one? You'd better make one. Because as you'll find in John C. Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The Law of Navigation tells us that the leader is responsible for determining the destination and course of the organization. This week, we'll take a look at the Law of Navigation, including developing a clear vision, leading with confidence, the importance of adaptability, and much, much more.
Published 08/07/23
"Leadership develops daily, not in a day." That's how John C. Maxwell begins the chapter on The Law of Process, this week's installment in our study of his book "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". The main idea behind the Law of Process is that the routines and tasks you make time for each day are what will eventually build the success of both yourself and your business. The best way to use the Law of Process is by evaluating your daily routines as they stand. What are you currently doing...
Published 07/10/23
Join Kevin and Jed as they look at the second chapter of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John C. Maxwell. Today, we'll examine the Law of Influence. This chapter examines several leadership myths, as well as taking a look at the importance of influence and the factors that help determine it, such as character, relationships, knowledge, intuition, experience, past successes, and ability.
Published 07/03/23
Join Kevin and Jed (and this week's guest Bonnie Blackwell) as we take an in-depth look at John C. Maxwell's book "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". This continuing series will explore each chapter of the book. First up: The Law of the Lid. How well you lead determines how well you succeed. With this in mind, your level of success will always be a level below your leadership ability. How do you maximize that? Take a look at the various aspects of leadership. Leadership can include:...
Published 06/26/23
How do you deal with failure? On today's Real Talk Monday, Kevin explains that failure presents two choices: Stay down, or get back up. How will YOU handle it?
Published 05/08/23
Join Kevin for five things to commit to and five things to avoid as you get ready for summer.
Published 04/28/23
Massage? Chiropractic? There are lots of ways for runners to practice self-care. Join us as Coach Katie Malone explores ways to take care of your body and mind.
Published 04/10/23
Coach Katie Malone joins the podcast for this week's Monday Motivation, as we take a look at eliminating the excuses that are holding you back.
Published 04/03/23
Today, Coach Katie Malone joins the podcast for a quick Five For Friday episode, featuring her top nutrition tips for runners.
Published 03/31/23
In Episode 100 of the Do Hard Things Today Podcast, Kevin tells us why Consistency Is King, and why consistent behavior leads to good habits, and to success.
Published 03/29/23
Kevin breaks down what his case-study in Intermittent Fasting is working at the six-week mark. What works, what's he learned, and what surprises him? Listen to find out!
Published 03/27/23
In today's Five For Friday, we take a look at some bad habits - and how to turn them into good ones.
Published 03/24/23
Running Dopey this year? It's time to plan! We'll help you get started!
Published 03/23/23
Join Kevin to learn about the importance of showing up in every area of your life, despite the circumstances.
Published 03/20/23
Five For Friday is back! This week, we'll look at some things you might be doing that are hurting your progress.
Published 03/17/23
Kevin's trying intermittent fasting. Here's a look at how it's working for him so far, plus some tips if you'd like to try it yourself.
Published 02/28/23
Coach Katie Malone tells us how she got her start, what drove her to her first triathlon, and what YOU can do to get off the couch and get running.
Published 02/21/23
Join us as Kevin tells you how to set and stick to a budget - and how to tell your money what to do.
Published 02/15/23
Join Kevin and Coach Katie Malone as they tell you how to schedule and plan for your upcoming 2023 season.
Published 02/11/23
Kevin gives us an introduction to this year's series on personal financial improvement, including budgeting, debt reduction, and more.
Published 01/24/23
It's Blue Monday, a day researchers say a lot of people start feeling regret about failed resolutions. Try Kevin's Great 8 to help you stay on track!
Published 01/16/23
Join Kevin as he recaps the Dopey Challenge from Expo to Marathon! What went right? What went wrong? What should change in the future? We'll answer all those questions right here.
Published 01/12/23