This is the FINAL day of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can sign up for free at https://builtdaily.com/challenge
Published 05/03/24
This is the fourth of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can sign up for free at https://builtdaily.com/challenge
Published 05/02/24
Published 05/02/24
This is the third of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can sign up for free at https://builtdaily.com/challenge
Published 05/01/24
This is the second of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can sign up for free at https://builtdaily.com/challenge
Published 04/30/24
This is the first of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can sign up for free at https://builtdaily.com/challenge
Published 04/29/24
In episode 249 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are going to show you how to recognize and get out of Diet Culture so that you can achieve your Ideal Body. In this episode - “The 5 Key Steps to Getting Out of Diet Culture", you'll learn... 🔶 How Diet Culture has influenced your eating habits 🔶 Why an anti-diet support system is necessary for lasting change 🔶 How to redefine your health and fitness journey to make it more empowering 🔶 Why rigid rules around your eating tend to...
Published 04/28/24
Have you ever wondered why you self-sabotage? Why you struggle to do the things you know are good for you? Our intentions are usually good. We want to be healthier. We want to be more fit. We want to be happier. But for some reason we keep coming back to our old way of living - getting our old "results". Why does that happen? For the last 4 days we've been breaking down the Ideal Body Formula. The idea is simple... Your Ideal Body is the natural side effect of healthy relationships...
Published 04/18/24
The standard exercise prescription is strength training and cardio. But like most things with your health and fitness, knowing what might be good for you doesn't always translate into you actually doing it. When it comes to exercise, there are many issues people struggle with... doing exercise they don't enjoy seeing exercise as a way to burn calories using exercise to make up for (or preempt) poor eating pushing workouts too hard (or not resting enough) not having the motivation to do...
Published 04/17/24
Is there anything more demoralizing than looking in the mirror and being disappointed with what you see? You feel unattractive, less valuable in society, and it affects everything from your personal relationships to your career. This is the disempowering messaging Diet Culture pushes on us - that you need to look a certain way to be happy and worthy. In day 3 of The Ideal Body Formula series Deanna and I are diving deep into your relationship with your body. This is a big one. Your...
Published 04/16/24
For Day 2 of The Ideal Body Formula Series we're breaking down your relationship with food. You probably already know something is wrong with your approach to eating, but it can be hard to understand what needs to be fixed. The symptoms of a dysfunctional relationship with food are apparent... Excessive food thoughts. Out of control eating. Not trusting yourself around food. Never knowing how much to eat. And the list goes on. But the problem is Diet Culture takes an ineffective backwards...
Published 04/15/24
We're doing something different this week. For the next 5 days, we're running a special podcast event called "The Ideal Body Formula Series". Each day we'll be breaking down a different part of the Ideal Body Formula. This is all in anticipation for our yearly Ideal Body CHALLENGE later this month. You can sign up for the free challenge right here. Today, on the first day of the podcast series, we're breaking down the Ideal Body Formula in detail and showing you why it's the answer to...
Published 04/14/24
When I poll our community on whether they would prefer to be able to eat without counting calories, the answer is always a resounding yes. The problem? They don't trust themselves to be able to do it. Many people don't even know what true hunger and fullness even feel like. Others feel a loss of control and confidence surrounding their eating when they aren't tracking. But if the last decade has shown me anything - it's even the most staunch calorie counters can learn to let it go and...
Published 04/07/24
Binge eating affects nearly 3 million adults in the United States. And women are twice as likely to suffer from it compared to men. There's an even greater number of people who suffer from disordered eating - up to a quarter of the population or more. Some of the symptoms include... eating until you're uncomfortably full eating alone due to embarrassment feeling out of control eating without feeling hungry hiding food being preoccupied with food avoiding social situations involving food ...
Published 03/31/24
Our society places a lot of importance on extrinsic values such as wealth, career, education, and social status. But none of these can compare to the time and energy we put into trying to improve our appearance. And how does that work out for most people? We struggle - for a lifetime. What's interesting (and ironic) is how we willingly put ourselves into a disempowering identity in an effort to feel empowered. We feel less-than for most of our lives so that we have a chance to feel a...
