We are living in times of uncertainty on almost every level in our homes, schools, work, and community. Because of the spirit of hatred, self-loathing, and rebellion—many people are taking their pain and spreading to innocent bystanders. In addition, we have new level of negativity and pessimism infiltrated in the hearts of men, women, and children like never before. If we aren’t careful, we can allow ourselves to get caught up in the storms of this world and forget to lay our anchor on the...
Published 07/21/23
But isn’t it good to know that it does not matter how many times we get knocked down, just as long as we get back up again? The good thing about this is the fact that when we do get back up, we may not have our full balance and composure, but just the mere effort of trying to get up grabs God's immediate attention. Our efforts to get up make God sit straight up. Our efforts in trying to get up excite God because our weaknesses present God with an opportunity to show up. The Bible teaches us...
Published 07/20/23
Very often, Christians feel down and depressed. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as sin, personal struggles, or even the general state of the world. But regardless of the cause, we need to remember that God is with us, and he loves us deeply. In this blog post, we’ll explore some ways to encourage ourselves in the Lord – even when we’re feeling at our lowest point. It means reminding yourself that “God is so faithful and trustworthy – no good thing will He withhold from those who...
Published 07/10/23
Moving on is hard, especially when it requires us to leave our place of comfort. It’s easier to hold on to the good than to let go for the better. But if we keep looking back, we will never reach our destiny. We must keep moving forward and not look back. There have been many times in my life when God has asked me to let go of good things for better things. You might ask, well why is it hard to let go of something good if God has something better? The problem is  I couldn’t see what the...
Published 06/13/23
David found himself in a bad situation—he was being hunted down by King Saul, and then his own men were debating whether to stone him. While they were away, the Amalekites burned the whole city and kidnapped their wives and children. It was a heartbreaking situation for men to return from the battle only to find their own loved ones were in the hands of enemies. In this very tense situation, we learn from the Scriptures that David had to encourage himself in the Lord his God. What did David...
Published 06/12/23
Can you imagine how difficult life would be if we all walked forward but looked behind us? We would run into doors, buildings, and other people all the time. Our walk from the car to our job would be precarious, and we would get to our desks with bumps and bruises. In the same manner, our Christian journey isn’t constantly looking back and asking ourselves “what if.” This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t learn lessons from our past or that we shouldn’t make penance or seek forgiveness from...
Published 06/05/23
When the Israelites set out towards the Promised Land from Egypt, they were encouraged to move forward by the promises of God. During the journey, they faced inward and outward pressure to doubt God and give into their fears. Many did this and were left in the wilderness because of their unbelief. However, there were those who continued to hold out and experience the grace of knowing and seeing God’s promises fulfilled. Just like the Israelites, we can struggle with doubt and unbelief in...
Published 05/23/23
LAMENTATIONS 3:17 Have you ever felt stuck in a bad mood, attitude, or mindset? Many times it’s the little irritants that cause us the most trouble. When we recognize this in our lives, we must look to get U-N-S-T-U-C-K. U – Understand there will be days when we will feel off-kilter. Because we are human, we will have times when we feel low. Yet we don’t want to remain in that state of mind. N – Never stop talking to God. He can handle our hard conversations as we come to Him seeking...
Published 05/22/23
Have you ever had times when you were stumped on what to do? Perhaps a crisis has hit your family and you are unsure of what would be the first right step. Or maybe you find yourself in a quandary in which you need to make an important decision and have no idea what to do. It’s in these moments that we must turn to God for wisdom and revelation. Paul shares with the Ephesians his prayer for them, that God would give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that...
Published 05/09/23
All of us have struggled with the option of quitting for an easier ride in life. If you feel tempted to quit, consider Isaiah 41:10. FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU. In his first year of track, my son asked me if he could quit. I told him that if I let him quit sixth grade track, he would develop a habit of quitting and eventually quit school, quit working, quit his future wife, etc. Perhaps he wouldn’t have quit all those things, but I wanted to instill endurance rather than a quitting spirit...
Published 05/08/23
Strongholds in our lives don’t build up overnight. Just as it took time to be enslaved, sometimes it takes a little more time for our freedom. Yet if we keep pressing ourselves every day to overcome, we will see improvements. Some of us will experience immediate deliverance and can move forward. Others may take a longer time. However, if we remain focused more on God than our stronghold, it will eventually be destroyed and made powerless in our lives. A WISE MAN SCALES THE CITY OF THE MIGHTY...
Published 04/26/23
Just be encourage today. Know that God is always on time. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/felicia721/message
Published 04/10/23
Have you ever been in a place of your faith when you felt like quitting? It could be from a major setback in the home, on the job, in your relationships, or in your health. Sometimes it feels like there is relief in quitting. You don’t have to worry anymore about how God is going to answer your prayers because you quit praying. You don’t have to be bothered by church people because you quit going. You don’t have to worry about what God’s word teaches because you stop reading. Yet quitting...
