Over the past twenty years, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has proven to be a high-impact and resilient global health partnership. Launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2000, Gavi has mobilized its network of government, private sector, and civil society partners to make vaccines affordable and available to millions of children in the world’s lowest-income countries. Yet after years of improvements, immunization coverage has now stagnated in some countries, and the challenges posed by...
Published 02/24/20
In 12 short months, the initial UNAIDS Fast Track milestones toward gaining control of the HIV pandemic come due. As we start HIV’s pivotal 2020 year, there is cause for both optimism that progress is being made in important areas and concern that critical obstacles remain. The world is not on track to reach the 2020 Fast Track milestones by the end of the year. The time is now to take stock of the state of the epidemic, understand how different countries and cities are making progress, and...
Published 02/03/20
In 12 short months, the initial UNAIDS Fast Track milestones toward gaining control of the HIV pandemic come due. As we start HIV’s pivotal 2020 year, there is cause for both optimism that progress is being made in important areas and concern that critical obstacles remain. The world is not on track to reach the 2020 Fast Track milestones by the end of the year. The time is now to take stock of the state of the epidemic, understand how different countries and cities are making progress, and...
Published 02/03/20
This episode explores how China has responded to the deadly outbreak of a new coronavirus originating in the central city of Wuhan. Our guest, Dr. Yanzhong Huang, compares Beijing’s response to its handling of the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, analyzing what key lessons the government appears to have learned and where it has fallen short. Dr. Huang also describes the varying local and global reactions to the Chinese government’s response efforts, and assesses how Beijing’s ability to control this...
Published 01/29/20
This episode explores how China has responded to the deadly outbreak of a new coronavirus originating in the central city of Wuhan. Our guest, Dr. Yanzhong Huang, compares Beijing’s response to its handling of the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, analyzing what key lessons the government appears to have learned and where it has fallen short. Dr. Huang also describes the varying local and global reactions to the Chinese government’s response efforts, and assesses how Beijing’s ability to control this...
Published 01/29/20
Australia is being ravaged by the worst bushfires seen in decades. Beginning in 2019, the fires have burnt through 25.5 million acres, the size of Denmark and Belgium combined. At least 27 people are dead, including three volunteer firefighters, and more are missing. Thousands of homes have been destroyed or damaged. Australia’s capital cities are experiencing record air pollution, and smoke has been seen as far away as South America. With the fire summer season extending for another few...
Published 01/27/20
Australia is being ravaged by the worst bushfires seen in decades. Beginning in 2019, the fires have burnt through 25.5 million acres, the size of Denmark and Belgium combined. At least 27 people are dead, including three volunteer firefighters, and more are missing. Thousands of homes have been destroyed or damaged. Australia’s capital cities are experiencing record air pollution, and smoke has been seen as far away as South America. With the fire summer season extending for another few...
Published 01/27/20
Malnutrition has the potential to bankrupt countries and prevent children from reaching their full potential. Unlike other food groups, fruits and vegetables provide beneficial outcomes across all malnutrition forms. Yet, despite the nutritional punch of fruits and vegetables, current global consumption is far below the minimum daily requirements of five portions. Join the Global Food Security Project for the release of Seeds of Change: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables to Improve...
Published 11/06/19
Malnutrition has the potential to bankrupt countries and prevent children from reaching their full potential. Unlike other food groups, fruits and vegetables provide beneficial outcomes across all malnutrition forms. Yet, despite the nutritional punch of fruits and vegetables, current global consumption is far below the minimum daily requirements of five portions. Join the Global Food Security Project for the release of Seeds of Change: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables to Improve...
Published 11/06/19
Malnutrition has the potential to bankrupt countries and prevent children from reaching their full potential. Unlike other food groups, fruits and vegetables provide beneficial outcomes across all malnutrition forms. Yet, despite the nutritional punch of fruits and vegetables, current global consumption is far below the minimum daily requirements of five portions. Join the Global Food Security Project for the release of Seeds of Change: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables to Improve...
Published 11/06/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Steve speaks with Tori Cooper at the eighth Annual Atlanta Summit on Global Health on advocacy. As the founder and Executive Director of Advocates for Better Care, and a black transwoman living with HIV, Tori is at the center of these issues. They discuss her life, career, leadership and the continued imperative of community advocacy in driving progress.
Published 10/24/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Steve speaks with Tori Cooper at the eighth Annual Atlanta Summit on Global Health on advocacy. As the founder and Executive Director of Advocates for Better Care, and a black transwoman living with HIV, Tori is at the center of these issues. They discuss her life, career, leadership and the continued imperative of community advocacy in driving progress.
