To create true change in our lives, to become the version of ourselves that we wish to be, to shift our mindset from one of lack and scarcity to one of of abundance - it starts with the little actions we take every single day. The minutes that compound into hours, the hours that compound into days, the days that compound to weeks, then months, then years. If nothing changes now, then nothing will change. And most often, it is not a radical shift -- we will not change overnight & we...
Published 11/13/23
GET YOUR GUIDED JOURNAL! TikTok: butterflyfountain Podcast Instagram: @figuringshiiitout Personal Instagram: @222vgf love you!!!!!!! xx Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/figuring-sh-t-out/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Published 11/05/23
We all have an intuition that is bravely, uniquely, and quietly our own. An unexplainable inner wisdom, a sixth sense that can hardly be articulated. Our acquaintanceship with our own intuition is deeply connected to how much we know and trust ourselves. To listen to it - we must have a certain solitude with the self, a practice of discernment with our mental activity to know what is intuition and what is fear. We must strengthen the muscle of listening to our inner wisdom, and...
Published 10/29/23
This episode calls for redefining discipline in our external world and understanding when it's necessary to retreat in order to continue expanding. What can you give when your natural energy stores are depleted? Who are you when you have nothing left for yourself, because you've spent hours and days and weeks saying yes - against your natural knowing of what you need? What sacrifices  do you make to be what you find "valuable" in the world, turning off the intuitive compass that calls...
Published 10/23/23
This episode serves as a guide to understanding your limiting beliefs, shattering those illusions, and how to identify and live in alignment with what you want and who you want to be. Last week, we covered letting go of the past. Now, we forge a new future. This requires one thing - an overlapping element from last week's episode and an underpinning of Figuring Sh!t Out: Honesty with the self. In order to deepen our relationship with ourselves and honor who we really are, we must face...
Published 10/15/23
In this episode, I take you through my last few weeks of navigating life & what it has taught me about:   Moving on. Moving forward. Facing an unknown future with a bit of fear but a lot of relief - in knowing what you are leaving behind.  Saying goodbye to your pain and to the stories it wishes to perpetuate. We cannot avoid feeling what we wish not to face.  They teach us the most valuable lessons. They bring us higher. We are only as wise as what we learn from our suffering. ...
Published 10/08/23
"It is truly a great cosmic paradox that one of the best teachers in all of life turns out to be death. No person or situation could ever teach you as much as death has to teach you. While someone could tell you that you are not your body, death shows you. While someone could remind you of the insignificance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second. While people can teach you that men and women of all races are equal and that there is no difference between...
Published 09/24/23
This episode takes you through the critical aspects of inner child healing, from understanding the influence of our environment on the inner child, to releasing the pain of rejection and judgment. It's a deeply personal look into the struggles of independence, difficult relationships, and the desire for self-acceptance.  This episode is part one of an embarkation on shadow-work, a series to guide you through Shadow-Work & Self-Discovery,  the necessary uncovering of our unconscious...
Published 09/11/23
What would happen if we could trust that the chaotic tower moments were our divinely lit turning points for our own evolution? How much faster would we grow to see the sun if we could know that it would always rise again, after even the darkest of days?  How many blessings in disguise have you uncovered? How many bullets have you dodged? How many times have you looked back at yourself in shambles of the past, and wanted to whisper in your ear from your present-day self, “Just wait, you don’t...
Published 09/04/23
It starts with you. And it ends with you. Always and forever.  With the image casted upon us from Storybooks & Fairytales of the Damsel in Distress & the Knight in Shining Armor, we often feel in the depths of our pain and confusion, that we are to wait to be rescued by an unknown savior on horseback to break us out of the dungeon of affliction and into freedom. But this is an illusion. For that Knight In Shining Armor, who frees you from all of the stagnant anguish - has always been...
Published 08/27/23
The long, dreaded, and almost habitual cycle of Burn Out. Why? We desensitize our bodies and our brains to the overstimulus in this world of force and we are left physically exhausted, emotionally empty, and mentally overwhelmed. We blink our tired eyes awake and say yes when we know that we shouldn't. We strive, we push, we obtain - for what? For whom? How much is your worth based on how "good" you're doing? How much is your sense of self based on how much you can do or have gotten...
Published 08/07/23
Imposter syndrome impacts the greatest legends, experts, actors, writers, "knowers" and "do-ers" of all time. And yet - the biggest premise of feeling like an imposter, is feeling like we are the only ones hidden in disguise, waiting to be found out. "I have written 11 books, but each time, I think, 'uh oh, they're going to find me out. I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out." - Maya Angelou "The exaggerated esteem in which my life's work is held makes me very ill...
Published 07/30/23
Get real with yourself.  Are you treating yourself the way that you want to be treated? How are you showing up for yourself? Truly, sit with what type of love that you want - think about how you want to be treated, with no limitations. Think about what type of life you want to create, with no limitations. For a moment, let yourself dream. And then, start treating yourself that way. Take care of yourself the way that you would your own child. Nurture yourself, nourish yourself, love...
