Have you ever had an issue with your rotator cuff? Not only can this be incredibly painful for the shoulder, it can also be a large reason why people choose to stop exercising temporarily or all together. But, if you’ve followed our content at all, you know the number one thing you can do to live a long, healthy, and strong life is exercise… So how can you make sure you get a workout in even if you have a rotator cuff issue? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that...
Published 12/27/23
You often hear us talk about the 4 Exercise For Life Principles as they relate to strength training, but what about cardio? Do these same four principles apply to running, swimming, cycling, etc? Or do you need to consider different things during your cardio workouts to make sure you are building your health, strength, and function without getting achy, sore, or injured? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are discussing. We explore what role...
Published 12/20/23
Is your flexibility training making you weaker? It is well known that stretching decreases strength, but do all flexibility exercises have this effect? How can you increase your flexibility without getting weaker, and do so in ways that actually makes you stronger? On this week’s episode of the  Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are laying out the #1 thing you can do to increase your strength as you improve your flexibility. Stretching does NOT have to leave you weak, vulnerable to injury,...
Published 12/13/23
Does your strength training leave you feeling still and inflexible? Most people find that they have to stretch and do other flexibility exercises to counteract the effects of their strength training after they workout. But what if your strength training could not only make you stronger, but also make you more flexible? In this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are exploring the #1 thing you can do during your strength training workouts to help you become more flexible...
Published 12/06/23
Are you active all day long, always on your feet and moving around, rarely sitting or taking time to rest? While this kind of activity is great, it is not a replacement for more focused and intense workouts. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are going to break down the difference between being active and exercising, why you need to do both, and how to get both in consistently. If you have ever thought, “I don’t need to workout today because I have been up and...
Published 11/29/23
Life throws in many twists and turns that can derail you from working out. Whether it is social events, late nights, family gatherings, work assignments, or anything else that comes up throughout the day, there are many opportunities to say, “I’m not going to workout today because of ____ .” So how can you get your workouts in despite everything else that may be going on? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing three strategies we use to stay consistent...
Published 11/22/23
“Smarter Not Harder” is a phrase often thrown around in the fitness industry. While the idea of not working out as hard because you are working out more intelligently certainly sounds appealing, there are some big issues that this mindset is creating. What are these issues, how are they holding you back from reaching your goals, and what needs to be done to break free from this? That is exactly what we are discussing on this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast. If you find...
Published 11/15/23
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to help your body build bone, but when it comes to exercising with osteoporosis, the main recommendations that are given fall dramatically short of what is actually required to increase bone density. Fortunately, research shows that there are only three things you need to make sure are included in your workouts in order for them to have positive bone-building effects. What are these three things and how can you do them in a safe and effective way? ...
Published 11/08/23
A.I. is a very hot topic these days. From creating images, answering questions, and providing writing prompts to helping automate customer support chats on many websites and so much more, A.I. has infiltrated much of our daily lives, including fitness. But is A.I.-powered fitness as useful as other ways of using A.I.? Are there any downsides to using A.I.-powered fitness apps and machines? And if so, what are the actual issues with these shortcomings? On this week’s episode of the Exercise...
Published 11/01/23
Anti aging is a hot topic right now, and while there is a ton of information on the subject, it tends to be fragmented across different topics. You might find an article about supplements. And another about exercise. And another about sleep or stress management. But how can you piece it all together to create a full anti-aging lifestyle? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, this is exactly what we are discussing with anti-aging expert Dr. Michael Turner. If you are...
Published 10/25/23
Do you avoid doing high-intensity workouts because of how they make your joints feel? While there are a number of metabolic and health benefits that can come from doing high-intensity workouts, if they are breaking down your joints in the process, the tradeoff may not be worth it to you. But is there a way that you can do high-intensity workouts without risking injury or feeling achy or sore after? Maybe even a way that your joints can become healthier as a result of doing the...
Published 10/18/23
Is joint pain keeping you from working out? Maybe your knee hurts and is stopping you from exercising. Or perhaps your shoulder is aching and saying you should take it easy. Oftentimes, we see that if there is an ache or pain in one area of the body, it prevents people from doing exercise for the entire rest of their body. But is taking time off really the best solution? If you have followed our content for any length of time, you have likely heard us say, “You only get the health...
Published 10/11/23
Do you struggle to feel like you have ownership over your body? Maybe tasks that were once easy now feel difficult. Or perhaps your coordination or dexterity feel like they are leaving you. Or maybe you feel like the body you are living in today hardly resembles the body you remember living in 10 years ago. What can you do about this?? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is the question we are answering for you. You may not feel as strong, coordinated, or...
