As a health coach, I really love data.  We are often at a disadvantage when it comes to data because unlike doctors, we generally don't have easy access to testing or labwork.  But what if we can actually access critical information that has huge health implications right from wearable tech? With the help of heart rate monitors that are easily accessible on our phones or other wearable devices, we can get to know our clients body better and help them gain better control of their stress...
Published 06/18/24
Published 06/18/24
How quickly we forget!  Once upon a time, the online fitness and coaching world wasn't a thing.  Then the world changed.  We all adapted to a world where we moved our lives online.  Still, that transition isn't easy and there's a lot of mistakes a health coach or a trainer can make that can stall their success. To demonstrate how he navigated the transition and how he built a booming online business, we invited Cody Watkins to the show.  Dubbed the “King of Transformation,” Cody is a...
Published 06/06/24
Health coaches are naturally helpers.  We authentically care about our clients and are out for their best interests. This puts us at a distinct business advantage! Putting clients first is essential for building a successful business. This approach fosters loyalty, trust, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. When clients feel valued and understood, they are more likely to remain loyal and recommend your services to others. This client-centric approach not only enhances customer satisfaction...
Published 05/21/24
One of the most popular life phrases is, "It's not what you know, it's who you know".  This holds true for successful health coaching practices as well.  By building your network, you can get one of the most sought after leads any business owner would desire: referrals.  To this day, nothing beats a referral.  And mastering how to network in a way that gets you referrals will only build your bottom line. To explain how to properly leverage your current network, we invited Kenneth Tinglum to...
Published 05/01/24
Is organic traffic dead?  Not exactly.  However, it isn't free.  It costs a ton of time.  So if you want to grow your business fast, you should consider spending money over spending your time. Health coaches can use paid ads to find more people by using ads on a variety of platforms from Facebook to Google and get themselves in front of their ideal clients in a hurry.  But this is an art and we would never recommend haphazardly throwing money against the wall with ads either. So to guide us...
Published 04/16/24
The more things change, the more they stay the same.  It's a phrase that is often said for many reasons and it fits the current world of marketing just the same.  No matter what the latest fad method of marketing that comes out, the basics of marketing tend to stay the same.  Basically, what problem do you solve and what do you do to solve it? To dive into this simplistic formula, we invited Tiago Faria to the show.  Tiago help coaches, mentors, consultants and other help professionals...
Published 04/02/24
Running a business is only one aspect of your life, even if it seems like it consumes everything else.  How many times have certain areas of life were neglected in order to keep our businesses afloat?  Has our health suffered?  Our relationship with our loved ones?  Has our connection to spirit taken a hit?  Like it or not, these aspects of ourselves need to be shored up in order for any business venture to thrive and that balance is key to any profitable practice.   So to discuss how this...
Published 03/19/24
I know the legal aspect of health coaching isn't the first and foremost thing on the mind of a health coach.  But we do live in a litigious society.  With that being said, we need to protect the business that we are creating.  The great thing about it is that it isn't that difficult to put in place, especially when you have Cory Sterling in your corner. Cory is the founder of Conscious Counsel, a law practice that provides legal counsel for creative, ambitious and heart-leading business...
Published 03/06/24
When you continuously get acknowledged for your career path, there's definitely something there.  Accolade after accolade counts for something as well.  And when it comes to peak performance, there's only a few coaches who can share the same air as Brett Baughman. With more than two decades as an award-winning business and life coach, including being recently voted as the Top Coach of 2023 by Apple News, Brett joins the show to share innovative ideas and clear action steps to improve our own...
Published 02/21/24
Fascia is an awesome tool to have in your health coaching toolbox!  Although our understanding of fascia is an ongoing process, it's popularity continues to soar!  This fascination with fascia allows for a unique selling point on a cutting edge modality that can be very beneficial to any health coaching practice. To share how to incorporate fascia into your business, we invited Anna Rahe to the show.  Anna is the founder of GST Body and has partnered with top athletes, surgeons, physicians,...
Published 02/05/24
I'll be honest.  I think niching down is the hardest thing a health coach can do.  Even to this day, I feel a lttle funny fully committing to a specific niche no matter how many people tell me the same exact advice and the amazing benefits of gaining that clarity.  But, when it comes to creating a business, the importance of niching down can't be overlooked. Jalene Szuba joins the show to share her business journey and some of the key benefits that she discovered while choosing her niche....
Published 01/23/24
It really is amazing how there's such a stigma around using a ghostwriter. People get help in the area of writing all the time!  I myself use my virtual assistant to do my show notes.  I use my copywriter to create my sales pages.  But for some reason, even I feel a certain way considering using a ghostwriter to help out with any future books I intend to write.  And this is after the fact that countless celebrities use them to get their books out!  But maybe we are looking at this whole...
