We all have hard wired thoughts and beliefs....are they serving you or hindering you? Let's find the Divine in all of us.
Published 06/24/24
Sometimes it's hard to see the light when the world and all it's issues are all over our devices and TV's. However, perspective is everything.
Published 03/08/24
In order to grow we have to change. All Beliefs need to be challenged
Published 01/24/24
The Akashic Records are believed to be the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, good, bad, and awful, in all times; past, present, future. It’s a compendium of knowledge of all life forms and entities. But those familiar with the records report that there is no judgment or implied penalty in the records — they are said to simply be a record of each soul’s journey through the infinite.
Published 01/18/24
As we enter this New Year, let us look and see what is holding us back from moving forward with JOY!
Published 01/12/24
Never be afraid to share your experience, your knowledge and live your truth. If someone asks.....answer!
Published 12/13/23
We often think that how we are 'feeling' is the only thing that matters in the moment......let's take a look at how that can affect our decisions and future.
Published 10/06/23
Human Beings are still growing, changing and finding our way.
Published 08/25/23
Do not be a Victim of Inaction! Elliot lost his son to suicide 8 years ago and has taken that hearbreaking experience and created A Brighter Day to help others before it's too late. https://www.abrighterday.info
Published 07/22/23
Do you struggle with organizing paper and digital information? Then you need to hear what Frank has to say. "Replace one thing with a better thing".
Published 07/05/23
I thought I'd visit the basics this week......let's chat.
Published 06/28/23
Sometimes you need to step back to see the overhead view and not get lost in the details.
Published 06/23/23
When things go sideways....you have to dust yourself off and get right back up on that horse!
Published 05/01/23
This Podcast is simply about my hip surgery.....more Inspiration to follow!
Published 03/21/23
Dr. April Brown is a Licensed Mental Health Christian Counselor, Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider, National Certified Counselor, Florida Certified Sex Therapist, and a Qualified Clinical Supervisor. In 2018, Dr. April started hosting her own online global Show/Podcast call “Bringing Intimacy Back” where she and other intimacy experts will provide resources and tips on increasing intimacy in all types of relationships.  In 2020, Dr. April’s created “Vacation Counseling”,...
Published 01/12/23
Just a little hope and hello to start this amazing new year!
Published 01/05/23
John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher, and former founder and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company. He shares intimate and personal stories and teaches workshops on leadership, healing, transformation, awakening, love, synchronicity, and wisdom that unite and expand human experience.
Published 12/28/22
You never know when you are going to meet someone amazing.....do you leave your house expecting the best from people?
Published 12/17/22
What if we ALL matter? What if we break generational curses of division and hatred to bring more light and acceptance into the World?
Published 11/17/22
If you are feeling like you can't find your place, perhaps it's because your place is changing.
Published 11/09/22
Is your life is always GO GO GO and feeling like an uphill battle? "See how balance occurs natually when we trust our heart. See how much easier life can be when we live it from the heart." Melody Beattie
Published 11/03/22
Are you one to let emotions get the upper hand when things don't go the way you want. Do you revert to anger and blame instead of accepting and looking for solutions?
Published 10/18/22
Acknowledging Growth in Yourself and Allowing it in Others is a big step. Sometimes in others, especially if you are a parent, it's not even about allowing but encouraging growth. And that doesn't always mean giving....sometimes it's about boundries or not stepping in to fix things for our kids or others around us.
Published 10/04/22
When things in life are unsure....it can be very hard to trust. To trust in people, the process, the learning....whatever it might be for you. However, without trust there can't be flow.
Published 09/09/22