Communicating with one another can feel challenging and daunting, but when working with the language of spirit and speaking through love, anything is possible. In this conversation, Tom and Teresa discuss the different ways people express the same thing and how tuning into sensitivity and guidance can help in understanding unfamiliar concepts. They also explore the impact of fear and manipulation in communication and the importance of staying relaxed and trusting true feelings. The...
Published 03/12/24
In this episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual, the hosts discuss the experiences of sensitive souls in transition, particularly in relation to gender identity. They emphasize the importance of understanding and accepting oneself, as well as respecting the choices and experiences of others. The hosts also explore the spiritual aspects of sensitivity and past lives, highlighting the connection between spirituality and transgender individuals. They share personal experiences and perspectives,...
Published 03/05/24
This episode explores the impact of new energy moving in such as the current mass migration and how it affects sensitive individuals in the greater environment. The hosts discuss the energetic migration into America and the challenges faced by migrants. They also delve into the emotional feelings of not feeling affluent and concerns about the future. The hosts provide solutions such as inner guidance, cleansing, outflowing, and connecting with others. They emphasize the importance of...
Published 02/27/24
In this conversation,  author, spiritual health practitioner and international astrologer, Chiron Yang discusses his new book which is around his spiritual self healing journey.  He begins today with Teresa discussing the sacredness of birth and the impact it has on our lives. He shares his personal journey of self-discovery and how astrology helped him understand the meaning of his life.   Chiron also dives into the energetic dynamics of eclipses and the upcoming eclipse season in 2024. He...
Published 02/20/24
The conversation first explores the phenomenon of young adults in their twenties "ex-communicating" themselves from their families from a spiritual perspective (rather than a religious or cultural perspective) on why this happens. The hosts share their personal experiences, perspectives, and solutions.  They  highlight the importance of understanding the Cycles of Maturity (21 to 28 years old) and Identity (14 to 21 years old) and the part that may play.  They discuss the role of boundaries,...
Published 02/13/24
In this episode, Tom and Teresa discuss the importance of setting boundaries to avoid energetic traps. They emphasize how being clear with personal loyalties and priorities affects others in a positive way. They also explore the concept of psychic sensitivity and how it relates to personal growth vs. being caught up in the "woo woo" aspects.  Each goes on to share personal insights on working with their spiritual gifts and  gift order.  They speak about the blocks to your awareness and ways...
Published 02/06/24
In this episode, Tom Shantz explores the spiritual side of business opportunities again, but this time from a different angle.  He gives examples of how working with your inner wisdom, inner sensitivity, and the positive Spirit accentuates the meaning and fulfillment of daily business opportunities.  Balancing the spiritual with the material aspects of life (feelings with  organization) through service leads to fulfillment along with accomplishment of our goals.  Tom  provides a timely...
Published 01/30/24
In this episode, the Teresa has an "A HA!" moment.  The hosts discuss  the challenges of being understood and supported by loved ones as you evolve in your awareness. They explore the concept of mirroring and how the people around us reflect aspects of ourselves. The conversation delves into the difference between religion and spirituality, emphasizing the importance of personal growth through self-loyalty and responsibility.  The hosts also discuss the purpose of relationships and the need...
Published 01/23/24
In this episode, Teresa and Tom answer questions from listeners and discuss topics related to spirituality. They start by talking about Teresa's creative pause and the need for reorganization in their podcast. They then delve into the symbolism of water damage and how it relates to spiritual energy.  The conversation shifts to the topic of sensitivity and feeling overwhelmed, and they share personal experiences and strategies for dealing with it. They delve into how to discern what you are...
Published 01/16/24
Here we discuss building greater enthusiasm for any job, role, or business  in which you find yourself.  Tom Shantz, the other half of TNT SpiritWorks, fills in for Teresa this week while she takes a "creative pause."   He gives examples of  pitfalls in business to avoid those frustrating experiences that diminish our enthusiasm.   He describes how to notice the effects of "getting stuck" in your emotions. Tom  then gives practical  keys to spiritual awareness for better insight into...
Published 01/09/24
Gain a new perspective on the positive aspects of health challenges.  Teresa and Tom discuss how  awareness  of thoughts and energy leads to healing.  They provide tips on how to transform illness or "dis-ease" into an empowering growth experience.   Listen in as they  share from their  recent experiences to  stimulate  insights into your health scenarios. Supporting you through all of life's obstacles and challenges is The Soul Quake Survival Guide: Reviving Your Connection to Spirit in...
Published 01/02/24
Ready for a refreshing take on New Year’s resolutions? We promise a unique approach that focuses on spiritual growth rather than typical goals. We dive deep into the power of reflection, emphasizing personal experiences over the past year and the roles of our guidance in spiritual growth. Harnessing positive energy, we discuss how regrouping and reflecting help us relax, providing clarity on our accomplishments. No matter the milestone, we celebrate the little victories in our spiritual...
