This episode is dedicated to all the Weekend Warriors out there, who Can only fit exercise into 2 days of the week. How does this affect your health and is it a good idea? Dante brings two studies looking into all of the details! But first, we look at a couple things in the news that are of particular interest to our female listeners: We discuss what brain changes take place during menstrual cycles and we also discuss the breast cancer screening age recommendation coming down from 50 to 40. ...
Published 06/04/24
Published 06/04/24
In this episode, we dive into all things GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms. What are they? Should we be concerned about them? How do they affect our food and our bodies? We discuss all that and more! But first, Behind The Counter, we look at the solvent most commonly used as a paint stripper that the EPA recently banned. Plus, we celebrate the amazing, inspiring story of Professor Richard Scolyer, the cancer researcher that made incredible breakthroughs in Melanoma... before being...
Published 05/28/24
Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are becoming available without a prescription. Monitoring both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can be tricky, and we discuss the positives and negatives of using CGMs vs. self monitoring. But now that CGMs are becoming available OTC, they're becoming popular with the biohacking & fitness communities. Dante investigates these OTC CGM options and the wisdome of non-diabetics using them. ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products -...
Published 05/21/24
Continuing Joey's deep-dive into all things "organic", we dive take on pesticides! How much do we ingest? How harmful are they? Does organic food still contain pesticides? Are natural pesticides safe? Joey has some troubling answers! But first, research out of UMass Medical School suggests that machine learning has discovered  how non-antibiotic drugs destroy bacteria. What does that mean for infection fighting? Also, in totally obvious news, a new meta-analysis shows that hugs are, in...
Published 05/14/24
Dante DiMatteo (PharmD) takes on 2 different new studies that have huge implications for every element of family medicine! First, researchers have shown most people can accurately self-prescribe statins (read: cholesterol lowering drugs) WITHOUT a doctor... but is this a good idea? Next, Dante breaks down a fantastic study about getting the most of your mixed exercise programs. Is there an ideal way to train? Behind the Counter: "biosimilar" drugs (effectively generics) generally cost a bit...
Published 05/07/24
Food is expensive. Organic food is REALLY expensive. Why would anyone spend extra money for organic food? Joey goes in-depth on what hormone and antibiotic use in meat actually means. We discuss what is safe, what is dangerous, and what is still unknown. Behind the Counter: BIG YOGURT has a small victory. The Food and Drug Administration has officially authorized some specific new wording.  Also, a new study reveals the PFAS ("forever chemicals") contamination of seafood. Time to skip the...
Published 04/30/24
Dante and Joey each discuss the most common ADRs they counsel people on behind the counter. If you missed last week's episode (ep 51- "Side Effects May Include..."), go back and watch our intro to ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) & side effects. Behind The Counter, we discuss a new MS device that the FDA has granted "breakthrough status." It could be a game changer for those who suffer from this debilitating disease! Plus, dog lovers, rejoice! A new research study suggests that specific...
Published 04/23/24
They sound like a punchline until you're experiencing them: Side effects. Whenever a powerful molecule like pharmaceuticals or dietary supplements are taken, there is always a risk of experiencing an "adverse drug reaction". What causes ADRs? Can they be reduced or eliminated? When does the risk of side effects outweigh the potential benefit? We get into all of that and more! Also, Chick-Fil-A reversed course on antibiotic use in their chickens, and a new study reinforces the critical nature...
Published 04/16/24
We had so many questions that we couldn't properly answer them all in just one episode! THANK YOU! If you have a question about natural health, family health, prescriptions or exercise that you'd like answered on our podcast, let us know! Drop a comment below or email us ([email protected])! Topics covered in this Q&A include: - Increasing white blood cell count - Natural cholesterol supplements - Calcium supplements and thyroid medication - Natural supplements to help...
Published 04/09/24
It's that time, again! You guys have sent us a bunch of questions about family medicine, natural health, supplementation and more... and we're answering them! Behind the Counter, we learn about Wegovy being approved by the FDA to reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Also, artificial intelligence has revolutionized our understanding of prostate cancer! ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions -...
Published 04/02/24
The New York Attorney General wrote a public letter urging the FDA to increase warnings on Singulair, an asthma and allergy drug. She also wants the FDA to discourage prescribing it to children because of its psychiatric side effects. We dig into how common these side effects are and what the FDA's role in situations like this. Plus, Samsung gets FDA approval to track sleep apnea using their smartwatch! Also, probably no news to you, but the price of medicine is increasing…but maybe not as...
Published 03/26/24
After establishing all of the fundamentals at play in bone health and particularly osteoporosis and osteopenia, Dante brings details on the single best natural intervention: EXERCISE! And this isn't just speculation. Dante brings the studies to back it up. ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions - [email protected] Facebook -  https://facebook.com/askjoedimatteo  Instagram - https://tinyurl.com/5n6kfwhs ...
