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ENG 3500 Advanced Broadcasting/Writing
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The students in this Advanced Reporting class (ENG 3500) were given the task of conceptualizing and creating a full journalistic, multimedia project. In doing so, the students learned to tell their stories across several platforms. Not only did they write traditional news stories, they also...
Published 08/16/12
The students in this Advanced Reporting class (ENG 3500) were given the task of conceptualizing and creating a full journalistic, multimedia project. In doing so, the students learned to tell their stories across several platforms. Not only did they write traditional news stories, they also...
Published 08/16/12
The students in this Advanced Reporting class (ENG 3500) were given the task of conceptualizing and creating a full journalistic, multimedia project. In doing so, the students learned to tell their stories across several platforms. Not only did they write traditional news stories, they also...
Published 08/16/12
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