Loneliness and disconnection in relationships can often stem from unmet needs for emotional connection. When one partner reaches out for support, validation, or understanding, and their bids go unnoticed or ignored, it can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation. This lack of responsiveness can create a sense of being unheard or unseen, deepening the emotional distance between partners. Over time, repeated instances of unmet bids can erode trust and intimacy, leaving individuals feeling...
Published 04/16/24
How can we cultivate a culture of emotional safety within our relationships, where vulnerability is embraced and recurring negative patterns are met with empathy and understanding, rather than defensiveness or blame? Traumas, whether subtle or overt, can fuel recurring negative patterns that gradually erode the foundation of a relationship. These unseen wounds, left unattended, can manifest as distress and conflict, undermining the very fabric of our closest bonds. In this episode, we delve...
Published 04/09/24
Emotional immaturity can hinder our ability to form healthy connections and make sound decisions. But is it truly possible to overcome emotional immaturity, even if you've experienced significant developmental setbacks or challenges? Similar to research findings that suggest it's possible to develop more secure functioning or earn a secure attachment style later in life, it's feasible to achieve emotional growth and maturity. In our fifth installment on the topic of emotional immaturity, we...
Published 04/02/24
Many individuals and families encounter a common challenge: the struggle to harmonize their values, aspirations, and objectives. This issue is compounded by the inherent differences in perspectives, priorities, and communication styles within these relationships. When aspirations clash and priorities diverge, it often leads to misunderstandings that escalate into tensions and conflicts. Maintaining harmony becomes a daunting task without a clear understanding of each other's goals and values,...
Published 03/26/24
Emotional maturity stands as the cornerstone of a thriving and meaningful bond between partners. Yet, navigating the intricate landscape of emotional immaturity within relationships presents its own set of challenges. In this episode, we delve deep into this crucial topic, shedding light on how emotional immaturity impacts the dynamics of relationships and providing invaluable resources to aid individuals in navigating this intricate terrain. Building upon insights from previous episodes,...
Published 03/19/24
Couples face a myriad of challenges, from communication breakdowns to navigating societal expectations. Navigating these challenges and fostering growth requires intentional effort and understanding. However, for LGBTQ couples, unique dynamics often come into play, from negotiating identity acceptance to addressing external biases. In this episode, we delve into the rich tapestry of LGBTQ relationships, exploring the strengths they offer and the challenges they face. Through insightful...
Published 03/12/24
Navigating the challenging waters of divorce or betrayal within a relationship can be an incredibly tough journey. It's a time when seeking support becomes crucial, and for many, individual or couples therapy becomes a lifeline. However, the impact of a couple's distress extends far beyond the partners involved. They often overlook how their struggles reverberate throughout the entire family. In this episode, we dive into the critical importance of considering therapy for the entire family...
Published 03/05/24
In the ongoing series on emotional immaturity, we continue our exploration by delving deeper into the intricate dynamics that underpin its development. Drawing from our previous discussions, we aim to build upon foundational knowledge and delve into the nuanced differences between emotional immaturity and emotional abuse. By shedding light on these subtleties, we provide listeners with invaluable insights that can help them navigate complex emotional landscapes with greater understanding and...
Published 02/27/24
Although divorce is legally permissible and widely acknowledged in modern society, it remains burdened with significant stigma. The mere mention of it evokes palpable discomfort, as it's often viewed as a failure in a culture that emphasizes perseverance in relationships at all costs, even in the face of significant challenges. In this episode, we challenge this narrative by exploring the necessity of maintaining divorce as an option in relationships. We delve into the profound importance of...
Published 02/20/24
Do you often feel like you're bearing the emotional burden in your relationship while your partner struggles to express their feelings and handle difficult conversations? If these dynamics sound familiar, you may be navigating the complexities of emotional immaturity in your relationship. Welcome back to the Empowered Relationship Podcast, where we continue our exploration of emotional immaturity and its impact on relationships. If you missed part one of this multi-series, I highly recommend...
Published 02/13/24
In a previous episode, discussions surrounding emotional immaturity and its genderized portrayal sparked significant interest and feedback from listeners. Responding to this engagement, today's episode marks the beginning of a comprehensive multi-part series, committed to exploring emotional immaturity in depth. The series aims to shed light on this topic without resorting to labels or diagnoses, acknowledging emotional immaturity as a developmental facet existing on a continuum. This...
Published 02/06/24
Navigating conflicts with a romantic partner can feel like an impossible challenge for many couples. Disagreements are a natural part of any long-term relationship as each individual brings a unique set of experiences, needs, and communication styles to the dynamic.  Conflicts often escalate quickly as defensiveness and hurt feelings take over, resulting in distance rather than resolution. Without tools to reframe discussions, truly listen without judgment, and repair misunderstandings, the...