Published 10/04/23
What can change for you over the course of 300 weeks? Let us tell you… a lot. But while a lot can change, not everything does, and that’s what we want to explore with you this week. This week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast is a very special one as we celebrate our 300th episode! We discuss what has changed with us over the last 300 episodes, what has stayed the same, and where we see things going for us from here. If you have joined us for any of our 300 episodes, we want...
Published 09/27/23
Do you have a group of muscles that you are struggling to grow or strengthen? There is so much confusion and misinformation about what actually needs to happen in order to develop bigger and stronger muscles, and while much of the mainstream fitness industry wants you to chase the newest, flashiest, flavor-of-the-day strategy, we find that results consistently come easier when you follow a specific set of principles. This week, we have the opportunity to sit down with one of our esteemed...
Published 09/20/23
What aspects of your fitness do you take into consideration throughout your day? Perhaps you notice how out of breath or not you get. Or maybe you are aware of how easily you can move your body. Or your strength might be the thing that is most apparent to you as you do your daily activities. But, there is one aspect of your fitness that you are likely not considering, and by overlooking this, you may be sacrificing everything else that you are aware of. On this week’s episode of the...
Published 09/13/23
Do high impact exercises bother your joints? Maybe running bugs your knees, or jumping and landing hurt your back. Or perhaps your body actually feels okay doing high-impact exercises, but you choose not to as a precautionary measure. Oftentimes, when high-impact exercises bother people’s joints, they decide to not do them out of fear of making their joints worse. BUT, there are some big issues with not doing high-impact exercises, especially if you want to maintain your muscle strength...
Published 09/06/23
Are you moving too fast when you strength train? More than likely, you are. While moving too fast can be a big risk for injury, it can also cause you to miss many key benefits of your workouts. What will you be missing out on when you move fast and how can you combat this? That's what we're laying out for you this week on the Exercise Is Health® podcast. Yes, you want to be moving slowly, but how you go about doing it can make all the difference for your body and results. If you are...
Published 08/30/23
How long do you need to workout for it to qualify as a "good workout"? 45 minutes? 60 minutes? Longer? What about 20 minutes?... Oftentimes, when people think about exercising for 20 minutes, they either disregard it as an option because "it's not long enough to get a good workout"... Or they try to make up for the shorter duration by cranking the intensity WAY up. But - does it have to be this way? Do you either have to workout for longer periods of time or in ways that are really...
Published 08/23/23
Most people are familiar with the terms heart health, brain health, and maybe even joint health, but what about metabolic health? While not as well-known of a topic, metabolic health is a critical component of overall health, wellbeing, daily function, and even longevity. But what is metabolic health and why is it so important? On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into these questions and more with Dr. Elie Jarrouge of...
Published 08/16/23
Does it feel like your body is too old to get stronger, more fit, or more mobile? A lot of times, as people get older, they start to develop the belief that because they are "past their prime", they have lost their window of opportunity to build the strength and health they want. But, this could not be further from the truth! In fact, you can see improvements in your strength at ANY age; BUT, there are some things that you ARE too old for if you are in your 30s or beyond. Unfortunately,...
Published 08/09/23
Are your hamstrings always tight? Tight hamstrings are one of the most common physical complaints in our modern society, and while it may seem like your hamstrings are destined to be tight because of your daily requirements, there are some extremely impactful things you can do for them, especially if you are wanting to exercise. On this week's of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into what these exercise-specific tactics are and how you should go about...
Published 08/02/23
Do you want to get stronger but aren't sure of the exact steps to take to get results with out hurting yourself? Rebuilding your strength isn't complicated; in fact, you just need to make sure to follow a few simple principles day in and day out. And good news, if any of your joints or muscles are talking to you saying, “We’re not as young as we used to be,” you don’t need to worry. These principles will help you get strong no matter what you have going on. On this week's episode of the...
Published 07/26/23
Have you heard that walking is the best form of exercise? While we adamantly disagree with this statement, we do acknowledge that walking can provide a number of health benefits. But what if walking just isn't working for your body? What if every time you try to walk, your body feels worse? Your feet hurt... your knees hurt... your hips hurt... your back hurts... you just feel lousy... what do you do then?? Should you just skip out on walking altogether? Or are there specific things you...
Published 07/19/23
Hashimoto's Disease is the most common auto-immune condition worldwide. Its symptoms and effects are wide ranging and can be felt throughout the entire body, but there are many ways of combatting them. While the mainstream approach is often to supplement with a synthetic thyroid hormone, there are various lifestyle modifactions that can have a tremendous impact on the severity of symptoms of this common disease. And, if the issues are caught and addressed early enough, there may even be a...
Published 07/12/23