How do we motivate kids to do the things they have to do? With snacks and prizes, gold stars, minutes on the iPad? That's what most parents, caregivers, and teachers do nowadays but, is it actually working? Today we talk about how to motivate and honor the efforts kids are making so they're not dependent on the prize! This is the article we talked about: https://happyfamilies.com.au/articles/how-to-motivate-kids-and-why-rewards-arent-the-answer
Published 05/06/24
Published 05/06/24
We have all experienced a physiological reaction when we hear our phone ding, our kids ask to watch a show or feel like we've misplaced our beloved device. It's because our world circles around screens and they have snuck into every way of our being. If we don't learn how to work with it and find a healthy balance, it will overload our dopamine systems to wanting more and more with no end in sight. Without healthy boundaries around our devices, our lives fall out of balance and into...
Published 04/29/24
In today's episode, we walk through our own path getting into brain reorganization and subconscious belief work. We go through our trajectory and identify the different spots where we've experienced resistance (to a new idea, to the brainwork, to certain beliefs). Then we talk about how we worked through them! It's a different episode from our usual, please let us know if you like it!
Published 04/22/24
In today's episode, we connect with Dani's childhood best friend, Lindsay. Lindsay has been around the concept of ITC for quite some time but hasn't been fully ready to look at her subconscious programming until just recently. We talk through her story and how her brainwork has given her the ability to face the challenging conversations that she has been avoiding for so many years. We talk about what is codependency and how that's related to an unintegrated brain and subconscious programming....
Published 04/15/24
In this episode, we look at the after: what does life look like after you reorganize your brain? And how do you handle dysregulation? A lot of people think that once you've done the work, you're done. No more to do, life will now be sunshine and daisies. But...we're human after all! Life is unpredictable and even people with the most organized brain will get rattled once in a while. The difference is that after brain reorganization, we deal with those situations so differently!
Published 04/08/24
In this episode, we unpack what neurodiversity and neurodivergence is, where the titles came from, and what we think about it from a brain perspective. We’re not saying anyone is broken. Neurodiversity is a reality and we fervently believe in supporting different brain. What we are saying is that life can get a lot easier for all of us if we support our brain giving it the foundation it needs! Don't forget there is still time to sign up with a BOGO for our Nurtured Parenting Through Brain...
Published 04/01/24
In this episode, we interview Christy Mawdsley. She is an accupuncturist, Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner, Transformational Coach, and a mom of three. She's also a member of In the Cortex! We talk to Christy about all of her amazing expertise and we dive into what her "wellness formula" looks like and how she found that balance. We also dive into her experience with the In the Cortex Brain Reorganization Programs and all the amazing changes she experienced when doing...
Published 03/25/24
What is dyslexia? According to the Mayo Clinic, Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). Also called a reading disability, dyslexia is a result of individual differences in areas of the brain that process language. Dyslexia is not due to problems with intelligence, hearing or vision. Most children with dyslexia can succeed in school with tutoring or a specialized...
Published 03/17/24
This is a super special episode! We got to chat with Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD, founder of Nurture Neuroscience and author of The Nurture Revolution! We talk about the her fascinating career and trajectory, the role of nurture in kids of all ages (and even adults) and how her world intersects with the world of In the Cortex. We also talk about the importance of nurturing ones own nervous system is the key to being able to truly parent in the best way possible! Show notes: Sign up for Nurtured...
Published 03/11/24
In our latest episode, we dive into the rollercoaster ride of parenting, where imperfection is not only normal but expected. Led by Dani Perrecone and Paloma Garcia, we unpack the guilt and shame that often sneak up on us when we don't meet our parenting standards. We chat about those moments that hit us right in the feels, stirring up emotions we didn't even know were lurking beneath the surface. From small slip-ups to major challenges, every twist and turn in our journey as parents have the...
