Welcome to another episode of the Everyday Legends Q&A Session. In each episode, Mike Campbell takes a question from a listener and provides thoughtful advice and insights to help support personal growth. Today's episode will address the question, "How do I stick it out?" Tune in now as Mike shares his perspective on this topic and how bringing in outside support and accountability can help when growth becomes challenging, and we want to avoid discomfort. If you have a question or...
Published 12/18/23
Welcome to another episode of the Everyday Legends Q&A Session. In each episode, Mike Campbell takes a question from a listener and provides thoughtful advice and insights to help support personal growth. Today's episode will address the question, "Can men be friends with their ex?". Tune in now as Mike shares his perspective on this topic and discusses how maturity is key to maintaining a friendship with an ex, as well as how new relationships may impact such a friendship. If you...
Published 12/13/23
Welcome to another episode of the Everyday Legends Q&A Session. In each episode, Mike Campbell takes a question from a listener and provides thoughtful advice and insights to help support personal growth. Today's episode will address the question, "How can I stop trying to do everything alone and learn to accept help from others?"  Tune in now as Mike shares his perspective on this topic and offers guidance for opening up to support from other men safely. He aims to help us all build...
Published 12/04/23
In this weeks episode, Mike has a thought-provoking conversation with Connor Beaton, the  founder of ManTalks and author of the transformative book, "Men's Work." As a coach, facilitator, teacher, podcast host, and speaker, Connor shares his profound insights about his mission to help men across the globe find purpose, cultivate healthy love, embrace a joy-filled life, and foster fulfilling connections, including those of a deeply personal nature. Mike delves into an exclusive book excerpt...
Published 11/22/23
In this episode, I dive into the idea of being a high value man and what that really means. So many men are confused by this term, but I break down that true value comes from living according to your core values. I discuss how our values are like a compass, guiding our character and lives. However, many men's values have been shaped by insecurity rather than self-respect. I offer a process for examining your values - what you've really valued in the past versus what your best self would...
Published 11/16/23
In this episode of the Everyday Legends podcast, I discuss how we can often feel like we don't have enough time and get caught up in being "busy". I explore how this is usually a reflection of our relationship with ourselves rather than a real lack of time. I share how telling ourselves we need to "find time" is disempowering and prevents us from prioritising what's truly important. Instead, we must choose to make space and be intentional with our energy. I also discuss the fear that many...
Published 11/08/23
I'm excited to share my interview with Carl Nelms, founder of Blokes Psychology. We dive deep into the challenges men face accessing mental health support and how services could better meet male needs. Carl shares insights from his work and the "Big Four" psychological issues impacting men. I also asked Carl for tips on how to support the men in our lives. While not all struggles require clinical help, small check-ins can make a huge difference for someone in need. Learn how to have...
Published 11/01/23
In this episode I dive into some important questions around personal growth and development. I invite listeners to reflect on the results and situations in their lives that no longer serve them, as well as what traits and characteristics they want to embody going forward. We discuss the importance of getting clear on what you want versus what you don't want and creating actionable plans for achieving your goals. I provide exercises for listeners to brainstorm these ideas and get feedback...
Published 10/25/23
In this episode of the Everyday Legends Podcast, I discuss the importance of fighting for something meaningful in your life. As men, we have an innate need to apply ourselves and conquer challenges, so if we're not directing our energy towards things that are truly valuable to us, we'll end up fighting against life or attaching our worth to superficial things. I explore how for many men, we learn from a young age that our value comes from performing and proving ourselves. This can lead us to...
Published 10/18/23
This week, I'm excited to share my conversation with Alison Armstrong. Alison is a sought after speaker and thought leader who offers practical partnership-based alternatives to help understand human behaviour. Her work exploring relationships between men and women began  decades ago and illuminates characteristics that can undermine our goals and relationships. In this episode, Alison and I discuss understanding our instincts and focusing on not disrespecting others. We talk about women's...
Published 09/22/23
Today I'm excited to bring you my conversation with Traver Boehm. Traver is a good friend of mine and a legend in the work we do supporting men. We've had Travor on the show a few times before to discuss topics like the importance of brotherhood. In this episode, Travor and I dive deep into his UnCivilized Movement. We break down what it means to be an "uncivilized man" and explore different paradigms of masculinity. Traver also shares some of the challenges he sees men facing today. I...
Published 09/14/23
This moment was taken from Episode 61 with Tully O'Connor You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 08/27/23
This moment was taken from Episode 60 with Shaun Galanos You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 08/20/23
In this episode, I discuss the importance of self-respect over self-love. I explain that self-love can feel fluffy and hard to grasp, while self-respect provides concrete actions one can take to show care and kindness towards oneself. I also provide examples of embodying self-respect through taking care of one's health, pursuing meaningful goals, honouring one's experiences, and surrounding oneself with good men who can provide support and challenge. I encourage you to share this message...
Published 08/16/23
This moment was taken from Solo Episode 62 You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 08/13/23
This moment was taken from Episode 77 with Amber Hawken You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 08/06/23
This moment was taken from Solo Episode 59 You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 07/30/23
This weeks episode discusses the topic of shame and how it affects our lives. I explore how shame can drive us to hide parts of ourselves from the world in an attempt to avoid judgment, yet this ultimately prevents us from genuinely belonging and being seen for who we truly are. I discuss how shining a light on the parts of ourselves we shame can diminish their power over us and allow us to integrate and accept all parts of ourselves. This episode encourages you to confront your shame in...
Published 07/26/23
This moment was taken from Episode 60 with Shaun Galanos You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 07/23/23
This moment was taken from Solo Episode 57 You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 07/16/23
Today I'm excited to bring you an insightful conversation with Charles Myssy, an inner child and shadow work healer who helps people deal with their underlying issues in a non-clinical and spiritual way. Charles shares how he transformed from an angry teen to someone more grounded and present through confronting his own wounds and childhood trauma. You'll learn some practical techniques for exploring your inner child and shadow self, and gain wisdom on how to stop causing problems for...
Published 07/12/23
This moment was taken from Solo Episode 71 You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 07/09/23
This moment was taken from Episode 77 with Amber Hawken You can find the full episode and more here; iTunes Spotify Website Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc 
Published 07/02/23
Today I'm excited to bring you a punchy short episode on Failure. Failure is a big topic, and we could spend a lot of time exploring it. But in this episode, I'm going to dive into something that is significant, powerful and impactful when it comes to failure.   This is one I think you can listen to briefly and start taking action to shift some things in your life immediately. Failure is certainly one of the things that we end up doing in the world of my coaching program, the Everyday...
Published 06/19/23
Today I'm thrilled to bring you another excellent guest by the name of Michael Gay. He's someone who I am very fortunate to have met in person late in 2022 when travelling in Hawaii with our mutual friend Traver Boehm. Michael is a therapist in private practice. He earned his M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Naropa University with a focus in Transpersonal Psychology. He was a Wilderness Therapy guide for 6 years, leading and facilitating in deep transformational work with...
Published 06/06/23