Stop Hiding and Start Marketing with Brandy Mabra!
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How are we going to grow a successful health coaching practice, or sell an amazing course, or promote our newest book if nobody knows about it?  This is a very common obstacle that many entrepreneurs struggle with.  The truth is, that if you're hiding your business or brand from potential customers, it's time to take action and start marketing because marketing is crucial to increase brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately grow your business. To share some tips on how to stop hiding and start marketing, we invited Brandy Mabra to the show.  Brandy is the CEO & Founder of Savvy Clover which serves private practice owners by teaching them the mindset and skill set it takes to own their CEO role.  She shares how by owning your leadership role in your business, you can empower your teams and lead from a place of knowledge and delegate confidently, enabling you to work on your business instead of in your business.
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