Published 12/26/23
Get ready to be inspired and enlightened by the incredible spiritual journey of Sandra Adler, a remarkable spiritual teacher and author. Today, we invite you on a journey of inner peace and unity, as we unravel Sandra's experiences with her guardian angels and how these metaphysical communications have guided her through life. We'll also delve into how this led her around the world and ignited her mission to pass on this wisdom through her children's book series.  Sandra is not just a...
Published 12/19/23
Ever felt like you're on autopilot, living life according to the expectations of others? Imagine finding a system that helps you understand your unique energy type and enables you to live in alignment with it. That's exactly what our special guest, Holly Maree shares with us today. Holly's journey from traditional business to the online space led her to the intriguing world of human design, a layered system that combines spirituality and science. She reveals the five energy types in human...
Published 12/12/23
What does it take to reconnect with our heart energies and rediscover our authenticity? In a world where safety and approval often govern our actions, how can we return to our true selves? These are some of the intriguing questions we grapple with in this enlightening discussion with Dr. Madalina Petrescu and Cris Agafi. Both Madalina and Cris share their personal journeys into spiritual awakening and how a crisis can often serve as a portal to one's desire to heal. In this current era, where...
Published 12/05/23
Ever wondered what it would be like to tap into the power of your heart for a transformative spiritual journey? Join us for a soulful episode where we honor every step you've taken, every triumph, every challenge, and even those moments that felt mundane yet were pivotal parts of your growth. We celebrate you, your journey, and the resilience that has brought you to this moment because each element of our lives is deserving of recognition. Let's remind each other of our worthiness and the...
Published 11/28/23
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey with our special guest, author, and coach Theresa Lear-Levine. Imagine facing the deepest corners of your past, healing old wounds, and harnessing the power to turn every moment into a purposeful stride toward a richer life. This week's episode takes you on such an adventure, inspired by Theresa's own experiences, as we delve into her new book, 'Becoming More Me: Tapping into Success Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial...
Published 11/21/23
What if you had the tools to craft a life filled with peace and intentionality every day? An inspiring transformation leadership coach and the Everyday Peace Lady, Dr. Dravon James, joins us to shed light on this very possibility. Driven by her interpretation of peace as wholeness, completeness, and the absence of anything missing or broken, Dr. James shares her journey of becoming a coach, ignited by The Power of Positive Thinking. Through her unique philosophy of Everyday Peace, she coaches...
Published 11/14/23
What if the cosmos could guide your yoga practice? Astro-yoga specialist Emily Ridout joins me on the show today, revealing how the ancient practices of yoga and astrology can intertwine to revolutionize our understanding of self and transform our daily lives. Tracing her personal journey from a music conservatory in India to the frontlines of astro-yoga, Emily sheds light on the historical connection between these two disciplines, and the power they hold when combined. Emily also shares...
Published 11/07/23
Ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? I’ve been there too, trying so many things, seeking my unique charisma. Hear my personal tales from a recent women-powered business building conference, filled with dynamic conversations on amplifying our individual strengths. Learn how finding the right room can be a true game changer in your personal growth journey. What do you think about our podcast? We're all ears! As we gear up for some exciting changes in 2024, your feedback is more...
Published 10/31/23
Ever wondered what the secret to thriving relationships is? With relationship coach Ana Ruiz, we reveal the transformative power behind understanding our own layers of trauma, fostering self-love, and mastering the art of conflict repair. Ana's journey from struggling with failed relationships to empowering individuals, couples, and families through her coaching is nothing short of inspiring. Her story is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to learn and grow.  We dive deep into...
Published 10/24/23
Excited to embark on a profound voyage into the realm of spirituality, beliefs, and open-mindedness? Brace yourselves to appreciate how our philosophies and perspectives, sculpted by our upbringing and surroundings, influence our experiences in life and spirituality. Together Tom and Teresa will unlock the secrets behind their diversity of beliefs and the impact of religious dogma on spiritual understanding.  Lastly, we'll delve into how to keep the flame of enthusiasm alive on your...
Published 10/17/23
Have you ever felt lost, disconnected, or simply out of sync? Our special guest, intuitive healer Cara Faith, takes us on her journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. She speaks about nurturing the inner child, clearing emotional blocks and how she came to embrace her true self. Revealing her deeply personal fear of feeling lost, she shares the magical serendipity of a book that guided her towards her purpose.  Cara's heartwarming journey is a testament to the power of emotions and...
Published 10/10/23
As the outer seasons change, where do you feel you are in your inner season of life? What insights or revelations have you gained as you tune into this phase of your personal journey? Join Teresa as she encourages you to connect with the rhythm of your life through a deep exploration of the seasons inspiring us. Embrace change and the cyclical nature of your journey, just as she did when birthing her book in summer, a time of growth and brightness, followed by a period of inward reflection....
Published 10/03/23
Meet the remarkable Daniel John Hanneman, a master in intuitive business coaching and energy healing, committed to the empowerment of light leaders—those with a desire to make a notable impact. Born an empath, Daniel’s journey has been an exciting exploration of his gifts and their refinement. From questioning the validity of traditional education systems to becoming a seasoned spiritual guide, Daniel has been relentless in his pursuit of understanding and leveraging the unseen. Together,...
Published 09/26/23