Published 10/24/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Steve speaks with Tori Cooper at the eighth Annual Atlanta Summit on Global Health on advocacy. As the founder and Executive Director of Advocates for Better Care, and a black transwoman living with HIV, Tori is at the center of these issues. They discuss her life, career, leadership and the continued imperative of community advocacy in driving progress.
Published 10/24/19
Two things need to happen to achieve greater success in the global fight against HIV: dramatically reduce new infections and achieve viral suppression in those already living with the virus. In order to meet these goals, new infections must come down from an annual rate of 1.7-2 million that has been stagnant for a decade, viral suppression must be sustained and ensured for the more than 23 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) on anti-retroviral treatment (ART), and treatment must be...
Published 10/22/19
Two things need to happen to achieve greater success in the global fight against HIV: dramatically reduce new infections and achieve viral suppression in those already living with the virus. In order to meet these goals, new infections must come down from an annual rate of 1.7-2 million that has been stagnant for a decade, viral suppression must be sustained and ensured for the more than 23 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) on anti-retroviral treatment (ART), and treatment must be...
Published 10/22/19
Two things need to happen to achieve greater success in the global fight against HIV: dramatically reduce new infections and achieve viral suppression in those already living with the virus. In order to meet these goals, new infections must come down from an annual rate of 1.7-2 million that has been stagnant for a decade, viral suppression must be sustained and ensured for the more than 23 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) on anti-retroviral treatment (ART), and treatment must be...
Published 10/22/19
In 2018, more than 200 million people contracted malaria around the world, and nearly half a million died of it. As countries continue to battle malaria within their borders, the international discussion turns to a loftier goal—complete global eradication of malaria. In this episode of Take as Directed, J. Stephen Morrison sits down with Sir Richard Feachem, Director of the Global Health Group at UCSF Global Health Sciences, and Professor of Global Health at both UC San Francisco and the UC...
Published 10/15/19
In 2018, more than 200 million people contracted malaria around the world, and nearly half a million died of it. As countries continue to battle malaria within their borders, the international discussion turns to a loftier goal—complete global eradication of malaria. In this episode of Take as Directed, J. Stephen Morrison sits down with Sir Richard Feachem, Director of the Global Health Group at UCSF Global Health Sciences, and Professor of Global Health at both UC San Francisco and the UC...
Published 10/15/19
In 2018, more than 200 million people contracted malaria around the world, and nearly half a million died of it. As countries continue to battle malaria within their borders, the international discussion turns to a loftier goal—complete global eradication of malaria. In this episode of Take as Directed, J. Stephen Morrison sits down with Sir Richard Feachem, Director of the Global Health Group at UCSF Global Health Sciences, and Professor of Global Health at both UC San Francisco and the UC...
Published 10/15/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Stephen Morrison speaks with Mark Heywood on whether HIV advocacy and activism still matters. As a co-founder of SECTION 27 and the Treatment Action Campaign, Mark has been an activist at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa for decades. They discuss what Mark sees as the biggest obstacles and opportunities for future HIV efforts.
Published 10/10/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Stephen Morrison speaks with Mark Heywood on whether HIV advocacy and activism still matters. As a co-founder of SECTION 27 and the Treatment Action Campaign, Mark has been an activist at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa for decades. They discuss what Mark sees as the biggest obstacles and opportunities for future HIV efforts.
Published 10/10/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Stephen Morrison speaks with Mark Heywood on whether HIV advocacy and activism still matters. As a co-founder of SECTION 27 and the Treatment Action Campaign, Mark has been an activist at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa for decades. They discuss what Mark sees as the biggest obstacles and opportunities for future HIV efforts.
Published 10/10/19
In this episode of AIDS 2020, Stephen Morrison speaks with Mark Heywood on whether HIV advocacy and activism still matters. As a co-founder of SECTION 27 and the Treatment Action Campaign, Mark has been an activist at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa for decades. They discuss what Mark sees as the biggest obstacles and opportunities for future HIV efforts.
Published 10/10/19
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, countries have been committed to finding a path to universal health coverage – the vision of providing access to quality healthcare for all without risk of financial hardship. This ambitious goal raises myriad questions: What should be covered? Who should be covered? What are the roles of civil society and the private sector in helping governments to achieve universal health coverage (UHC)? How will we pay for it all? Each...
Published 10/03/19
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, countries have been committed to finding a path to universal health coverage – the vision of providing access to quality healthcare for all without risk of financial hardship. This ambitious goal raises myriad questions: What should be covered? Who should be covered? What are the roles of civil society and the private sector in helping governments to achieve universal health coverage (UHC)? How will we pay for it all? Each...
Published 10/03/19