Where do you fall on the Confidence Spectrum? Is ego holding you back? Imposter syndrome perhaps? No worries amigo. This episode'll get you taken care of.
Published 08/15/18
We all face tremendous amounts of Resistance throughout our film journeys. The only question is: will you give up, or will you Turn Pro?
Published 08/15/18
Perfectionism is everywhere in the film community, and it's holding a lot of us back from reaching our potential. Here's how to deal with it, while still keeping your standards high.
Published 08/15/18
If you want to "make it" as a filmmaker, you can't let your decisions (or lack thereof) be driven by fear and anxiety. Today on the show, we'll learn how to counteract the most primal of instincts.
Published 08/15/18
The stories you tell yourself about the world, and about your abilities, are the most important ones you'll ever tell.
Published 08/15/18
Whether you realize it or not, your psychology has the power to make or break your film career. This season, we're going deep on the internal world of filmmaking, so that you can get out of your own way, and reach your full potential.
Published 08/15/18
In the season finale, we're going to zoom out and focus on the big picture of your success. Bascially, I want to answer the question: what specific pieces need to be in place to be genuinely successful as a filmmaker? So here's what we'll cover today: Why focusing on the bigger picture of your career is essential. The 9 building blocks of filmmaking success, and how to get started with each of them. A practical plan to make a massive leap in your filmmaking career in the next 90 days This...
Published 08/03/17
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. If you're trying to succeed in the world of film, you've no doubt heard this piece of advice. And as much as it pains me to admit this (as someone who's super introverted and who would prefer to be a hermit). Your connections can make or break your success in the world of film. So here's what we'll cover in today's episode: The two distinct types of networks that every filmmaker should start building immediately. Why you should forget everything...
Published 07/30/17
It's harder than it's ever been to stand out and get noticed as a filmmaker. That's why you not only need to promote yourself, but your work has to be unique—it must have a perspective that people haven't already seen a thousand times. In a nutshell, you need to develop your own voice. Here's what we'll cover today: Why having a unique voice and perspective is one of the most effective ways to stand out in a world where anyone can make and distribute a film. The one important rule you must...
Published 07/20/17
No matter how you make your living as a filmmaker, there's a good chance your primary source of income isn't going to be stable in the long term. And when you rely on one source of income, you invite financial catastrophe into your life—because there are forces beyond your control that could lessen (or completely cut) that income source more quickly than you can find another one. And that, my friend, is why it's so important to start diversifying your income. Here's what we'll cover...
Published 07/13/17
It's the ultimate filmmaking dream: not only making the films we care about, but earning a living from it. And though it's anything but easy, it's absolutely possible to achieve this goal, thanks to a deeply connected world where we can reach anyone at the click of a mouse. That's what today's episode is all about. Here's what we'll cover: Why film festivals and traditional distribution are no longer viable for the vast majority of modern filmmakers. Why building an audience around your...
Published 07/06/17
Demand for video content is skyrocketing these days. And if you play your cards right, you can make a very, very profitable and enjoyable living creating that content. So that's what today's episode is all about: using your filmmaking skills to win good, high-paying clients, again and again. Here's what we'll cover: Whether or not you're cut out for the freelance filmmaking life, or running a production company. Why niching down and focusing your skills is one of the most profitable things...
Published 06/29/17
Episodes 4-7 of this first season are all about the different ways filmmakers can make a living in the modern world. And where better to start than in the epicenter of it all: the film industry. Here's what we'll cover in today's episode: Whether or not you're cut out for the film industry (because it's certainly not for everybody) The fundamental mindsets that anybody needs to know if they're thinking about starting an industry career 3 steps you must take to succeed in the industry and...
Published 06/22/17
It seems like such a simple question—why do you make films? But it turns out that it's also an extremely important one. So here's what we'll cover in today's episode: How understanding the larger purpose behind your work will propel you towards filmmaking success. What happened when I tried following a tough path without knowing why I wanted it (hint: it wasn't good). Why a few members of the Filmmaker Freedom audience have devoted their lives to making films. This full first season is...
Published 06/15/17
Published 06/08/17
Everyone defines filmmaking success a little bit differently, and everyone's path to achieving it is unique. But no matter your experience, no matter where you live, and no matter how ambitious your goals are, the simple strategy in today's episode can help you get there. So here's what you'll learn in episode 2 of the Filmmaker Freedom Podcast: Why small daily actions are the key to unlocking filmmaking success, no matter how ambitious your goals are. The truth behind all of those...
Published 06/07/17
Every filmmaker wants to live a good life, In the first ever episode of the Filmmaker Freedom Podcast, here's what we'll cover. What the Filmmaker Freedom Podcast is all about, plus all the topics we're going to cover during season one. Why it's important to define filmmaking success for yourself instead of letting society define it for you. How my rocky experience with chasing the wrong definition of filmmaking success nearly caused me to give up on making films. Some simple (but not...
Published 06/05/17