Your big dreams allow you to step into your own unique potential. And when building your career and pushing forward, it’s easy to spend too much time thinking about and planning the future. In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares when to focus on the process vs. your destination, or the outcome. Power Phrase this Week: “I take my goals on step at a time focused on the process.” Quote of the Week: “If you focus on the process and not the outcome, you’ll have better results.” - Joe Madden
Published 05/03/24
Maura Nevel Thomas is an award-winning international speaker, trainer, and an author on individual and corporate productivity and work-life balance, and one of the most widely-cited authority on attention management. Maura’s clients include the likes of Google, Old Navy, L’Oréal, and NASA. She is a TEDx speaker, and author of six books on the topics of attention management and personal and organizational productivity. She has columns in Forbes and Harvard Business Review.  Maura earned an...
Published 04/30/24
You can use the ABC method to increase my self-awareness and change my thoughts, emotions, and actions when needed. Consider what people or situations push your buttons? What can you do to stay in control in those situations? When you feel pressure or stress, you can pay attention to what led you to feel that way? In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff talks about how to increase your self-awareness and why it is important to your performance. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I master myself to master my...
Published 04/27/24
When we mindfully and purposefully practice authenticity, we invite peace, gratitude, and happiness into our lives, and this impacts our performance.  In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares 4 ways to be an authentic leader. To be successful in your career, you must be yourself. Power Phrase this Week: “The world needs me and my gifts. I will show my authentic self to the world through my leadership.” Quote of the Week: “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re...
Published 04/26/24
As Founder/CEO of the Intrigue Agency, and the Tongue Fu! Training Institute, Sam helps people create respectful, intriguing, proactive communications that are a win for all involved.  Sam's 3 TEDx talks and 10 books - including Tongue Fu!, POP!, Talking on Eggshells, SOMEDAY is Not a Day in the Week - have been featured in NY Times, Fast Company, Forbes, Readers Digest, TED.com, NPR.  Sam's IKIGAI - and one of her great joys - is helping people crystallize a meaningful message/mission that...
Published 04/23/24
Leading yourself can be very difficult because our brain is hardwired to see what is missing. Instead, you can lead yourself to your own personal vision by remembering: What you think about yourself, you become. Thoughts only have power if you believe them.  You can act independent of how you feel. Chance thinking doesn’t lead to success – instead, make time each day to master your thoughts and lead yourself even more deliberately.   This Week's Power Phrase: “I lead myself today.” ...
Published 04/16/24
Allistair McCaw is recognized as one of the world’s leading figures on team culture, leadership, and mindset. For over 25 years, he has consulted and worked with numerous Olympians, Grand Slam Champions, Fortune 500 companies and NCAA Colleges including LSU, SMU, Duke, and the University of Minnesota.  An author of 7 best-selling books and a keynote speaker, Allistair consults and mentors leaders, coaches, teams and organizations. A 29x marathon finisher and former 5-time World Championship...
Published 04/10/24
Confidence is a choice you make daily. Your belief and trust in your ability is your choice. Don’t overthink the feeling of confidence – you might feel nervous and unconfident when you are trying something new. Keep building the foundational skill of confidence. Intentionally decide today to take control of your confidence. Believe and trust that you can!   Power Phrase this Week: “I choose confidence today!” Quote of the Week: “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.”...
Published 04/05/24
Much of our happiness can be changed by engaging in daily, intentional activities that impact how we act and think. In fact, happiness also comes from the relationships we develop. This week be even more deliberate about building relationships and being present in them.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose happiness by building relationships around me.” Quote of the Week: "Happiness is not the goal…it’s a by product of a life well-lived.” - Elenor Roosevelt
Published 03/26/24
You can never outperform your self-image. Your self-image is your view of yourself. Be careful what you say to yourself about yourself. To level of your self-image, consider the beliefs you want to hold about yourself to reach all of your goals and dreams. This Week's Power Phrase: “I talk to myself powerfully today.” Quote of the Week: “People are never able to outperform their self-image.” - John Maxwell
Published 03/14/24
Dr. Nick Holton is a Co-Founder of The Antifragile Academy whose work focuses on helping individuals, teams, businesses and organizations become better versions of themselves through the application of the cutting-edge science of human flourishing – a synergistic development of both peak performance and overall well-being and fulfillment.  He also runs a podcast alongside the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard. Nick has also directed multiple large scale implementation projects oriented...
Published 03/11/24
Today on the podcast we talk about not taking things personally. When you decide to protect yourself and not take things personally, you avoid needless suffering. You cannot be hurt by others. Your anger, irritation, jealousy, frustration, and conflicts with others lessen. You are happier and at your best more often. Now, does that sound good? Power Phrase this Week: “I care what I think about myself more than what other people think of me.”  Quote of the Week: “Not taking things personally...