Published 03/29/23
OUR FLESHLY DESIRES Because the carnal world in which we live offers so much in the way of temptations, it caters to our fleshly desires which is also another big distraction: Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. But, praise be to God that through His Holy Spirit we can overcome the temptations of our flesh.  We don’t have to give in! The temptations in...
Published 03/28/23
Do you sometimes find it hard to stay focused and not get distracted? Unfortunately, we live in a world today where it is becoming easier and easier to be distracted in general.  Even those who consider themselves to be very self-disciplined are not immune. the word distraction as something that directs one’s attention away from something else.  Simply put, distractions are meant to shift our focus.   Distractions can come in the form of people, things, specific places or environments,...
Published 03/27/23
Are you a person who worries about circumstances in your life? There certainly seems to be plenty of difficulties for us to face individually, as well as fearful events that take place in the world. Worry is a natural part of our psyches, and when we get overwhelmed with worry it can lead to devastating health problems. Worry in abundance is just not good for us, and it does no good for the ones we worry about. In Luke 12:25, we read this: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to...
Published 03/22/23
Anxiety refers to anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle tension and avoidance behavior. Fear is an emotional response to an immediate threat and is more associated with a fight or flight reaction – either staying to fight or leaving to escape danger. How anxiety tried to steal my life... and how I overcame it with Jesus --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/felicia721/message
Published 03/20/23
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I'm limited." Perhaps you've felt limited by your past, your upbringing, or your pain. We all have something we think may limit us. GOD IS ABLE! He will do above and beyond all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) He’s not limited, and so neither are you, because you are made in His image. MEET JEPHTHAH! His past told him that he was the son of a prostitute. But God told him he was a mighty warrior (Judges 11:1)! Each one of us has...
Published 03/15/23
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Why isn't God stopping this?" This thinking is rooted in the inaccurate belief that God is in control of everything. Don’t get me wrong: He started this world in control of everything, but He gave much authority to mankind at Creation, and then again as new creations in Christ. We have to stop waiting for God to stop the things He gave us the power to stop. Jesus said: Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. YOU HAVE AUTHORITY IN...
Published 03/14/23
We are so time conscious. We allow time to limit us and define for us what we're capable of, or what God can do in our lives. Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "It's too late." It's often ingrained in us that it's too late to change, too late to start a new career, too late to save your marriage, too late to recover from a terrible mistake, too late to start over again, or too late to have a second chance. The truth is: It's never too late! When you realize that it's not too...
Published 03/06/23
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, “I feel guilty.” We’ve all had thoughts that try to make us feel guilty, such as: “You don’t do enough. Look at what you’ve done wrong. You’re not good enough. You don’t say the right things. You don’t measure up. You don’t do as much for others as you should. You eat too much.” This line of thinking produces guilt, which leads to self-hatred, anger toward others, bad decisions, harsh words, procrastination, and fear. JESUS DECLARES YOU: NOT...
Published 03/03/23
Today we're fasting from a negative attitude. Attitude IS everything. It is a mindset that takes precedence over all other facts. And I want us to obliterate negativity from our lives. You CAN control whether life is easy or hard, by your attitude. So many people look at things in a negative way, expect negative things to happen, and speak themselves into negative results. They never grow. So... GOD IS A YES GOD 2 Corinthians 1:20—“All the promises of God are YES!” He says YES to...
Published 03/03/23
Today we are fasting from the feelings and thoughts that say, "I'm overwhelmed!" Everything you see in this world was created by God in six days. He's in the business of getting a lot accomplished in little time. And He lives in you! You don't have to carry your burden alone. Most people don't understand what Jesus meant when He said in Matthew 11:29, "Take My yoke upon you." A yoke is a harness placed upon two oxen. It causes them to plow together. So, when one gets weak or overwhelmed, he...
Published 02/28/23
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Things aren't getting better, they are getting worse!" This thinking is not an option today or EVER! No matter how bad things have gotten financially or in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, God has promised that they will get better. THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS GETS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER UNTIL THE FULL DAY Expect it to get brighter today! YOU HAVE A COVENANT OF INCREASE FROM GOD Psalm 115:14 says, “May the Lord give you increase.” Deuteronomy 1:11...
Published 02/27/23
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "God is mad at me." Many people think the reason bad things are happening is because God is mad or against them. Or perhaps you don't think He's overtly against you, but that He's just not aggressively helping you. If you think God is mad at you, you'll feel discouraged and rejected. You won't expect good things to happen. Let's take this thought captive. The word, captive, means: "to conquer with a sword." We conquer wrong thinking with the...
Published 02/24/23