Set a goal. Smash it. Repeat. There's a lot more to it than that. But you should still celebrate your training successes. Join Katie, Kevin, and guest Abby Russell as they talk all things training on today's episode.
Published 03/04/24
Published 03/04/24
Join Katie and Kevin today as they explore SwimRun, a unique, two-person event that relies on teamwork as much as athleticism.  They're joined by Herbert Krabel of SwimRun NC, and Katie's race partner Abby Russell to cover all aspects of the SwimRun experience!
Published 02/26/24
Join us as we talk with Carolina Paredes Cox, who shares real-life inspiration, life advice, and wisdom.
Published 02/12/24
If you're talking to yourself, it might as well be an intelligent conversation. On today's Five for Friday episode, we'll talk about several things you should be telling yourself right now.
Published 02/09/24
People experience burnout often feel like they have nothing left to give, and may dread getting out of bed each morning. They may even adopt a pessimisitic outlook toward life and feel hopeless. On today's episode, we'll talk about how to identify the signs of burnout, and hopefully teach you how to deal with those signs and avoid full-blown burnout in your own life.
Published 02/05/24
Today's list is so helpful, we couldn't limit it to just five! Here's a look at why you might be stuck on your journey to lose weight, and what you can do about it.
Published 02/02/24
Today, we'll look at a couple of first time experiences in the WDW Races. From a first-ever 5K, to a weather-shortened but still successful half marathon, to the completion of an 11th-straight Dopey Challenge, it's all right here.
Published 01/29/24
This week, we'll take a look at five ways to break bad habits, along with suggestions on decisions you can make to start creating good ones.
Published 01/26/24
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." That's an old standard, but it's often true. It's also not as easy as buying a planner and getting to work. Planning your year takes honest evaluation and an intentional mindset. This week's episode details some of our successes - and some of our struggles - and can help you get started.
Published 01/22/24
On this week's Five For Friday, we'll take a look at how you can manage and change your eating habits and your relationship with food.
Published 01/19/24
Join Katie, Kevin, and event Co-Founder Michael Williams as they talk all things Winter Challenge - from how to get there, what to prepare for, and ho you can learn to kayak! Get ready for this winter's event right here.
Published 01/15/24
Is social media making you ANTI-social? It easily can. On today's episode, we look at how to avoid social media traps and use the medium as it was intended.
Published 01/08/24
Five for Friday returns this week, with five quick tips on how to prioritize your health in the new year.
Published 01/05/24
Today, we're approaching running for total beginners. From a consult with a healthcare professional, to starting with walking and building a base of fitness, to time and distance goals, we'll cover it all here. Form, stretching, breathing, and focusing on consistency over outcome are all a part of today's program. Get ready to get out the door and get started!
Published 01/02/24
Are you frazzled in the morning? Running late? Out of time? Embracing a morning routine is the key to starting the day on the right foot, and starting the day with a win. So whether it's 4AM or a little later, a good start is vital to the outcome of a good day. On today's episode, we discuss our morning routines, and how to get started on yours.
Published 12/26/23
Are you looking at what's ahead of you, and what you can control, or are you sending your time constantly staring in the rearview mirror? On today's episode, we explore why you should always be looking forward.
Published 12/18/23
What's so special about January 1 anyway? It's just another day. Instead of making resolutions you're doomed to abandon, today's episode will encourage you to create better habits and routines instead.
Published 12/11/23
Today, join Kevin and Coach Katie Malone to learn about triathlon and fitness coaching, what's involved when you decide to hire a coach, and what you can expect - both from a performance and a personal point of view.
Published 12/06/23
Coach Katie Malone joins Kevin and Jed to talk about some exciting things on the horizon for the Do Hard Things Today podcast on today's episode!
Published 11/20/23
If people don't respect you, they won't follow you. It's really as simple as that. So how do you earn, and keep, their respect? What qualities drive respect in those you lead? Today, on the Do Hard Things Today podcast.
Published 10/30/23
You might not want to hear it, but you need to hear it. Now, who's going to tell you? Do you surround yourself with folks who will only tell you things you want to hear, or do you have somebody who is willing and capable of holding you accountable? We'll share a little bit of what you need to hear on today's episode.
Published 10/23/23
On today's episode of the Do Hard Things Today podcast, it's time to take a look at what you're doing for yourself.  No matter what the question is, YOU are the answer. If things are going well, you're the reason. If things are going bad, you're the reason. And you're the one who can fix it. Join Kevin, Bonnie, and Jed today as they take a look at self-accountability.
Published 10/09/23
Here's a reality check: No one will follow a leader they don't trust. The Law of Solid Ground is all about trust-based leadership. Building trust as a leader allows you some leeway to make mistakes, but the key is that the trust must always outweight bad decisions.  No one is perfect, and every leader will lose a little credibility from time to time. However, if you’ve built yourself a solid foundation to stand on, your employees will stick with you when times get tough. In his chapter on...
Published 10/02/23