1.You are not alone in wanting things to be different and asking God to change your situation 2. There is a place to attach our hope but it’s not to our desire for changed circumstances. 3. Though my story took the most unexpected twists and turns through the darkest valleys I’ve ever known, God’s plan was good. TRUTH FOR TODAY Psalm 62:5, “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” (NIV) --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 04/11/24
Published 04/11/24
6 Relationship Lessons From Samson and Delilah 1. "Self-discipline is the key to relationship success." 2. "Lust is not love." 3. "Listen to wise counsel." 4. "Believe when people show you their true colors." 5. "Looks can be deceiving." 6. "God never fails to reveal red flags." --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/felicia721/message
Published 04/08/24
Most people struggle with things from their past because they do not allow the Spirit to renew them in the present. Their destinies are stolen or destroyed because they were unaware of how spiritual strongholds develop. Strongholds are built up through various methods, providing Satan with a base of operations.  We are well aware of Satan's sinister tendencies. However, it extends beyond that. Satan's troops want to establish long-term strongholds where they may rule and hold people...
Published 04/04/24
Trust is tough. Trusting in God when everything around us continues to go downhill is hard. Many times we may be tempted to quit trusting and take matters into our own hands. Yet, because we know better, we continue to resist that temptation and instead choose to trust. It’s much easier to trust when we are on the mountaintop of everything going the way that we expected or planned. However, it’s another story in the valley of “I lost my job and can’t find another”, “I’m sick and I’m not...
Published 04/02/24
The story of Joshua leading the Israelites to bring down the walls of Jericho is a powerful account that demonstrates the faithfulness and might of the Lord. Before Moses died, he declared that Joshua would be his successor and lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Upon crossing the Jordan, Jericho is the first city the Israelites conquer with Joshua as their leader.  What moves me the most about the Israelites' part in this story isn't so much their willingness to take that first...
Published 04/01/24
Trust is the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. Remember the woman with the issue of blood how she had to trust God despite the pain. God want us to trust him in everything and to know that he will never leave us nor forsake us. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/felicia721/message
Published 03/28/24
The woman with the issues of the blood can be find in Matthew 9: 20-22, Mark 5: 25-34c and Luke 8: 43-48 . She had a medical condition that controlled her life for 12 long years. She to call the physician and use all her money still no one was able to the woman what was wrong. The woman heard about Jesus coming she pressed her way through the crowd to get to Jesus..... Why because she knew if she could touch the hem of his garment she will be healed and made whole. The woman had tenacious...
Published 03/27/24
Sometimes despite our best intentions, we can struggle with trusting in God. We may fear that He may disappoint us—so we reserve a portion of our hearts instead of complete trust. Yet, in order for us to continue to be and do all that He wants for us—demands total trust—no holding back. How do we learn to TRUST in God? T – Take God at His word.“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will...
Published 03/26/24
Sorry, ladies I haven’t been doing my podcast. The enemy had me in a place I didn’t want to be, I was mad at God and I got to a point where I wanted to give up on life. The enemy had me in a dark hole where I could not hear nor trust God, but ladies I am back, this is the relaunch of my new podcast. On Tuesday we will be talking about Trust God in Difficult Times. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/felicia721/message
Published 03/25/24
When I left for college, I made a very foolish decision. I put God on the shelf of my heart and told Him that I would be right back. I wanted to see what is was like in the world—I intended to go from point A to point B; however, I landed on Z with brokenness and pain. It’s one thing to not know the Lord and find ourselves in a bad place. However, it’s a whole different story when we’ve known the presence and peace of God and still walk away from Him. Satan will do everything he can to...
Published 09/07/23
In these perilous times every day is a step of faith. We can’t always know what is around the corner in our homes, at work, or in our community. With so much going on, we can begin to let our faith in God weaken. If we are to be the light and salt in the earth, we need to continue to T.R.U.S.T. T – Take steps of faith.“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)It’s...
Published 09/06/23
Not every single person wants to be married; yet, there are many singles who long to one day partner with a special person. Many singles begin with an idea of what they want their future spouse; however, it’s better to being with a look within their own hearts. Learn what God’s word for S.I.N.G.L.E.S. who long to be married:S – Seek God first before looking for a spouse.But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)I –...
Published 09/05/23
When the Israelites were coming to the Promised Land, God gave them clear and distinct instructions to follow. He didn’t give a series of rules and regulations because He wanted to control them. Rather, He wanted them to live a good life filled with joy, peace, and the security of His presence. By choosing to obey God’s commands, they were choosing life. By choosing to disobey God’s commands, they were choosing death. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we also can choose between life and...