Published 01/09/24
Yoga and health coaching are two modalities that share many common threads, especially when we look at how they play such critical roles in how to transform people’s lives.  So it doesn’t come as a surprise when we learn that many health coaches actively practice yoga and even incorporate yoga into their health coaching practices.  So when I had the opportunity to invite Kim Tang to the show, I immediately jumped on the opportunity. Kim is an Internationally recognized Master Yoga Teacher...
Published 12/21/23
As we close in on our 200th episode, I look back at all of the amazing business tips that our awesome guests consistently deliver.  But what about some of the latest approaches on how to get our clients healthy?  As the landscape constantly changes, we are bombarded with so many different perspectives that it can often get confusing on how we should advise our clients to assist them on their journey of health. To help us with some tips on how to get our clients healthy, we invited Isaac Ho...
Published 12/01/23
We all have a story, whether we realize it or not.  And that story, once identified is the key to turning your passion into profits.  Our story provides us the framework to connect to the peoople we want to serve and enables us to deliver the unique value that they want and would love to pay for.  To dive into this topic, we invited Evan Transue to the show. Evan is the host of the Health Detective Podcast and owner of Bucks County Light Therapy.  He joins the show to share his insights on...
Published 11/07/23
Even if you'd rather be off the grid, social media can be a game-changer for your business.  We know that it can potentially be a goldmine for your business because it reaches a vast audience, boosts brand visibility, and offers valuable insights in how to position your business.  But, what if you just don't want to do it?  What if the whole idea fills you with anxiety?  Is there a happy medium that we can employ? To answer that question and to give us a viable strategy, we invited Lauren...
Published 10/24/23
Your life experiences shape your business model more than you might think. Your personal journey, from triumphs to challenges, can guide your entrepreneurial path by turning what you've been through into a successful business strategy that resonates with your target audience.  The greater your story, the more attractive you become.  And when it comes to a story, there aren't too many who can compete with Ali Shapiro. Ali joins the show to share how leveraging your unique journey can sculpt a...
Published 10/10/23
True success lies not in products or technologies, but in the power of people. Why do some companies have loyal, cult-like followings while others blend into oblivion? If we look around, we begin to notice that traditional marketing is losing its edge and many entrepreneurs are struggling to stand out.  It becomes clear that a thriving community can be your biggest asset. This breakthrough has launched Lloyed Lobo to new heights and led him to coin the phrase: " If you build a community, you...
Published 09/19/23
Can an online program really give you the flexibility and financial stability you need to sustain a health coaching practice long-term? The simple answer is absolutely! By leveraging digital platforms, you can design and deliver courses tailored to your expertise and passions and reach a global audience that has the potential to generate passive income streams over time. And these programs can be on a rinse and repeat cycle so that you can gain a consistent source of income for the long haul....
Published 09/07/23
So..... Let's talk about the elephant in the room.  ChatGPT.  At this point, I feel that I can say that everybody has at least heard of this or other AI applications out there that seemingly threaten the very existence of mankind. That's the dramatic feel around this new technology. A lot of creatives are truly stressed out about this. But just like any other technology that we've seen, this can be quite an exciting tool, especially for health coaches.  So to discuss this topic, we invited...
Published 08/21/23
Does more marketing mean more sales?  Not necessarily.  Getting more clients without traditional marketing is feasible through alternative strategies. By focusing on client satisfaction and creating valuable relationships, businesses can attract new clients organically and retain them for sustainable growth.  So spending more money on marketing is not the only solution. To show us some of these strategies, we invited Joanna Sapir to the show.  Joanna's mission is to help innovative and...
Published 08/07/23
After over 180 episodes, I think I finally understand the purpose of niching down. I know that sounds bizarre, and I did get the concept of a niche superficially, this episode was the one that I truly had that aha moment. When put into practical terms, the niche is not about you.  Yes, you can probably help all different types of people. But, the niche is for the consumer. They are doing the looking, not you. So the man who opened up my eyes clearer than ever before is Ren Jones. Ren is one...
Published 07/18/23
Are you ready to transform your financial reality? I know I am!  In order for us to have thriving practices, money needs to be coming in.  Period.  So , in order to get money in our lives, we need to operate on the plane where cold, hard cash meets the realm of metaphysics. To dive into the steps to take to make this a reality, we invited Dr. Alison Kay to the show.  Dr. Kay is the founder of the Vibrational UPgradeTM System and is considered one of the leading experts in the fields of New...
Published 07/03/23
It is often said that following your passion unlocks a world of opportunities. By pursuing what ignites your soul, you tap into your authentic self, which resonates with others and eventually attracts like-minded individuals and potential collaborations, amplifying your network. Sticking with what drives you also fuels your dedication, leading to mastery and expertise. Christine Blanchette knows better than anyone how this mindset leads to success.  Her passion for running led her to create...
Published 06/25/23