Published 03/24/24
So many people like the idea of breaking free of Diet Culture, but they're afraid. They have fears surrounding weight gain, losing control with their eating, and worsening health. It's normal to have fears when undergoing such a big lifestyle change, but there's really nothing to worry about. All of the fears are just that - fears. Rarely do they manifest in the way you think they will. Understanding this will allow you to make the changes necessary to finally achieve your Ideal Body. In...
Published 03/10/24
Creating healthy habits is hard enough as it is. We don't need to add unnecessary resistance to the process. There are some very specific things you should consider doing, as well as avoiding, when attempting behavioral change. When done right, new habits are easier to implement, which makes it possible to stack more and more habits into your life. In episode 239 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are going to break down a multi-pronged approach to creating healthy habits that last. This...
Published 03/03/24
Why do we struggle to do the things we know are good for us? Enter self-sabotage. The failure of our goals tend to be a result of subconscious thoughts and behaviors that feel out of our control. Rarely do we just decide to fail. Instead, our psychology leads us to that path due to past experiences and the identity that they create. Addressing self-sabotage at the source is the key to overcoming our future failures. In episode 238 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are going to break...
Published 02/25/24
We tend to think of losing weight and getting healthy as the same thing. But they aren't. In fact, the one-dimensional way most people approach weight loss tends to lead to worsening health over time. Weight loss based behaviors are not the same things as health based behaviors. They can be, but they usually aren't when you're part of Diet Culture. But if you approach your health in the right way, your healthiest weight will be the natural side effect anyways. In episode 237 of Fitness...
Published 02/18/24
Diet Culture typically portrays your health and fitness journey in an unrealistic way. You're expected to flip a switch - going from one lifestyle to the next and never looking back. But anyone who has tried to undergo a big lifestyle change knows that things rarely play out that way. The thing is, the path you experience during your typical weight loss journey is nothing like the one you experience on your way to the NEW Ideal Body. Healing your relationships with food, body, exercise,...
Published 02/11/24
Despite what you might hear in the media (or from that ignorant commenter on social media), your weight isn't 100% in your control.   People like to put others down and write off their weight loss struggles as simply being lazy or not having enough discipline This is ridiculous. We are not carbon copies of each other, which means the way our body's work are all unique. But I'm not just talking about our genetics. There are so many other factors beyond simple nutrition and exercise that...
Published 02/04/24
We've been getting a lot of questions lately about the best way to make adjustments to your diet. People want to improve their health, deal with food sensitivities, live in spiritual alignment, or eat differently for performance or weight change (increase or decrease) reasons. But they're worried that if they start trying to manipulate their diet again, they'll slip back into Diet Culture and re-experience the food and body obsession all over again. Or, that whatever changes they make...
Published 01/28/24
On the surface, it might seem like the standard prescription for exercise is good for you, but that actually might not be the case. It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish in your life. When you see someone who is in "great shape", what does that really mean? Is it about how they look? How strong they are? How much endurance they have? Do these metrics automatically translate into improved physical and mental health, now and in the future? Or is what they're doing now going...
Published 01/21/24
Many of us struggle to overcome society's message that you need to look a certain way to be valued. Adopting these messages/beliefs, willingly or not, tends to create debilitating body images struggles for people. This negative body image then permeates into nearly every aspect of our life and diminishes our life experience. We end up spending our days living with someone (ourselves) who we don't accept, love, or appreciate unconditionally. And well... that sucks. But there are steps you...
Published 01/14/24
We have a tendency to label our food as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. But what most people don't realize, is that there are consequences to these labels - and they usually aren't good ones. For people who are trying to heal their relationship with food, these labels tend to keep you stuck in the diet cycle (and actually result in UNhealthy outcomes), even if your intentions are good. So then how should you look at your food if your goal is to achieve your Ideal Body and be healthy? ...
Published 01/07/24