Many of us are carrying too much stuff in our brains – meetings, ideas, to-do’s. We mean well, but we’re failing to leave space for the creativity and productivity that awaits us. Learn the what, why, and how of cognitive offloading to give your mind the space it needs to do its best work!
Published 07/23/24
Published 07/23/24
Carewashing - the process of companies implementing wellness programs and benefits that sound good, but fail to address real problems - is holding us all back from success. Learn how to address and reverse the trend.
Published 07/16/24
Many of us have been taught labels are a bad thing. And they can be. But they can also be the key to success if we understand how to use them effectively and for good.
Published 07/09/24
There are so many conversations we know we should be having—the hard, the awkward, the uncomfortable. But we put them off for fear of making things worse. It’s time to have that conversation. Here’s a simple framework to help make it a win for everyone.
Published 07/02/24
Too many companies are relying on Employee Engagement surveys to save the day. But just the opposite is happening. So what can we do instead?
Published 06/25/24
We know, generically, we should be living in a season of curiosity, always asking questions. But is it really important to be doing this? And if so, how can we actually do it well?
Published 06/18/24
A listener asked Modern Mentor for strategies on how to change a toxic workplace culture. Here are 5 actions that listener might take.
Published 06/11/24
Kevin Kelly, author of the new book Irreplaceable, delivers his insights around how a workplace can be designed to draw us in, to drive connection, innovation, and outstanding results.
Published 06/04/24
There are some really common challenges in the workplace. But in many cases we’ve been trying the same solutions for years. And often without results. So…maybe it’s time for a new approach?
Published 05/28/24
We all know the importance of continuous learning. But classes and certifications aren’t the only way. There are plenty of ways we can – and should – be learning, to round out our skills and knowledge. Let’s discuss some today.
Published 05/21/24
Being a giver at work can actually help you get ahead. When we give meaningfully and intentionally rather than indiscriminately and at our own expense. Here are 4 things a strategic giver will do – to infuse meaning into any situation.
Published 05/14/24
Employees at every level are feeling exhausted – not from too much work, but from too much changing of direction. If it feels like every day there’s a new set of priorities, here are some things you can do to stay afloat.
Published 05/07/24
So many of us are still struggling with burnout. And while we can’t always conquer it in a single effort, sometimes just finding small ways to ease it in moments can give us the breathing space we need to move forward.
Published 04/30/24
Vulnerability has become a buzzy word in the workplace. But author and speaker Jacob Morgan is here to say vulnerability can be a superpower when done well. But can also cause harm or damage when misunderstood.
Published 04/23/24
People are feeling really disappointed by and at work these days. Leaders are making (or not making) choices we don’t love. So how can we constructively manage this disappointment while holding onto our jobs?
Published 04/16/24
Organizations lose tremendous productivity - and employee engagement - when breakdowns in the system go unnamed and unsolved. But there are some simple strategies that can equip and empower you to solve the thing once and for all. Here is a step by step plan.
Published 04/09/24
There’s a lot of information out there about leadership. Which we often assume to mean leading those reporting to us. But an ability to lead up – to manage our managers effectively – is an equally important part of the job. Here are some tips on doing it well.
Published 04/02/24
We’re all striving to be better communicators – in both formal and informal situations. Stanford Graduate School of Business Lecturer, Matt Abrahams, shares with Modern Mentor some of his top tips for being more focused, less anxious, and more successful in our everyday communication.
Published 03/26/24
Change is just everywhere. And anyone in a leadership role – at any level – has a responsibility to lead themselves – and their teams – through change. But we can’t do it all. Let’s learn what is the job of the change leader. And what is not.
Published 03/19/24
If you feel like you’re sitting in too many meetings, the problem may be too many meetings. Or, the problem might be you’re not maximizing the impact you’re delivering in those meetings. Here are some ways you can amplify your impact in any meeting.
Published 03/12/24
We tend to overinvest in executive buy-in. We stand still until we have full support of an idea. But what if there were a way to execute without the wait? Maybe there is.
Published 03/05/24
Communication is a key capability in absolutely every industry. Many of us do it well. But even the best of us are missing some opportunities to maximize its value. Learn some of the most commonly missed opportunities and how to lean into them next time.
Published 02/27/24
In this episode, Rachel identifies the parallels between traffic jams and typical workplace issues. Key points discussed include 'expecting the outlandish', where leaders have high, often unrealistic expectations; 'whim tossing', which addresses the confusion caused by leaders' unclear ideas; 'bystanding', where stakeholder involvement is lacking; and 'unclear expectations', which affect goal clarity and achievement. She suggests proactive planning, clarity-seeking, and strategic negotiation...
Published 02/20/24
As so many of us are chasing speed, efficiency and a bit of lightness at work, asking the important question, “Will it make the boat go faster?” can be an excellent solution.
Published 02/13/24