Published 03/27/24
Published 03/26/24
Published 03/06/24
Published 03/05/24
Published 02/28/24
Published 09/19/23
Published 09/19/23
Published 08/29/23
Published 08/29/23
Published 03/28/23
Published 02/28/23
“Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches” (Rev 1:11) John faithfully writes everything down as a prophetic letter to the seven churches, with a closing message from the Lord Jesus Christ: “Behold, I am coming soon”(Rev 22:12)
Published 11/20/21
“Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches” (Rev 1:11) John faithfully writes everything down as a prophetic letter to the seven churches, with a closing message from the Lord Jesus Christ: “Behold, I am coming soon”(Rev 22:12)
Published 11/20/21
Published 11/20/21
Jude writes to exhort the church to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. In 3 letters, John teaches the people of God how to recognize the children of God (1 John), walking in truth, love, and obedience (2 John) and the fellowship of truth (3 John)
Published 11/18/21
In his first epistle, Peter is equipping his readers for the persecution that will soon be upon them. In his second letter, he is equipping his readers to deal with the problem of licentious false teachers. To Peter, suffering is something the Christian should always see coming. We’re foreigners here, and we shouldn’t expect to be treated differently until our Christ returns.
Published 11/08/21
In only 108 verses, the book of James paints the ultimate description of the relationship between faith and works. Faithful followers of Jesus Christ don’t just “talk the talk,” but “walk the walk” through genuine religion (1:1-27), genuine faith (2:1-3:12) and genuine wisdom (3:13-5:20).
Published 11/04/21
No other book in the Bible so powerfully demonstrates Jesus’ supremacy. Not only is Christ better than any other human religious figure — He also has a better ministry, ushering in a better covenant built on better promises with a better sacrifice, that is, Jesus Himself (Heb 7:22; 8:6; 9:12)
Published 11/01/21
Titus gives us a concise argument for good deeds: the people of the Church should behave differently from the people of the world because God has changed them. 2nd Timothy is Paul’s final letter. Paul is about to die and so he gives his final instructions to Timothy
Published 10/28/21
Timothy was Paul’s “child in the faith”, his protege, and this is a letter of instructions to him. What should christians teach? False teachers had already cropped up in the early church, and Timothy was sure to deal with more of them. What does godliness in the church look like? Paul walks through several facets of the life of the church.
Published 10/25/21
In Philippians, we’re told to have the attitude of Christ and put others’ interests above our own. In Philemon, we see what that looks like in relationships with other Christians. This identification is called “koinonia” or fellowship, and by it God intends to transform the world.
Published 10/21/21
Ephesians is about our Christian identity, and what flows from it. The call of Christ is a call to action, and this book lays out God’s desire for your spiritual walk like no other book of the Bible. The Colossians were being bombarded with persuasive arguments that contradict sound theology. Paul writes to remind them of their standing in Christ and how they ought to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus.
Published 10/14/21
In 2nd Corinthians, Paul praises the young church for their obedience, generosity, and love, and reassures them of his legitimacy as an apostle. In Galatia, false teachers were pressuring the churches distorting the gospel of Christ that Paul had taught them. So the apostle writes a letter to bring them back to the truth.
Published 10/11/21
The church in Corinth was in trouble. They were divided and immature. They abused the sacraments, the spiritual gifts, and each other. Paul’s great concern is the reconciliation of these divisions between God’s saints, to accomplish this there must be unity in Christ.
Published 09/20/21