When we set out to make this podcast we wanted to provide some facts and figures for anyone navigating the complexities of trying to adopt a more climate friendly diet. We wanted to explore the changes you can make that have the biggest impact, but also to discuss why these changes aren’t always easy. My guest today is James Hand, co-founder of Giki, an app which aims to help people understand and reduce their carbon footprint. James has made it his mission to help individuals trying to...
Published 07/25/24
So far in the podcast we’ve talked about how one of the key ways you can reduce the environmental impact of your diet is to eat more plants. But encouraging those around us to eat more vegetables and pulses isn’t always easy, especially if we’re talking about children. Whether you’re a parent or not, we all have an interest in encouraging the next generation to adopt a planet friendly diet. Which is why I was really keen to talk to Kim Smith, who’s a Trustee at TastEd, a charity that uses a...
Published 07/22/24
At this stage in the series we wanted to take a step back to ask the questions: How important is food when it comes to climate change?How much difference can individuals actually make?And if we are going to change the way we eat, how can we do this in a way that’s just and fair to everyone?   In this episode I talk to Professor Dave Reay, Chair in Carbon Management at the University of Edinburgh and author of several books on exactly these topics. Dave talks to me from his farm on the Mull...
Published 07/17/24
There are a whole range of factors that affect the food choices that people make every day. Time and convenience, how much money we’ve got, our taste preferences - as well as the environmental impact. But we can't really discuss planetary health without talking about human health, which is why I was really keen to talk to my guest today, Barbara Bray.  Barbara is a PhD researcher in healthy ageing diets at Queen’s University Belfast. She’s also director of Alo Solutions - a consultancy which...
Published 07/15/24
When we talk about greenhouse gas emissions and food, we usually focus on food production, but these estimates often only tell the story as far as the farm gate or the retailer. How important are the choices we make in our own kitchens? Studies have suggested that home cooking can account for as much as 60% of the total emissions associated with certain foods. In this episode I’m talking to Dr Christian Reynolds, Reader in Food Policy at the Centre for Food Policy at City, University of...
Published 07/10/24
One of the things I get asked about a lot is plant milks, how they compare to dairy and how they compare to each other. The best person to discuss this with is Professor Rosie Green, Chair in Environment, Food and Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Rosie is a world leading researcher on the link between diets, the environment and human health. In this episode we discuss: The rise of plant based alternative foodsHow their environmental impact compares to meat and...
Published 07/04/24