Published 01/30/24
Many people struggle with establishing boundaries in their close relationships due to a tendency to people-please at the expense of their own needs. This challenge often stems from early relational dynamics in childhood, leading individuals to prioritize the needs and desires of those around them over their own well-being. Worrying about  disappointing or upsetting others can make it difficult to assert one’s boundaries, as well as to engage in topics of conversation where there is conflict...
Published 01/23/24
The hookup culture is a societal shift characterized by casual, short-term sexual engagements, highlighting a reluctance to commit to long-term relationships. This cultural phenomenon, especially prevalent among young adults and college students, poses challenges rooted in an insufficient understanding of the physiological and emotional aspects involved. The immediate pursuit of pleasure, combined with societal expectations, frequently results in miscommunication, unmet expectations, and...
Published 01/16/24
According to research, in 39% of households, women contribute equally or more to the income compared to men. This transformation, while positive, marks a significant shift from traditional gender roles and poses a unique challenge when both partners are engaged in the workforce. Historically, women often assumed the role of stay-at-home moms, responsible for all household chores. Women raised in such settings encounter the challenge of harmonizing these deeply rooted expectations with the...
Published 01/09/24
In the previous episode, we delved into the intricacies of navigating challenging relationships with in-laws, particularly amidst the holiday season. We discussed valuable insights on emotional regulation and proactive communication. Now, in part two, Dr. Jessica Higgins further explores the multifaceted nature of conflicts and disparities that can arise in these relationships. Drawing from client cases and personal anecdotes, she illuminates common challenges encountered. In this episode,...
Published 01/02/24
Navigating relationships with in-laws is often a subtle journey filled with its unique set of challenges, and it's a topic that has generated numerous requests from our audience. As we find ourselves on the brink of the holiday season, these challenges may become more pronounced, making it an opportune time to address the intricacies of managing relationships with in-laws. In this episode, Dr. Jessica Higgins provides actionable insights and practical tips to empower listeners in navigating...
Published 12/26/23
Spendthrifts and tightwads represent opposite ends of the financial spectrum. A spendthrift tends to be more liberal with spending, often embracing a carefree attitude toward financial matters. On the other hand, a tightwad tends to be more frugal, prioritizing saving and cautious spending. Navigating these distinct financial personalities can pose challenges in a partnership, requiring thoughtful communication, compromise, and understanding to create a balanced and harmonious approach to...
Published 12/19/23
Embarking on a journey of profound spiritual exploration, particularly through plant medicine, can be a transformative endeavor. However, with the promise of self-discovery comes the responsibility of navigating these realms with caution. In this episode, we delve into the potential pitfalls of venturing into the depths of spiritual work, offering cautionary insights to those considering or already immersed in plant medicine journeys. A wealth of knowledge and experiences are brought to...
Published 12/12/23
The impact of sexual trauma on survivors often leaves a lasting imprint on both their emotional and physical well-being. Alongside grappling with feelings of fear, anger, and sadness, the trauma may be unconsciously stored in the body and unexpectedly reexperienced through somatic triggers during intimate moments. This can undermine a survivor's sense of safety, trust in others, and ability to freely experience closeness. In this episode, we delve into an often unexplored topic of...
Published 12/05/23
The holiday season traditionally beckons gatherings with loved ones, friends, and family, often involving travel to reunite with those we haven't seen in a while. While these occasions can be overwhelmingly positive, the nuances of family and relationship dynamics often introduce challenges. In this episode, we delve into the common tendencies of complaining, comparing, and criticizing, which can disrupt the joyous spirit of gatherings. We delve into insightful strategies to pivot away from...
Published 11/28/23
Entrusting our happiness to others implies depending on external validation or circumstances to feel content, fulfilled, or complete. Instead of finding intrinsic sources of joy and fulfillment within ourselves, we place the responsibility for our happiness on external influences. This reliance on external factors, especially in relationships, may result in emotional vulnerability and fragile self-esteem. In this episode, we explore the complexities of self-discovery and healing within...
Published 11/21/23
In a society that highly values individual achievements and personal pursuits, the dynamics of maintaining emotional closeness within relationships undergo a subtle but significant transformation. Emphasizing autonomy, self-expression, and personal goal pursuit, societal norms shape how individuals navigate connections. In this episode, we explore the nuanced dynamics of emotional intimacy within the context of contemporary societal norms that often prioritize individual pursuits. The...
Published 11/14/23
Grief is a deeply personal and often challenging emotional journey, one that can take on countless forms and manifest in diverse ways. When couples endure such heart-wrenching moments, they often discover that they grieve differently, which can strain their relationships. This can create a profound and sometimes bewildering disconnect in the relationship, leading to feelings of isolation, frustration, and confusion. In this enlightening conversation, we delve into the complexities of...
Published 11/07/23