Published 02/26/24
In this very special episode, we talk to baby expert Karlton Terry and Christianna Deichmann from APPPAH (Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health). We discuss the ways that our birth story can impact our brain and our life, and what we can do about it as adults as well as what parents can do for their kids. Learn more about APPPAH at www.birthpsychology.com
Published 02/19/24
In this episode, we have a heartfelt conversation with a loving father-turned-grandfather, with a unique perspective on parenting. While his views might differ from the modern parenting paradigms, his insights offer a refreshing take on raising children. Chuck delves into his journey as a parent, reflecting on the challenges and joys he has experienced over the years. He shares anecdotes from his upbringing and how they have influenced his approach to raising his children. From discipline to...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode, we go back to the idea of alignment with a different focus: what about finding an aligned community? What does that have to do with the brain? Why is it important to find a community you truly align with? Join us in this conversation and let us know what you want us to talk about next! Show Notes: Sign up for the Nurture Revolution Retreat here! https://inthecortex--thenurturerevolution.thrivecart.com/the-nurture-revolution-retreat/
Published 02/05/24
In this episode, we connect with a long-time ITC member, Ximena Avalos, who shares her journey of motherhood, faith, brainwork, and homeschooling. When we say Ximena is one super special person in our lives, we are not joking! Take a listen to this episode and hear how the supernatural world blends so beautifully with neuroplasticity. Check out the Chips and Salsa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ChipsnSalsaHomeschooling Homeschool Curriculum :...
Published 01/29/24
How much does our primitive brain influence our daily behavior? Most of us think it doesn't impact us much...but you might be surprised by some of the behaviors that can stem from a disorganized brain and retained primitive reflexes! Today we're talking about which behaviors are coming from a disorganized brain and which are behaviors we learn and pick up from our environment. Full disclosure: we did go on a bit of a tangent...but we think you're going to love it! Show notes: Book club is on...
Published 01/22/24
Sensory systems, our senses, and the brain are fascinating topics that encompass how we perceive and interact with the world around us. In the context of Sally Goddard Blythe's book, "Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior" these topics are explored in the context of child development and learning. In this episode, we talk about the sensory systems and processing, primitive reflexes, and lower brain development. Our sensory systems are responsible for gathering information from the environment and...
Published 01/15/24
Welcome to season 2! In this first episode of 2024, we talk about the concept of alignment. What does it truly mean to be aligned? How do you find alignment? And what about those days when you are totally off-track? We go deeper into why finding true alignment is truly rooted in brain organization and regulating our nervous systems. From the episode: Martin Seligman is the doctor Dani talks about who is the leading authority in Positive Psychology research.
Published 01/08/24
This episode is all about the different brain profiles we tend to see around the holidays. This is the guide to understanding the why behind the behaviors and tips on how to navigate the end of the year from a brain perspecitve. We know it's not easy working through emotions that's why we always come back to brain development and why it's so important to start by building a solid neurological foundation to maintain a regulated nervous system. Month of December: Sign-up today and receive a...
Published 12/18/23
Welcome to part two of our holiday series! This episode is focused on kids, and how you can set them up for success in this holiday season. We'll talk about a few strategies as well as some examples of how it can go, and yes we do go on a few tangents but they're good ones! Listen, subscribe, and rate!
Published 12/11/23
We're ending the year with a three-part series on how to navigate the holidays. In this episode, we discuss the power and importance of setting our intentions - especially when we're navigating the holidays! Join us to talk about what the effect of intentions can be on our behavior and perceptions in different situations and how we are all able to cultivate a positive outcome by shifting our own...
Published 12/04/23
In this episode, we explore the profound impact of gratitude on our lives and how it plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. But here's the twist: we go beyond the surface-level discussions and dive into a crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed—the connection between gratitude and moving out of "survival mode." Many of us find ourselves trapped in the relentless cycle of daily challenges, stress, and never-ending to-do lists. We operate in survival mode, where it can feel almost...
Published 11/20/23
Welcome to the next episode of In the Cortex where we explore the wonderful journey of self-acceptance and the liberating notion that it's absolutely okay not to be in your cortex all the time. In today's fast-paced world, we often feel the pressure to be at our intellectual best 24/7, but this episode reminds us that we are multifaceted beings, and it's perfectly natural to lean into other parts of our brains and ourselves. Our online program is 100% a lifestyle. As we continue to work on...
Published 11/14/23
In today's episode, we're going to explore the fascinating connection between personality traits and the brain's function. We cover 6 main personality traits humans display in daily life: the perfectionist, the overthinker, the hot head, the avoided, the scatterbrain, and the victim. Have you ever wondered if your personality is a product of your brain's structure and function? Or is it shaped more by your experiences, upbringing, and programming? We dive into these questions and more on this...
Published 11/06/23
In this special episode of the In the Cortex podcast, we invite educators to join a movement aimed at helping children learn crucial nervous system regulation techniques. The spotlight is on Ms. Amy Hartig, an experienced teacher who successfully implemented the In the Cortex In-School program in her kindergarten classroom. Amy shares her journey, challenges, and the remarkable impact of the program on her students. Through practical techniques and an accessible approach, the program has...
Published 10/23/23