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Everyday Spirituality
We can create a community where women can broaden their boundaries of religion to explore and strengthen their Spirituality. I believe that religion gives us the basics and that your spiritual path is the basis for your faith. I want to open the door for you to consider ways to strengthen your connection to the Divine, to bring your faith into your everyday life. Faith is not just in a building you attend once a week, nor is it just for times of trauma and despair. Spirit is in everything! It’s contained in every tree, rock, drop of water, molecule of air and everything in between. God has...
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Recent Episodes
Beneath our personal stories of pain and discomfort, we can access wholeness, love and compassion. If you want to wake up each day feeling good about yourself. Energized. Happy. Peaceful. If you’re ready to shed the layers of protective armor wrapped around your heart, this show is for you....
Published 12/07/17
What does Leadership have to do with Spirituality? Most of us hide our Spiritual tools in our daily lives. Leadership Expert Linda Patten will be sharing her journey in both the military and the corporate world. Linda will also share key leadership skills to corral your independent team, build...
Published 11/16/17
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