Published 03/04/24
Speaking, training and leading teams have characterized the past 20 years of Andy’s career. He is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, coach and consultant. He travels weekly to present workshops on leadership and sales-related topics for numerous Fortune 500 firms as well as small and mid-sized companies, trade groups and associations.  In addition to teaching leadership principles for Concordia University’s MBA program, Dr. Andy published his first book, The Golden Principles: Life and...
Published 02/29/24
Confidence is a choice you make daily. Your belief and trust in your ability is your choice. Dr. Cindra shares how to intentionally decide today to nurture your confidence. Believe and trust that you can! Power Phrase of the Week: “I choose confidence.” Quote of the Week: “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” - Michelle Obama
Published 02/26/24
Ellen Long is a seasoned professional, guiding business owners to build, prove and sell their highly profitable companies. She is a “Women to Watch” award winner, investor, and board member. Ellen is also a TEDx speaker, in which she delivered a talk on her passion entitled, “The Journey to Enough: Finding Your Minimum Viable Happiness", which focuses on the theme of entrepreneurial happiness and well-being. Her expertise serves as a compass in an unpredictable world, offering business owners...
Published 02/23/24
High performers in sport, business and life use pressure to be at their best. Awareness is the first step to reducing pressure. In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares the natural tools you can use to POP the Pressure. This Week's Power Phrase: “I have everything I need inside me now.” Quote of the Week: “The bigger the moment, the bigger than man.” Bill Cowher – CBS Commentator about Patrick Mahomes
Published 02/17/24
Over the past 18 years, Joshua Lifrak, M.S. has worked with elite athletes and corporate leaders to help them perform at their highest levels. He has also been instrumental in helping transform organizational cultures and individual mindsets to create an environment for optimal development and growth. He is currently the Director of Performance and Coaching for Limitless Minds, a Health and Wellness Technology Company founded by Denver Broncos Quarterback Russell Wilson and Mental...
Published 02/15/24
Showing yourself self-compassion is key to adapting and bouncing back quickly after setbacks, adversity, and mistakes. There are so many things you cannot control. Self-compassion is also a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and perfectionistic thinking, which can lead to poor performance. When you practice self-compassion, you are able to live and let go. In this episode, Cindra shows you how. Power Phrase this Week: “I am kind to myself today.” Quote of the Week: “To let go does not...
Published 02/10/24
Justin Jones-Fosu, MBA, CSP is a full-time family man who also happens to be a highly sought-after business speaker, social entrepreneur, and meaningful work researcher. He is the founder and CEO of Work. Meaningful. where he combines over a decade of leadership in Fortune 500 companies, his real-life experience and research to help global organizations create new rhythms of sustainable excellence, profitability, and engagement. Speaking over 60 times a year, Justin speaks and leads workshops...
Published 02/06/24
High performers use reframing daily. They don’t ignore the difficulty, but instead see a different perspective and see how the obstacle is helping them. This helps them intentionally choose the story they tell. Power Phrase this Week: “I see a setback as a comeback.” Quote of the Week: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer
Published 02/02/24
Mimi is a dynamic communication and leadership expert, known for her ability to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to make an impact. With over 15 years of experience in consulting, coaching, and training, she has helped countless people enhance their skills and achieve their goals. As the CEO of AMP Up Success, Mimi is a sought-after speaker, author, and media personality. She has authored three books on leadership, communication, and sales and has been recognized as...
Published 01/29/24
High performers are gritty. They know what they really, really, really want. They get clear on why they do what they do. They also choose to feel good each day, and give themselves some grace and compassion along the way.  Power Phrase this Week: “I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.”  Quote of the Week: “Grit is about doing the hard work, day in and day out, without immediate rewards.” - Angela Duckworth  
Published 01/25/24
Our brains are wired to worry but worrying can kill your joy, take you out of the present and drain your energy. Dr. Cindra shares some keys to overcome your worry including to notice your thoughts and feelings, label them, and carefully observe them. We can also practice accepting uncertainty and work to overcome perfectionistic tendencies.  This Week's Power Phrase: “I reduce my worry to feel more joy and stay in the present.”   Quote of the Week: "Don't worry about the world coming to an...
Published 01/18/24
John R. Miles is a leading authority on intentional behavior change, personal growth, and mattering. He is a keynote speaker, author, top-rated show host, and the founder and CEO of Passion Struck®.  His award-winning podcast, Passion Struck with John R. Miles, consistently ranks among the world’s top 100 shows and the #1 Alternative Health podcast.  Recognized as one of the top thinkers in personal mastery and a Premier 100 Leader, his influence extends far and wide. With over two decades...
Published 01/16/24