  People tend to think of Reiki being all about life, energy, dynamism. In this first episode of Season 3 we explore the power of Reiki therapy to navigate death, loss, transitions and other times of ending. We all walk The Lonely Road alone. Working with Reiki therapies can offer us much needed guidance and an ever-present companion on the way... As a starting point in Celtic Reiki, the healing journey of The Lonely Road helps discover a sense of meaning and direction for our clients and...
Published 10/06/23
Welcome to the final episode in the special series, "It's Halloween—but not as you know it!" Join Martyn and Linda as they explore underground locations where history and experiences weave an adventure you won't soon forget!  Together they share paranormal investigation experiences as well as their own personal experiences from a different perspective than expected.  The Lost can be found in the labyrinth of tunnels, however, beware where you step for fear of getting lost yourself, down in...
Published 10/31/22
In today's episode, Martyn and Linda explore places where many have been forgotten or abandoned. Incarceration and loneliness… are they real or just in the mind? These places of suffering and loneliness have a connection with the paranormal. Martyn and Linda discuss how the imprisonment of people historically can reveal the prisons we create for ourselves. But it doesn't stop there...for there is a way we can create magical transformation through setting ourselves free. Whether physically,...
Published 10/24/22
Welcome back to the second in the four-part series, “It’s Halloween, but not as you know it!” This episode, "This House needs therapy! ", Martyn and Linda take you on an exploration of locations, some you may know and some may be new to you. At a quick glance, a house that seems broken, may hold another more powerful secret that the one visitors are told about. We all have our own perspective of how things are based on what we know...or think we know. Martyn and Linda talk about how...
Published 10/17/22
Welcome to the special four-part series, “It’s Halloween, but not as you know it!” In this episode, “A Highway of Horrors and The Dark Wood”, join Martyn and Linda as they encounter entities of an ancient road meeting them at the connection between the beyond-physical and travel. Uncover how journeying to the unknown and all its dangers became associated with the ghosts of the roadside.  Martyn and Linda will also visit a very creepy wood, where something shiny lurks. In this revealing...
Published 10/10/22
Martyn and Linda continue their discussion and explanation of the amazing dynamics of Ki. As you journey with them, a clear picture of how the philosophy of Ki is applied to facets of energy that are recognized from particular viewpoints; Ki is a facet of energy and it is energy.  Often times life will present challenges and the question asked in this episode is how many times do we gather everything we know to date to understand the challenge vs. fall back into default causing us to loop...
Published 09/29/22
Today, Martyn and Linda explain how Ki is defined in many different layers or ‘facets’. Join them as they discuss each facet of Ki and how they exist in a dynamic ever-changing balance, where different aspects of Ki have specific tasks to perform in the amazing creation of life. So how do we know what are the best moves to make in order to maintain wellbeing? How do we change the dynamics that are not conducive to our wellbeing and happiness? How do we choose the best areas to focus upon or...
Published 09/22/22
Have you ever heard the expression,“Don’t worry, ‘Reiki’ will take care of everything for you, just sit back and let it happen”? Our expectations get higher as our active participation gets lower. Why is that? What can we do to reclaim our power? Toxic positivity is real and can limit our healing as we try to navigate through challenging times personally and globally.  In this podcast, Martyn and Linda discuss toxic positivity which presents itself to all of us on a daily basis. We’ve all...
Published 09/15/22
Join Martyn and Linda as they explore some of the tradition and history of Karma all the while honoring the wonders humankind has experienced to date. Taking all the value and purpose forward, evolving it to the modern world we are now living; they are taking the torch and carrying it onward towards evolution and expansion—leaving dogma and limitation behind.  We all create bias to protect ourselves from a big scary world. In this discussion of karmic realms, we think about how by revealing...
Published 09/08/22
Tired of the tightening grip of feeling isolated, alone - even in a crowd? Or perhaps wanting to run and hide? Are you one to stand and fight? Whether in lockdown or out and about in the world, there are ways in which each of us can reach within and pour outwardly a change, a transformation, a beneficial evolution for each and all.  Join Martyn and Linda as they discuss how our current state of being is an opportunity for growth. From all the contractive influences we are bombarded with on a...
Published 09/01/22
Back with a bang—another season of adventures within the Realms of One Therapy!  Are you ready to learn more about the Realms?  Each Realm provides specific environments for treatment and healing providing a methodology to help us discover our own natural truth. In today’s podcast Martyn and Linda discuss how our individual experiences within the Realms help us discover unlimited exploration into new Realms.  Martyn and Linda talk about a story shared by The Fell Witch viewed with a shifted...
Published 08/25/22
Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.  Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training. Are you finding your day-to-day bombarded by things which seem to undermine your focus on finding your true self? This podcast will shed light upon how...
Published 07/14/22
Martyn Pentecost is the creator and originator of The One Therapy programmes. For over 20 years, Martyn has been pioneering business and personal development systems.  Linda Haczynski is the support and guide to the One Therapy Community. Beginning in 2009, Linda has been immersed in all things One Therapy and offers expertise and training. If you are searching to find your true self and feel like you need a shift of perspective or need something different, Martyn and Linda explore the...
Published 06/29/22
Thoughts, ideas, experiences; these are just a few of the building blocks which create our reality. There are many conscious and unconscious limitations we put in place that put constraints upon our day-to-day experiences. But as we explore and work with the power of synaesthesia, we can experience a fuller life and greater depth of understanding.  In this podcast, Martyn and Linda discuss what synaesthesia is, why it happens, and how to utilize it as a tool. Join us as we explore the...
Published 05/05/22
In life, we are often defined by things we find harrowing and traumatic. Told by the world that we are wrong, not good enough, will never amount to much, and so on. With every criticism or rebuff, broken heart and angry encounter, we gain a definition of ourselves that is askew. In this episode Martyn and Linda talk about The Forgotten Fell and all the wonders within that have fallen into darkness. As we explore meeting the Fell Witch, we are reminded she is a reflection of the self…as all...
Published 04/21/22
During this episode you’ll hear about the orientation and calibration process Martyn has developed. We cover a little bit of the history behind attunements and entrainments. This leads onto how the orientation and calibration process evolved to support the Master and Adventurer as they ‘meet in the middle’—equals at different points in their own journeys. As an added bonus, included in this episode is an orientation written and arranged by Martyn, presented by Linda. Martyn Pentecost is the...
Published 04/14/22
Welcome to the podcast! When you are looking for something deeper, more robust and more authentic to the reality of personal change, then "It's Reiki—But Not As You Know It!" is the podcast for you. In this first episode you will explore  energy, therapy, personal development, community and global change from perspectives you may never have encountered before.  And beyond the conversation, in future episodes you'll also experience unique, powerful bonus tools that you can start to work with...
Published 04/07/22