Did you attend the 2024 Workhuman Live conference? The conference was brimming with meaningful conversations and impactful sessions. It was also a whirlwind of insights, laughter, and profound moments. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I invite Angela Champ on the show to discuss our individual experiences at the Workhuman conference. Workhuman is committed to the intentional curation of sessions for deep dives into key issues without overwhelming attendees, creating...
Published 05/13/24
How do you foster diversity and inclusion to drive positive organizational change? Imagine a workplace where every voice is celebrated, and everyone feels a sense of belonging. In an empowered workplace, everyone can take ownership of their journey toward equity and inclusion and feel supported. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Viva Asmelash (she/her) about creating psychological safety in the workplace, plus the systemic change needed in organizations....
Published 04/29/24
What are your important goals, and are you willing to take the time to achieve them? Reaching your full potential requires an investment, but most of us are stuck in an instant gratification mindset. The truth is, it is through the process of working towards your goals that you feel meaning, purpose, and satisfaction. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, Kristen discusses how to identify what’s important to you and take the necessary action steps to achieve those...
Published 04/08/24
Are you aware that your leadership style is rooted in your past traumatic experiences? Many leaders are operating from a place of distracting themselves from experiencing the full spectrum of human emotions. But to become a more centered, rooted, grounded, and well-resourced leader, you must do the work needed to heal your trauma experiences. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Kelly L. Campbell (they/she) about healing traumatic experiences to become a...
Published 03/18/24
Are you ready to let go of the drama and restore sanity in the workplace? Drama in the workplace is a time and emotional waste, but with tools like self-reflection and accountability, it can be eliminated. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Cy Wakeman about how the ego works, embracing self-reflection, and diffusing drama in organizations. Cy is a drama researcher, New York Times best-selling author, and 2023 World’s #1 Leadership Guru who is recognized for...
Published 02/19/24
How do you lead with empathy and build a team of people that align with your core values? When you support and add value to your team without micromanaging them, you enhance their efficiency and productivity, and they become your best brand ambassadors. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Julie Cole about her entrepreneurship journey and the effectiveness of the results-only work environment (ROWE) culture. Julie is a recovered lawyer, a mom of six, and...
Published 01/22/24
Have you established a speak-up culture as a leader in your organization? For teams and organizations to thrive, it’s crucial to create a speak-up culture where everyone feels psychologically safe to share their ideas, concerns, feedback, and vulnerabilities. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Stephen Shedletzky, or “Shed,” about the positive impact of speak-up culture on teams and organizations. Shed is a sought-after speaker, coach, and advisor and has led...
Published 01/08/24
Is your never-ending busyness a way to avoid reflecting and hearing answers to your big questions? Slowing down forces you to get clarity on whether the choices you’re making are aligned with what you say is important to you. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, Kristen discusses the power of intentionally slowing down and focusing on what truly matters. She explains bigger questions you need to ask yourself to understand what you’re avoiding by not slowing down, plus how...
Published 12/18/23
What are some of the things you can do as a leader to make your teams more effective? The major reasons why teams fail to be high-performing are alignment-related and dynamic-related issues. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Liane Davey about her experience working with teams and what leaders need to do to improve their team performance. For the past 25 years, Liane has researched and advised teams on how to achieve high performance. Known as the “teamwork...
Published 12/04/23
Are you in a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? A fixed mindset is when you have scarcity thinking, while a growth mindset is thinking from a place of possibilities. You can shift from a fixed mindset at any point; it’s just a matter of choosing and allowing yourself to create new patterns. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I discuss the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset and how to adopt a growth mindset. I explain why we need to show ourselves...
Published 11/20/23
Do you know who you truly are deep inside? Knowing who you are deep inside and your experiences will guide you to your why, and it will stop you from settling with what you think your why is or what other people tempt you to think it is. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Paru Radia about relationship-building with senior decision-makers and owning who you are. Paru is a rare commodity! Most people fall into one camp as either left-brained or right-brained....
Published 11/06/23
How strong are your boundaries at work and in your personal life? Setting healthy boundaries is something most people struggle with due to self-limiting beliefs and patterns you can unlearn. To reap the fruits of setting healthy boundaries, you have to get clear about your needs and stay committed to them. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, Kristen discusses the power of learning to set healthy boundaries by getting clear about your needs at work and in life. She...
