It is often said that following your passion unlocks a world of opportunities. By pursuing what ignites your soul, you tap into your authentic self, which resonates with others and eventually attracts like-minded individuals and potential collaborations, amplifying your network. Sticking with what drives you also fuels your dedication, leading to mastery and expertise. Christine Blanchette knows better than anyone how this mindset leads to success.  Her passion for running led her to create...
Published 06/25/23
If you are a health coach looking to take your business to new heights, harnessing the power of ads can be a game-changer for your success. There are numerous benefits of using ads to promote and grow your health coaching business which include enhanced visibility, increased website traffic, and the ability to precisely target your ideal clients. To discuss the many benefits of paid ads and some unique strategies, we invited Luke Charlton to the show.  Luke AKA the Aussie Hermit owns his own...
Published 06/06/23
I know we don't like to talk about it, but the legal part of a health coaching practice is super important.  Contracts are crucial for health coaches to protect their interests and establish clear expectations with clients. They help outline services, fees, and client responsibilities,which eventually minimizes misunderstandings and potential disputes. At the end of the day, they are essential tools for professional and ethical health coaching practices. To discuss how we can better legally...
Published 05/25/23
Being in business will challenge your mind in ways that many other endeavors will never do.  Mastering your mindset can unlock your full potential as a business owner.  So it is essential to begin to overcome self-doubt, conquer limiting beliefs, and foster a positive mindset that attracts clients and fuels personal and professional growth.  To give us actionable tips to accomplish this, we invited Kevin Kwan to the show.  He shares his journey of leaving his corporate job and jumping into...
Published 05/15/23
How are we going to grow a successful health coaching practice, or sell an amazing course, or promote our newest book if nobody knows about it?  This is a very common obstacle that many entrepreneurs struggle with.  The truth is, that if you're hiding your business or brand from potential customers, it's time to take action and start marketing because marketing is crucial to increase brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately grow your business. To share some tips on how to...
Published 05/02/23
Of course we want to sell high ticket signature coaching packages.  Who wouldn’t?  But it isn’t an everyday occurrence when someone discovers you and wants to spend a huge investment without getting an idea of who you are and what they can expect from you.  So creating different entry points into your world is very critical. To share the advantages to this approach, we invited Lindsay Maloney to the show.  Lindsay is a Business Coach for coaches and the host of the top rated podcast- Book...
Published 04/26/23
Keeping up with current events is something that health coaches are going to need to start doing!  So, when fitness influencer Brittany Dawn popped into the news for being sued by the state of Texas, all health and wellness professionals’ ears should’ve popped up.  The allegations included using deceptive business practices and not delivering on her promises to her customers really hit home for us who are trying to establish ourselves in the online space hoping not to fall into the same...
Published 04/18/23
Launching a health coaching business in 90 days is possible! With the abundance of resources and tools available in today's digital age, the right mindset, a clear business idea, and a solid plan, entrepreneurs can leverage online platforms to quickly establish the business of their dreams. By focusing on key priorities and taking advantage of available resources, launching a business in just 90 days is an achievable goal. To guide us through the roadmap to this feat, we invited Michelle...
Published 04/05/23
Nothing beats a referral from someone you know.  Referral marketing funnels can be an amazing way to grow your business by leveraging your existing customer base and business relationships to attract new customers.  So if you're delivering a service that people are really happy with, you are more than half way  towards getting this system off the ground. To break down this system, we invited Dallas Travers to the show. Dallas is the creator of the Ripple Effect System which teaches the exact...
Published 03/29/23
Podcasts are one of the most popular forms of media available to health coaches to build their businesses.  Leveraged correctly, a podcast that delivers high quality content to its listeners enables the podcaster to create instant credibility and authority which opens up business opportunities that are more than just getting clients.   To discuss many of the unexpected benefits of having a podcast, I take switch from being the host to jumping in as a guest! In this episode, I share the...
Published 03/22/23
Being selfish has such a negative connotation to it. But what if being selfish is one of the most important mindset shifts that an entrepreneur can make? When put in perspective, putting yourself first not only can boost your business, it paves the way to avoid the frustration and burnout that we hear about so often these days. To dive into this topic, we invited Naketa Ren Thigpen to the show. Naketa is the author of Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy. She is...
Published 03/14/23
No sales, no money.  It's that simple.  But what's simple, isn't easy.  And selling is an art that only a few have a true expertise in.  The good news is that as health coaches, we can learn this skill and get really good at it, especially when we learn what to say and when to say it! To break down the art of selling, we invited Nikki Rausch to the show.  Nikki is a sales coach, trainer, an author, and speaker, who teaches her clients how to authentically move people through the selling...
Published 02/26/23
The saying goes, If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. But turning your passion into profit feels easier said than done.  Thankfully, as health coaches, we have found our passion.  Now, we need tips on building a brand, marketing ourselves, establishing a solid client base, and creating a sustainable business model. Ah, that's where the heavy lifting is. To discuss how to make this happen and share his journey, we invited Dave Whitley to the show. Dave's passion...
