When things knock us off balance in life, what if it's actually our panicky over-correction that tips us over, rather than the event itself? Discover how you can better keep your balance as the waves of life head your way.
Published 07/14/21
Published 07/14/21
When you don't know something's there, you just can't hear it. Discover something worth your attention which you might have been missing in the noise of life.
Published 05/04/21
Failure is typically something we try to avoid and the stress of trying to get stuff right and not make mistakes can be quite exhausting. Listen to this episode to get a new perspective on success and failure.
Published 03/16/21
If you were ever in doubt that thought creates our experience of life, then this extraordinary turn of events in a mediocre tennis match might just change your mind...
Published 02/25/21
Do you feel as if you're constantly spinning plates? So many things to do that you can't give your full attention to anything? Maybe it's time to change your act. Have a listen and see if you can catch a glimpse of another, less exhausting way to live.
Published 02/12/21
Inspired by a simple fable, I explore how life without the stress and strain of trying to make things how we want them to be, could actually result in a happier and easier life. Are you more like the sun, or more like the wind?
Published 02/03/21
When we take things personally, we get into all sorts of trouble, and often they weren't meant that way at all. But what if, even when other people do intend us to take things personally, we STILL don't have to? Every relationship becomes easier when we learn what it means to really not take things personally!
Published 12/11/20
There's so much that's going to be different about Christmas this year. And what if there's also something different to see in the Christmas Story that many of us know so well? There's good news about well-being and peace of mind in this age-old tale. Join me to seek it out.
Published 12/02/20
Do you ever feel like a victim of circumstances? Helpless in the face of other people's bad behaviour or awful situations? What if you can take ownership of even the bits of your life that look as if they've got nothing to do with you, and get proactive and creative with them? Because it turns out that being a victim is as much a thought-creation as everything else in life...
Published 10/23/20
A sense of urgency feels as if it's telling us that something needs to be done soon. But beware! What if that urgent feeling you've got is actually telling you something different altogether?
Published 10/16/20
When we think our wellbeing is dependent on something else - then we believe we can't experience wellbeing until we achieve that thing. This leads to an exhausting, life-long, never-ending search. What if you just didn't have to do that any more, because wellbeing is something that never leaves you...however lost you may feel?
Published 10/09/20
When our hair isn't the way we want, we might make an effort to create the look we want by straightening it. But what if that's what we're trying to do with life too? Putting enormous efforts into making it the way we think it should be, often with limited success? How much easier would life be if you didn't have to do that any more?
Published 10/01/20
Does it seem that if only everyone else would sort out their lives, or behave better, then you'd be able to be happy? Whether it's your kids, your parents, your colleagues or world leaders, there's always someone who seems to need fixing. In this episode I suggest that maybe fixing others isn't your responsibility...
Published 09/22/20
Our conventional understanding of stress is that there are events or people that are intrinsically stressful, and the best we can do is to manage that. But what if there's another way of understanding stress as a helpful signal that our state of mind is getting in the way of seeing things clearly. Listen now for a whole new way of thinking about stress.
Published 09/02/20
Sometimes it can look as if, when things don't work out as we'd hoped, our whole life plans are ruined. But that can't ever really be the case...and knowing that makes all the difference in the world!
Published 08/24/20
Often when we feel stuck or dissatisfied in a relationship (whether that's with a partner, family member, or anyone else) it seems as if we just need THEM to change for things to be better. But what if that's not the case? What if we can transform our relationships ourselves...?
Published 08/17/20
How do you think change - the sort of change you are looking for - happens? Because of a simple misunderstanding about the nature of change, and where new ideas come from, often we're searching in the wrong places for what we seek. In this episode you can discover why searching in the dark is actually rather a good idea...
Published 07/17/20
Whatever you're really looking for in life won't come from where you're currently searching...
Published 06/19/20
This week's podcast is in the form of a story - a fairytale, about a little girl who thinks she needs armour to protect her. As you listen, maybe you'll consider what is the armour that you wear every day. How would life be without it?
Published 06/04/20
We have so much knowledge and expertise these days - that it's easy to think we are in control. The truth is, we are not. In this episode, discover why that's actually really good news!
Published 05/09/20
At this time when we can't be very certain about anything much, fear seems to be everywhere. But there are a few things we can be sure of even now - and one of them is that fear is not helpful. Another is that we can rely on our innate resilience. Listen to this episode to discover what you can do when you feel anxious or fearful.
Published 04/17/20
During this extraordinary time, we will feel a whole range of feelings - from fear and pain to compassion, relief, gratitude or even joy. This week's podcast is about the nature of resilience, and how we can safely allow ourselves to feel all the feelings that come our way.
Published 03/31/20
When we spend too much time worrying about what other people will think, we ignore our own inner guidance system. There will always be a whole range of opinions out there: we need to listen to our own wisdom.
Published 03/06/20
We often make an effort to take care of our outer wellbeing, whilst at the same time criticising and judging ourselves internally. It might seem as if that running commentary makes us perform better - but I don't think that's the case. Being kind to yourself, just as you would be to anyone else who gets things wrong sometimes, is far more productive!
Published 02/28/20