Published 07/23/23
You can micromanage your life and your personhood all that you want, you can lose your voice screaming at the sky for the answers and reasons of why you were born -  but you cannot micromanage your soul. Do you realize how much you are holding yourself back from your blessings by demanding they come in right here, right now? Do you realize how much you may be blocking answers and guidance by yearning for them with an acute desperation, eyes unknowingly closed to what is right in front of...
Published 07/15/23
Who are you, when no one’s watching?  and when they are watching - what are you trying so hard for?  Where are you lying to yourself? Craving to be understood, but fearful of being perceived?  What an oxymoron. You crave to be understood, but fear being perceived - because you believe that people won’t understand you, won’t see you, won’t get you.  And you let that matter. You let that move you.  And then you’re standing on broken legs and wondering why it’s so hard to walk.  Wondering why...
Published 07/09/23
it's time to learn how to say no & not feel bad about it.  in this episode, learn how to reclaim your power, time, space, and energy by learning how to protect your boundaries with grace & vigilance.  sacrificing your boundaries in the name of love is not a noble, empathetic act.  it is martyrdom. it is self-abandonment. and it is reinforcing the falsehood that you are not worthy of love as you are, unconditionally, without needing to overextend yourself in order to receive. where...
Published 06/25/23
Inside of all of us, there is a voice. A quiet, guiding light handed to us from evolution and survival - through our primal selves to our modern selves, we have carried it through our bones.  And with a culture that places more importance on logic, reason, reality, and physical evidence - we have become profoundly disconnected from it.  This voice is our most powerful asset, it is our internal compass, our sixth sense, our key to freedom within ourselves to explore the outside world free of...
Published 06/18/23
VIDEO PODCAST TO THIS EPISODE IS LIVE ON YOUTUBE 3 (Shortened Version of the Full Podcast on the Channel: 20 mins)  Channel Name: @figuringshitout (Butterfly Fountain) Title: normalize confusion - you're not running out of time. wherever you are is okay. ---------------- Episode 11.  our incessant need to understand and make sense of our lives is the malignant cessation of the flow of our lives.  the enjoyment of our lives.  do not get caught up in the tangled trap of strife born out of the...
Published 06/05/23
This episode is a walk-through my journey of awakening and some of the precious lessons I’ve learned throughout it.  Lessons not isolated to a journey of awakening, but lessons so intertwined with life, that we all seem to learn them at some point or another, in our own way.   We are not separate and we never were.  The light you see in others is too within you - and your access to it comes from a willingness to learn. To be open. In this episode, I talk about -  Interconnectedness.  My...
Published 05/28/23
Covet your being and your breath for they have been with you since your birth into life.  Center yourself back home.  Step outside of your mind.  Detach from, connect to.   You are the witness.  “If you want to be happy, you have to let go of the part of you that wants to create melodrama. This is the part that thinks there’s a reason not to be happy. You have to transcend the personal, and as you do, you will naturally awaken to the higher aspects of your being. In the end, enjoying...
Published 05/22/23
Knowing that there will always be more to know, more to learn means that every moment in your life has the potential to be transformative. Our drifting awareness, our tendency to take the path of least resistance by being less than fully awake to the present moment, creates a void.  The time-bound mind, which has been designed to be a useful servant, compensates by proclaiming itself master.  ------- This episode is inspired by Eckhart Tolle.  This episode is inspired by the Present...
Published 05/14/23
Free yourself.  Find a treasure in knowing that you have been at the rise and fall of every single one of your days, that you have surmounted all aspects of your pain, risen from it, and are in a continuous evolvement of being.  You and only you.  You weren't given a voice to not use it.  Let go of the need to please, to listen to the inner-critic in your mind and satiate it by staying quiet. By looking to others for external validation.  When you look to others for approval, you make...
Published 05/07/23
There is a bundle of nerves in our brain-stem responsible for affirming our internal beliefs. It is called the Reticular Activating System.  It is the neuroscience behind self-fulfilling prophecies, connecting our subconscious inner world to our conscious outer world.  It is a feedback loop of incessant validation for your own internal belief systems.  It is why we are able to sort and sift through millions of stimuli, of external data, and organize it into meaningful bits we live our...
Published 05/02/23
Part one of a series on Law of Attraction. You are a powerful creator. You may believe that manifestation, the law of attraction, and intentional creation is a spiritual concept outside of the binds of your brain. That you don't know anything about it, that you don't know how to do it, that you don't know where to start or how to learn. I have news for you. Every moment, of every single day, you are manifesting. You are creating. You are tipping the scales, knocking over the energetic...
Published 04/23/23
People can only see you as far as they see themselves, and maybe that’s not their fault. Why do we attract the same people, the same pain, the same dynamics, over and over again? Why do we feel we need to strive for, work for, or sacrifice for love? Why is it so hard to walk away when you know you’re being hurt? This pain that can follow us through our relationships seems to be a right of passage in living life.   Does it have to be? How do we navigate love in all of its various forms -...
Published 04/16/23