Published 02/21/23
One of the most common beliefs in the health coaching space is that we exist in a saturated market. This belief has made many health coaches hesitant to step out in their space and get moving with their business.  The key solution to this is to step out and be an outlier in your demographic. So, the question is, how can you establish yourself as different in your particular market? To help us stand out and succeed, we invited Nida Leardprasopsuk to the show. Nida is a serial entrepreneur,...
Published 02/06/23
Video marketing is easily becoming the most popular form of marketing around. It is the most effective way to better establish local and national brands and their messaging, ultimately leading to a higher ROI, brand awareness, and overall success. To discuss how a health coaching practice can benefit from video, we invited Orland Gomez to the show. Orlando is the founder of the video production company Stellar Lense Productions, and is a video strategy expert specializing in visual...
Published 01/31/23
Our money story is a collection of stories that we have amassed over our entire lifetime. It can be a cultural perspectives around money, or even ideas that we have let seep into our subconscious that defines our viewpoint of money. This story creates a life long theme that defines whether we will have money or not. Whether money comes easily or if it's a struggle.  Naturally then, this story can make or break whether we have thriving health coaching practices, or we let our certification rot...
Published 01/18/23
What defines a successful podcast? What's interesting is that there's a common misconception that a successful podcast has to have millions of downloads. Actually, some of the most successful podcasts aren't internationally known. The goal of a podcast can be to drive clients to your business and one of the best ways to do this is to have a locally based podcast that highlights your taget audience in your immediate area. To discuss this strategy, we invited Corey Hiben to the show. Corey is...
Published 01/10/23
Let's face it.  You can only be one place at a time. The traditional one on one coaching model makes it difficult to scale your coaching practice unless you have ways that help you manage your current initiatives while seamlessly welcoming new business. Automation allows you to continue to keep doing what you do best all while  watching your business thrive! To discuss how we can use automation, specifically the Engagement Rx platform offered by Avidon Health, we invited Clark Lagemann to...
Published 01/01/23
When the economy gets a little shaky, we tend to re-evaluate some of the things in our lives and consider whether they are truly necessary. We might look at our subscription services, like Netflix or whether we need all of the premium channels from our cable provider. We might consider cutting back on our vacations or our nights out. So the reality of any downturn is that a client who is buying your programs may look at your services and think twice about it. Is your program a nice thing to...
Published 12/13/22
Many health coaches jump into coaching because of something that they have personally overcome and felt compelled to share what they have learned with the world.  There then comes a point where you realize that you can actually get paid to help people overcome the very same things that you did.  Then, a business is born! Brian Gryn did just that. Brian took what began as a personal exploration into fasting and turned it into a thriving business, helping middle-aged men make intermittent...
Published 12/07/22
It's a common occurrence to see health coaches shelving their certifications. In fact, that is why I created the Health Coach Academy Podcast in the first place. After over 150 episodes, clues have emerged that have set up a pathway to have a coaching practice on a full time basis. To discuss the strategies to accomplish this, my main man Isaac Ho rejoins the show! Isaac has been a health coach for 17 years and is an owner of a fitness, therapy and coaching company. He regularly commands...
Published 11/22/22
Email marketing is making a comeback! With the news of the issues around social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, ownership of an email list has jumped back in the spotlight as a vital part of a marketing strategy.  No matter what happens with the future of these platforms, email allows us to stay connected to our potential clients. To discuss the importance of email marketing, we invited Kyle Stout to the show. Kyle is the founder of Elevate & Scale, a leading digital marketing...
Published 11/15/22
As health coaches, we often recommend products to our clients that have had positive health benefits in our own lives. Imagine being able to create these products ourselves? In today’s show, we are going to take a glimpse into what needs to be done to get a product based business off the ground.    Jenn Ditzhazy actually did that!  Jenn founded ThePerfect3 Collagen after struggling with her own health for many years and discovered the life-changing power of food to heal her own body.  Her...
Published 11/08/22
One of the best things about having a podcast is the connections you make and the discussions you have outside of the actual recording of the shows. You really get to know your guests on different levels, and some of the conversations are worthy of their own shows! So when Isaac Ho and I first started having discussions off air, it was immediately evident that we had a lot in common, including our passion for health coaching and a desire to make a living off it. So in this episode, we switch...
Published 10/25/22
The entrepreneurial mind is quite a fascinating thing. As we all know, being an entrepreneur isn't for everybody. And those who succeed have a mindset that success is the only option and they'll do whatever it takes to make the dream of their business come true by any means necessary.  Olly Wood joins the show to share the benefits of this steadfast approach. Olly got started in the business world after 7 years as an independent personal trainer. He pivoted to the online space and saw his...
Published 10/18/22