On this episode of The Art of Living Proactively (Harnessing the Power of Your Choices), Tony Winyard talks to Michael Kurkowski, a coach who focuses on physical training programs, nutrition programs, and mindset practices. Michael's approach prioritizes empowering his clients to take responsibility and become autonomous in their fitness journey. They discuss the lack of autonomy as a problem in the fitness industry, the importance of having a coach, and cultural attitudes towards celebrating...
Published 06/17/23
Habits & Health episode 100 with Joanne Kennedy, a Naturopath and specialist in MTHFR, histamine intolerance, gut health (SIBO), and women’s hormones. We discuss the role histamine plays in so many conditions. Joanne runs a successful clinical practice in Sydney, Australia and sees patients online worldwide. Joanne’s approach is to identify the root cause of illness. This is done by the use of functional pathology testing, assessing the biochemical individuality of each patient, assessing...
Published 01/10/23
Habits & Health episode 99 with Tom Glaser, a Licensed Psychologist and life coach with over 35 years of experience, Tom is also a bestselling author and yoga instructor. We discuss compassion, listening, how to find the right person to work with and a lot more. Tom's book, “Full Heart Living: Conversations with the Happiest People I Know,” is an amazon.com bestseller. Whether counseling, writing, or teaching, his passion is for helping people live their best lives flows through.   ...
Published 01/03/23
Habits & Health episode 98 with Christopher Maher, a former US Navy SEAL who endured intense physical, mental, and emotional stress as a US Navy SEAL and child. In this episode we discuss stress resolution and balance and what that means. By combining a “seal team mindset” with modern stress resolution strategies, Christopher taught himself to free his body, mind, and emotions from pain, tension, and emotional distortion by developing subtractive tools for eliminating unresolved stress,...
Published 12/27/22
Habits & Health episode 97 with Luke Iorio, former President and CEO of iPEC (the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) in this episode we discuss coaching, balance, purpose, structure and blockages to name a few topics. Luke Iorio is the host of the, On This Walk podcast, where he and his guests share their real stories and experiences on the challenges as well as what it takes to be centered, connected, fulfilled, and balanced. He is the former President and CEO of iPEC...
Published 12/20/22
Habits & Health episode 96 with Daniel Mansson, a clinical psychologist by training and in this episode we discuss Flow, a revolutionary new way of treating depression. Daniel is the co-founder and previous CEO of Flow Neuroscience. A clinical psychologist by training. He now leads the scientific work at Flow as Chief Clinical Officer In this episode we discuss: 03:21 Setting the company up 05:28 What is Flow? 07:41 How often should it be used? 08:49 The hardware 09:52 The 30 minute...
Published 12/13/22
Habits & Health episode 95 with Dr. Joe Mather. We discuss how important gut health is to other seemingly unrelated areas of health and how to find a good functional medicine doctor.  Dr. Mather is a board-certified Family Practice physician and the Medical Director of the Ruscio Institute for Functional Medicine. He graduated from Tulane University School of Medicine and Tulane University School of Public Health in 2011 and completed his residency in 2014. He is passionate about...
Published 12/06/22
Habits & Health episode 94 with Paula Allen who is  a Senior Vice- President at LifeWorks, trusted mental health & wellbeing partner to over 15,000 organizations around the world. She is the creator of the LifeWorks' Mental Health Index. We discuss mental health in the workplace and many other issues around mental wellbeing. She is the Global Leader, Research and Total Wellbeing and a Senior Vice- President at LifeWorks, now a part of Telus Health and is the creator of the LifeWorks'...
Published 11/29/22
Habits & Health episode 93 with Holly Middleton, a movement coach who helps your body to move the way it wants to so you reclaim ownership of your body. She specialises in restoring global movement patterns by fine-tuning movements of the skeleton.  Through gait analysis, foot function assessments, and joint-by-joint movement screenings she teaches clients to restore missing movement patterns and coordinate them with whole-body movements. For the athletic and curious-minded clients who...
Published 11/22/22
Habits & Health episode 91 with Kathleen Trotter, MSc, a fitness expert, media personality, personal trainer, writer, and author of Finding Your Fit. A Compassionate Trainer’s Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit and Your Fittest Future Self. Kathleen has been a personal trainer and fitness expert for almost twenty years. This episode covers a few areas including: Layers of the onion Exercise as a non-negotiable in my life Automatically rescheduling Cognitive benefits of...
Published 11/08/22
Habits & Health episode 90 with Matthew LaBosco, who has devoted his practice to empower individuals, across all areas of life, to partner, align, and leverage stress to live the most meaningful and purposeful lives possible. He has studied, trained, and apprenticed in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, physical rehabilitation, nutritional science, meditation, and spirituality.  Matthew has been working with thousands of individuals in his coaching practice for over two decades,...
Published 11/01/22
Habits & Health episode 89 with Lindsey Byrne, specialising in helping people reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's, using natural approaches to address the root causes. Lindsey is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Certified Re:CODE 2.0 Health Coach. She helps people get their partner back, reversing the symptoms without going down the road of pharmaceuticals, using natural approaches to address the root causes.   Some of the topics discussed in this episode include:   ...