Published 03/19/24
Joey & Dante dive into all things osteoporosis. What is it? Who does it effect? What are risk factors? Supplements like Calcium and Vitamin D get are often referenced in these conversations... but is it really effective? Also, what's the new link found between heart disease and developing dementia? ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions - [email protected] Facebook -...
Published 03/12/24
Sensationalized headlines about GLP-1 Agonist weight loss drugs (Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound) are everywhere. From celebrities singing their praises, "experts" warning of the hidden dangers, and lawyers alleging disfiguration and death, the news is so conflicting that it's easy to get overwhelmed. In this episode, the boys look into several of the most extreme claims and try to bring some clarity, separating signal from noise. Is there any truth to the claims on either side? What...
Published 02/20/24
We've all seen headlines about Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound. These GLP-1 Agonist injections have become the most popular new pharmaceutical in decades. They have tremendous potential to radically change the lives of millions of people, but they aren't without their risks.  For the next two episodes, the boys are taking a closer look at what these drugs do and how they do it. To do that, we've got to have a clear idea of the problems they're looking to address: Type 2 Diabetes and...
Published 02/13/24
In the natural health podcast world, Testosterone has gone from getting no attention to an overwhelming amount of attention... but usually in only one area: Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). There is so much to discuss that it could never fit in one episode, but we have to start the conversation somewhere. How does aging effect testosterone? Do all men lose testosterone as they age? Can anything be done to reverse that? Is TRT the right answer for all men with lower testosterone? Should...
Published 02/06/24
Gout sufferers, this one is for you! Dante goes into all the details of both acute flair-ups and long-term reduction. Lifestyle modifications, supplements & medication all have a role to play, and this episode lays it all out. Whether you or someone in your family is dealing with gout, we want to make sure you have all of the details you need. Also, if you're one of the unfortunate individuals with genetically high cholesterol, we've got great news! Pharma giant Eli Lilly might have the...
Published 01/30/24
We may have lied to you. A new study shows that exercise could actually be aging us faster. Is this a revolution for our health science podcast or just bad "science?" Also, the FDA recently approved 2 new treatments for sickle cell anemia, giving hope to those who previously had none. What are the risks and rewards associated with this cutting edge technology known as CRISPR.  The FDA has also started publishing a database of companies and universities in non-compliance of their clinical...
Published 01/23/24
We love your questions! If you want your question answered on the show, email us: [email protected] Also in this episode, the guys discuss the science-confirmed link between cats and neurological disorders like schizophrenia. Also, Dante teases a new program he's been working on! We can't wait to tell you more! ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions - [email protected] Facebook -...
Published 01/16/24
Three recent studies have brought attention back to supplementation as a means of reducing or eliminating endometrial pain!  ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions - [email protected] Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/askjoedimatteo Instagram - https://tinyurl.com/5n6kfwhs PODCAST: Apple Podcasts - https://tinyurl.com/GHShowApple Google Podcasts - https://tinyurl.com/GHShowGoogle Spotify -...
Published 01/09/24
Did you get a new smartwatch for Christmas? Hoping to use that expensive Apple Watch in your New Year fitness goals? The volume of data they provide can be OVERWHELMING! Don't get hung up on every single metric they say they track. We've picked the most useful ones and outlined how and why to use them, as well as a couple you should absolutely ignore! ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products - https://askjoedimatteo.com/youtube Questions -...
Published 01/02/24
Annual Inventory Worksheet (PDF) - http://tinyurl.com/ys3j6xw6 Editable version: Go to http://tinyurl.com/muzcek9h  Click "File"  Select "Make a Copy"  Win the year! We give advice every episode. If you want to know what we think you should do in 2024, just go watch one of those! Instead, we took the opportunity to go over an annual inventory worksheet. It's a great way to think through the year that's ending and look forward to the year that's coming! The worksheet is based on one used...
Published 12/19/23
A steady stream of research, government reports, and articles continue to sound the alarm about one of the most dangerous health threats in this modern world. With the decline of things like multi-generational homes and an increase in isolation, LONELINESS has become one of the biggest drivers of all-cause-mortality. We don't have a magic solution, but it has to be discussed if there's any hope of reversing this terminal trend. ALL PRODUCTS: https://www.AskJoeDimatteo.com CONNECT: Products...
Published 12/12/23
When a click-bait story started a deeper conversation in the office, the boys decided to bring that debate to the show. Where is the line between parental rights and a minor child's private access to medical care? Is it ever appropriate for a parent's access to a child's medical records to be blocked? Also, a new study into exercise interventions for type 2 diabetics shows surprising results in the debate between cardio vs. strength training. Certainly, both are effective, but one had a much...
Published 12/05/23