Hospitals across Ontario have been investing heavily in the development of electronic health records, patient portals, and digital health solutions. As information systems become more complex, so too must the means of securing them. In this episode, Commissioner Kosseim speaks with The Ottawa Hospital’s Chief Information Officer, Shafique Shamji, and Chief Privacy Officer, Nyranne Martin, about how they work together to integrate the hospital’s privacy and information security programs, and...
Published 11/26/21
Whether it’s texts, chats, photos or videos — teens have so many ways to connect online nowadays it can be hard for parents to keep up! This episode explores some of the ways teens are using online technologies, their approach to privacy, and how parents can help them navigate the digital world safely and ethically. The commissioner speaks with Matthew Johnson, Director of Education at MediaSmarts, Canada’s not-for-profit centre dedicated to helping children and youth develop the critical...
Published 10/22/21
Knowing how to access information has become a basic requirement these days for most investigative journalists whose job it is to shine a light on government decisions and actions in the public interest. In this episode, we go behind the scenes to learn how a modest access to information request can uncover important facts and become front page news. The commissioner speaks with Canadian Press reporter Jim Bronskill about how FOI has led to some of his biggest scoops.
Published 09/30/21
Data holds the keys to preserving the cultures and traditions of First Nations communities, while providing them with the insights they need to help shape their future. This episode explores how the principles of data ownership, access, control, and possession (OCAP) help promote the ethical use of data about First Nations, by First Nations, and for First Nations, to effect positive health and social change. In this episode, the commissioner speaks with Jonathan Dewar, CEO of the First...
Published 08/25/21
In Canada, it is estimated that only about 5% of sexual assaults are ever reported to police. Of those, the majority are closed without any charges being laid. In this episode, the commissioner speaks with women’s justice advocate Sunny Marriner and IPC legal counsel Stephen McCammon about an innovative approach that embeds community experts into the investigative process to enhance transparency of police decisions, while protecting the privacy of complainants.
Published 07/20/21
With rapid adoption of new digital technologies, patients can now “visit” their health provider by telephone, secure messaging, and videoconferencing. It all comes down to patient choice. Dr. Duncan Rozario and Commissioner Kosseim discuss the unique privacy and security considerations of virtual health care, and what providers and patients need to know when communicating through these new digital media.
Published 06/21/21
Parents, kids, teachers, this one’s for you! Explaining privacy in a way that kids can understand — concepts and tools you can use to start discussing this very important topic from a young age. Conversation with international privacy expert Daniel Solove with highlights from his children’s book The Eyemonger. Parents, enfants, enseignantes et enseignants, cet épisode s’adresse à vous! Faites comprendre aux enfants ce qu’est la vie privée en utilisant des concepts et des outils qui vous...
Published 04/30/21
Access to government information is essential to a healthy democracy. It provides a window into government decision-making. It supports accountability and transparency. It fosters civic engagement. It’s your right! But if you’ve never filed a freedom of information (FOI) request before, the whole process may seem a little daunting. In this episode of Info Matters, we take some of the mystery out of it. Commissioner Kosseim speaks with Gillian Shaw, Director of Adjudication, at the Office of...
Published 04/07/21
Les commissaires Kosseim et Burke discutent des défis et des possibilités d’atteindre la population franco-ontarienne afin de les sensibiliser au sujet de leurs droits linguistiques ainsi que leurs droits d’accès à l’information et de vie privée. Elles échangent des idées en matière de communication et de réseautage et considèrent de futures collaborations entre leurs bureaux afin de rejoindre ce public cible. A discussion between Commissioners Kosseim and Burke about the challenges and...
Published 03/18/21
If you were talking to your mother – things you can do to protect and take control over your privacy. Practical tips to protect yourself against phishing and other cyber threats.
Published 03/01/21
Conversations about people, privacy, and access to information. Hosted by Patricia Kosseim, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
Published 01/21/21