Published 08/31/23
As believers we desire to be forgiven freely from God, but sometimes we struggle with freely forgive others. We may be tempted to think that forgiveness can be freely given for some things and not so much for other offenses. However, the truth is that if we don’t forgive—we do ourselves more harm than we do to those who’ve hurt us. A preacher once explained it’s like we drink the poison that we make for someone else. Or we build the maximum security prison and then lock ourselves in the...
Published 08/30/23
The devil wants us to pretend that he doesn’t exist. If we attempt to ignore his influence on our lives, he will multiply destruction in our families and communities. (John 10:10) Christians are most effective against the strategies of Satan when we are adequately prepared to deal with him. Our best defense is a great offense of knowledge and faith in God’s word to know the truths and lies. Lie: Satan is a figment of our imagination and can’t really do us any harm.Truth: Satan is a...
Published 08/29/23
The devil wants us to pretend that he doesn’t exist. If we attempt to ignore his influence on our lives, he will multiply destruction in our families and communities. (John 10:10) Christians are most effective against the strategies of Satan when we are adequately prepared to deal with him. Our best defense is a great offense of knowledge and faith in God’s word to know the truths and lies. Lie: Satan is a figment of our imagination and can’t really do us any harm.Truth: Satan is a...
Published 08/24/23
Many people do a lot of things to please God. They will go to church every Sunday. They will make prayers of intercession for all kinds of people and situations. They will give their money, time, and energy for the cause of the kingdom. They will serve others in the church and community. Yet, if any of these good things are done without faith—it doesn’t please God. Without faith it’s impossible for any of us to please the Lord. There are 3 steps we can take towards pleasing God: Step #1)...
Published 08/15/23
Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt like God has forgotten you? Perhaps you’ve lived a faithful life before the Lord and suddenly things have fallen apart. Sometimes it could be trial with an enormous impact and disruption to your life. You’re looking at all the broken pieces and wondering “Has God forgotten me?” It’s a temptation that will visit all of us at some point in time. We will feel abandoned because the plans we had for our lives didn’t work out the way we thought...
Published 08/14/23
After many years of playing tennis and watching my children in their sports activities, I’ve realized that athleticism and talent are secondary to mental focus. If I can’t focus my mind to drown out all the other voices, I will lose. In sports they call it the zone. It’s when a player is so focused on the game, they don’t hear the roar of the crowd or any other distractions. If we want to walk in the Spirit, we need to get in the spiritual zone. Our mind brings us into the zone. When we are...
Published 08/09/23
Have you ever fallen in the faith? If you’ve ever said or done things that you’ve regretted, you are in the company of many believers. Many of us have fallen short since salvation and have had to face the consequences of our bad decisions. We have the testimony of falling down, wiping the dust off, and getting back up again. Sometimes we are like the Israelites’ who would follow God, get comfortable, forget God, suffer for their sins, call out to God, and receive His deliverance. If we fall,...
Published 08/07/23
There have been so many times in my life when I’ve not felt like myself:  ·  I didn’t feel like myself when I was working 80 hours a week at a nonprofit and pouring myself into my career right after college.  ·  I didn’t feel like myself when I was single in my twenties and trying to figure out who I was when everyone around me seemed to be the exact thing I wasn’t: married.  ·  I didn’t feel like myself when I volunteered to speak to college students all over the country even though I’d...
Published 08/04/23
In 2009 the Christian band Casting Crowns produced a song called “Praise You in This Storm.” I remember sharing with my prayer partners how that song was difficult to sing. It was making a stand to praise God before the storms of life blow us away. The reality of life is that everyone, whether they are a believer or not, will have storms. The overriding difference is that those who belong to Christ will have His presence with them through the storms. While it’s better to have Christ with us...
Published 08/03/23
Waiting isn’t much fun for most of us. We don’t like to wait in line, in traffic, or for dinner. Yet waiting is a part of life, and it’s especially a part of our Christian journey. The waiting period is an opportunity for God to stretch our faith in Him. It’s also an opportunity for us to learn the value of perseverance. Waiting isn’t a passive process; rather, it’s an active part of our faith. How are we to wait on the Lord? Wait Courageously (Psalm 27:4)It takes courage to wait on the...
Published 08/02/23
Many people like to make a big deal of a really good idea. Yet the idea doesn’t mean anything unless there is some kind of drive to make it happen. Many of us start projects that we never get around to finishing. Perhaps we don’t finish because we realized early on that it wasn’t our gift. It’s okay as long as we own up to that truth and not make it habit. Sometimes we don’t follow through because the work to completion is more than what we knew at the beginning. There’s the time factor,...
Published 08/01/23