Today’s show is going to focus on one of the most difficult experiences for most people, conflict in the workplace. We will focus on the sources of those intense feelings and how they get the better of us.
Published 01/08/18
Today’s show is going to focus on one of the most difficult experiences for most people, conflict in the workplace. We will focus on the sources of those intense feelings and how they get the better of us. We will look at more mindful ways to deal with conflict and how to move it from contentious to productive. This is a difficult topic for many so join us to learn better ways to deal with conflict and have more effective, meaningful interactions that move your business forward.
Published 01/08/18
Today Innovative Mindful Solutions will explore how our drive to get things perfect can sabotage your progress.
Published 12/18/17
Today Innovative Mindful Solutions will explore how our drive to get things perfect can sabotage your progress. We often think "I have to get this perfect!" "it will be finished when it is perfect" How much time and energy do we waste in this pursuit? How much anxiety do we create in ourselves trying to reach this unrelenting goal? How inflexible do we become in the search for the perfect solution while missing other opportunities that may present themselves in the process? Today's show...
Published 12/18/17
Learning effective was of connection and communication is vital to any business. Today's show will focus on giving you the tools you need to bring mindful connection into practice.
Published 12/11/17
Learning effective was of connection and communication is vital to any business. Today's show will focus on giving you the tools you need to bring mindful connection into practice. Learning how to connect effectively is a skill we don’t often get in our training, but it is one we can learn. It is a way of communicating that allows leaders to be present, open, aware and listening so that they can make the best decisions for themselves, their teams, and their business. So, grab your pen and...
Published 12/11/17
How we connect with others in our business is vital to our success. From our customers, our shareholders, our employees, and our colleagues, building positive, mindful, professional relationships takes awareness and skill.
Published 12/04/17
How we connect with others in our business is vital to our success. From our customers, our shareholders, our employees, and our colleagues, building positive, mindful, professional relationships takes awareness and skill. Mindfully working with others is a key to staying true to your vision while getting the best from those you around you. Join me and my special guest, Terra Schaad, MC, founder of Hunkapi Programs, Inc, as we discuss the power of mindful connection and what it can do for...
Published 12/04/17
We often look at the stress of our jobs as environmental. We believe it is the place, the people, the workload, our supervisors, the expectations.
Published 11/27/17
We often look at the stress of our jobs as environmental. We believe it is the place, the people, the workload, our supervisors, the expectations. We think "if I can only change X, Y, or Z, things would be better!" These are all factors, however, how we respond to the people and situations that surround our work lives can make all the difference.Join me and my guest Pati Anderson, LPC, as we discuss the stress that comes from various types of jobs and how changing how we look at things can...
Published 11/27/17
Today Innovative Mindful Solutions will explore how our thoughts drive our emotions. We often believe that the more we think about a problem, the more prepared we will be to solve it.
Published 11/20/17
Today Innovative Mindful Solutions will explore how our thoughts drive our emotions. We often believe that the more we think about a problem, the more prepared we will be to solve it. If we attempt to think of every possible thing that can go wrong so we will be prepared to face it. We lose sleep, spinning around in our heads, trying to anticipate very outcome. This “what if” process is exhausting, both physically and emotional, leaving us less prepared to deal with what comes. It drives...
Published 11/20/17
Innovative Mindful Solutions explores the stressors involved in today’s fast-paced, technologically driven workplace. The stress is burning out good people at unprecedented rates.
Published 11/13/17
Innovative Mindful Solutions explores the stressors involved in today’s fast-paced, technologically driven workplace. The stress is burning out good people at unprecedented rates. The effects are overflowing into all aspects of our lives, affecting our families, our relationships, as well as our mental and physical health. Today’s show will introduce listeners to Innovative Mindful Solutions and give them insight into our background, expertise, and creation of this new way of approaching...
Published 11/13/17