Published 10/25/22
Habits & Health episode 88 with Shari Eberts & Gael Hannan who are passionate hearing health advocates. They are authors of the book “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”. Shari Eberts is an author, and speaker on hearing loss issues. She is the founder of LivingWithHearingLoss.com, a popular blog and online community for people with hearing loss, and an executive producer of We Hear You, an award-winning documentary about the hearing loss experience. Shari has an...
Published 10/18/22
Habits & Health episode 87 with Paul J Salter, a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Sustainable Weight Loss Expert who has coached 1,500+ women to lose 20+ pounds and KEEP IT OFF (without feeling like they're dieting...). He’s done so by taking an inside-out approach that focuses on cultivating feelings of self-love and self-worth from day one - not after weight is lost - and by paying much more attention to one’s mindset and emotional intelligence, in addition to the nutritional Xs and Os. ...
Published 10/11/22
Habits & Health episode 86 with Dr. Vic Manzo, a Certified Pediatric Chiropractor,  Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner, and former Reiki/Master Trainer. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience with nutrition, holistic health, energy medicine. Vic is the host of two podcasts, "The Mindful Experiment," and the recently started, "Health By Dr. Vic." He is the author of 3 books, the most recent, "Decoding The Matrix," which came out in May 2022. Dr. Vic has helped 100s of entrepreneurs...
Published 10/04/22
Habits & Health episode 85 with Dr. Gil Kajiki, the author of Sick, Tired, Untreated and Abandoned: How the Medical Community Fails Hashimoto’s Patients and How You Can Get Your Life Back. He is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Chiropractor, and patient educator with clients on 4 continents. His clientele include celebrities, corporate leaders, women stressed by family life and work, computer programmers, athletes, homemakers, radio show hosts, admin assistants, health...
Published 09/27/22
Habits & Health episode 84 with Dr Doug Lucas, a board certified orthopaedic surgeon who left the traditional medical model to build a practice on health optimisation. He aims to address the underlying causes of chronic disease to improve both health span and lifespan.  He has been specialising in metabolic health, hormone optimisation for both men and women, osteoporosis and longevity. He has pursued additional fellowship training from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M),...
Published 09/20/22
Habits & Health episode 83 with Dr Brian Taylor, who is the Senior Director of Audiology at Signia, a division of WS Audiology. In this episode we explore healthy hearing and habits that can help to prevent loss of hearing. Dr. Taylor has authored several peer reviewed papers and textbooks and is a highly sought out lecturer. He has nearly 30 years of experience as a clinician, business manager, and university instructor. Dr. Taylor received his AuD from Central Michigan University. Some...
Published 09/13/22
Habits & Health episode 82 with Dr. Lloyd Glauberman a clinical psychologist and inventor who coined the term Lifestyle Intelligence (LQ), and created an app that guides users along a clear pathway toward balanced health. Lloyd spent years of working with audio technology to help people accomplish meaningful changes in their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The app guides users along a clear pathway toward balanced, health living in daily 3-minute segments. This cutting-edge system...
Published 09/06/22
Habits & Health episode 81 with Sheryl Carroll, who supports women in perimenopause and menopause to live with radiant energy and feel strong and sexy in both body and mind. Sheryl is an ex-banking professional turned Integrative Health Practitioner and Health Coach. She is passionate about supporting women in perimenopause and menopause to live with radiant energy and feel strong and sexy in both body and mind. She runs 1:1 and group coaching programs to help women achieve this goal. ...
Published 08/30/22
  Habits & Health episode 80 with  Dr. Judson Brandeis, Urologic Surgeon and author of "The 21st Century Man" an invaluable book for men's health. He is a board-certified urologist who currently practices men’s health and sexual medicine in Northern California. Dr. Brandeis attended Brown University, Vanderbilt Medical School, and received a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Award for his year of transplantation immunology research at Harvard Medical School. He completed two years...
Published 08/23/22
Habits & Health episode 79 with Gavin Andrews, Managing Director for HeartMath in the UK and Ireland, a system of breathwork, self-regulation techniques and biofeedback technology. Gavin discovered HeartMath, coherence practise and heart-based living 15 years ago. Since then, he has found joy, meaning and purpose in sharing the science and practise of coherence with others. In addition to sharing the benefits of coherence practise through HeartMath, Gavin also passionate about finding...
Published 08/16/22
Habits & Health episode 78 with Jeff Chilton, founder of Nammex, who supply medicinal mushroom extracts to the Nutritional Supplement industry.  He is co-author of The Mushroom Cultivator, published in 1983. In 1989 Jeff established Nammex, the first company to supply medicinal mushroom extracts to the Nutritional Supplement industry. In 1997 he organized the first organic certification workshop for mushroom production in China. Jeff is a founding member of the World Society for Mushroom...
Published 08/09/22
Habits & Health episode 77 with Rick Olderman, a sports and orthopedic physical therapist with more than 25 years experience specialising in helping people with chronic pain experience a pain-free life. He wants to show you how to live completely pain-free without the need for medication.   Full shownotes including a transcription available at: https://tonywinyard.com/rick-olderman/ Habits & Health links: Website - tonywinyard.com Facebook Page -...
Published 08/02/22