Published 10/02/23
When you feel awkward, do you allow it to keep you stuck or to grow? The difference between good and bad awkward is that good awkward allows you to grow when experiencing uncertainty. To start navigating the good awkward, it’s important to understand how you experience it and reframe its role by naming it. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Henna Pryor, a highly sought-after Workplace Performance Expert and an award-winning 2x TEDx and global keynote...
Published 09/18/23
Do you utilize your head, heart, and body as centers of intelligence when showing up as a leader? How do you allow people to show up? Do you create safe spaces where people can evolve despite their traumas? In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Carolyn Swora, a certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, as well as a Trauma-Informed Leadership Consultant. She works with small, medium and large organizations across Canada and the United States on becoming more...
Published 08/21/23
It’s been over two years now since I stopped drinking alcohol, and I’m loving it and don’t miss it at all! Are you, like me, curious about your relationship with alcohol, or are you recognizing how your unconscious choices are stopping you from showing up as the best version of yourself? In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I share what inspired me to quit alcohol, how I navigated the journey, and the lessons I’ve learned so far. I also explain the never-ending...
Published 06/26/23
What steps are you taking to build your emotional intelligence and mindfulness as a leader? An inspirational and mindful leader is aware of their own feelings and their teams’ feelings and how they impact their effectiveness. To become this leader, you must intentionally build your relationships by being accountable and leading with compassion. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Marc Lesser, a CEO, executive coach, and Zen teacher known for his engaging,...
Published 06/12/23
Did you attend this year’s Workhuman conference? If yes, what was your experience, and what were your major takeaways? With many speakers and topics ranging from DEIB to pivoting to workplace relationships, Workhuman Live was inspiring, thought-provoking and empowering. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Jackye Clayton and Katee Van Horn. They’re two diversity, equity, & inclusion peeps who love both what they have in common and what makes them...
Published 05/22/23
Who do you want to be as a leader, and how do you want to engage with your team? Conscious leadership is about recognizing your below-the-line thinking and habits and creating new habits that allow you to lead from above-the-line and teach your team members the same patterns. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I discuss the critical role of conscious leadership in creating high-performing teams and organizations. Conscious leadership is about showing up in the world...
Published 05/08/23
What can you do to look differently at what leadership means? In today’s world, leadership is more than meeting the bottom line results or operations; it’s about keeping the pipeline of engaged talented individuals who will continue to expand and evolve the organization. Effective leadership is also the ability to support and accept support from your team without feeling the need to be part of every task. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Sabine Gedeon, the...
Published 04/24/23
What does the voice in your head tell you throughout your day? Is it positive and empowering or negative and critical? That inner critic was created through years of conditioning and is self-sabotaging and disempowering. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I discuss how to practice self-compassion to get rid of the negative voice in your head. I explain how to get curious and aware of that voice, ask yourself the right questions, and shift the way you speak to...
Published 04/10/23
Have you heard of or attended the Workhuman conference? Workhuman Live is the game-changer of conferences, where the world’s best minds gather to share transformative ideas and to inspire a community of thousands to create more human workplaces everywhere. It offers an exciting experience that tackles relevant DEIB topics, actionable ways to reinvent work and creates an empowering space for people to learn and be recognized. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak...
Published 03/27/23
What are you doing as a leader to make your organization better in the future? To continuously improve and innovate your organization, you have to explore futures thinking which is about challenging or augmenting your vision. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Nikolas Badminton, a world-renowned futurist speaker and foresight thought leader who mentors leaders to create more connected, curious, and creative teams that embrace futures design to drive more...
Published 03/13/23
What does life-work integration look like for you? When it comes to life-work integration, there is no one-size-fits-all. If you want to achieve your version of success and feel fulfillment and well-being, you must create space for introspection to get clear on your vision and make more aligned choices. In this solo episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I discuss what life-work integration means and where ambitious, high-performing leaders can get stuck. I also explain the...
Published 02/27/23
How do you take action and lead with courage in the middle of fear? When you’re scared of treading tough ground with your team, that’s when you should prepare and take action to set yourself up for success. In this episode of the Inspirational Leadership podcast, I speak with Kim Campbell, a retired Air Force Colonel who served in the Air Force for over 24 years as a fighter pilot and senior military leader. She has flown 1,800 hours in the A-10 Warthog, including more than 100 combat...
Published 02/13/23