Affirming Our Worth: Healing Through Perceived Failure As Rena guided us, we started by honoring our breath, allowing it to resonate freely within us. It was a gentle reminder that it was okay to slow down, to grant ourselves the time we needed. With each breath, we rooted ourselves into the present moment, feeling the support of the surface beneath us. We were invited to confront moments of perceived failure as it related to preparing for Pesach, acknowledging any self-judgments....
Published 04/17/24
Finding Freedom in the Body In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we begin by taking deep breaths, acknowledging the life force within us. With each inhale and exhale, we feel Hashem sustaining us. We tune into our bodies, feeling the support of the surface beneath us, allowing ourselves to settle and rest. This time is dedicated solely to ourselves, letting go of everything else. Rena invites us to bring to mind a challenging aspect of Pesach preparation, observing where...
Published 04/16/24
Embodied Inner Conflict In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we embarked on a journey of self-awareness and embodiment. Beginning with deep breaths, we tuned into the quality of our breath, noticing its pace and depth. With gentle guidance, we invited our bodies to settle and relax, feeling the surface beneath us. Acknowledging inner conflicts, we explored the tensions between our desires, allowing each part to express its needs fully. As we listened, we observed how these...
Published 04/15/24
Deepening Our Relationship Within In Rena's soothing guidance, we begin with deep breaths, each inhale reminding us that Hashem is breathing life into us in every moment. As we sense our bodies, supported and safe, we invite relaxation, signaling to our nervous systems that we are okay. We check in, inviting our bodies to speak, noticing sensations, emotions, or memories as they surface. With gentle curiosity, we come into relationship with these inner experiences, welcoming them...
Published 04/14/24
Preparing for Shabbos in Hashem's Care In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we journeyed inward, taking deep breaths and tuning into the sensations of our bodies. We acknowledged the weight of our responsibilities in getting ready for Shabbos (and Pesach), feeling the body's response to our to-do lists. Then, Rena gently guided us to consider our own needs amidst the chaos, like a shepherd tending to their flock. We envisioned ourselves as cared for and guided, knowing that...
Published 04/11/24
Hashem's Loving Support: Harnessing Oxytocin for Self-Nurturing In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we start by taking deep breaths, allowing our breath to flow naturally without forcing it. This gentle reminder encourages us to slow down, rest, and relax. We connect with our body's physical sensations, feeling the support of the surface beneath us and allowing ourselves to sink a little deeper into it. Rena introduces the intention of increasing our oxytocin, the hormone...
Published 04/10/24
Sensory Awareness: Deepening Our Connection In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we begin by anchoring ourselves with deep breaths, letting each inhale and exhale serve as a gentle reminder that we can slow down and rest when needed, feeling the support of the surface beneath us. As we bring awareness to our thoughts, Rena invites us to notice how they manifest in our bodies, without delving too deeply. We allow our attention to defocus, embracing the sensations, thoughts,...
Published 04/09/24
Embodying Courage As we begin, we take a few deep breaths, grounding ourselves with each inhale and exhale. We remind ourselves that it's okay to relax, to give ourselves permission for a moment of respite. We settle into our space, feeling the support beneath us, allowing our bodies to rest into it just a little bit more. Now, Rena gently guides us to bring to mind a situation that's safe yet mildly stressful, something challenging or even a bit scary that we're planning to do....
Published 04/08/24
Beneath "How Are You?": A Deep Dive into Self-Inquiry We embark on a journey of deepening connection with ourselves through somatic mindfulness guided by Rena. With gentle breaths, we signal to our entire being that it's okay to slow down, to truly check in. Whether sitting, reclining, or lying, we invite our bodies to settle as we assess the state of our nervous system, acknowledging if we're calm, in fight or flight, shutdown, or somewhere in between. We pose the question, "How are...
Published 04/07/24
Grounding into Presence with Preparing for Shabbos In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we start by taking a few deep breaths, inviting our breath to signal to all of us that it's okay to relax and let go. We focus on sensing our bodies and the support of the surface beneath us, acknowledging everything that needs to happen between now and later. We lean into triggers that prompt us to drift into autopilot, allowing ourselves to ground into the present moment. We push our feet into...
Published 04/04/24
Embracing Hashem's Support We begin by drawing in a few deep breaths, allowing each inhale and exhale to wash through our being, and acknowledge the support beneath us. With gentle encouragement, we bring to mind a current life challenge, noticing where it resides within us. As Rena leads us, we imagine Hashem holding that part of ourselves, providing a sense of security and comfort. With each breath, we surrender a little more, sinking into Hashem's loving embrace. We recognize the...
Published 04/03/24
Wrapped in Love: A Guided Embodiment Experience In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we began with grounding breaths, focusing on our heartspace and the rhythm of our breath. Then, we brought to mind three sources of love: our own heart's affection, a loved one, and Hashem's boundless love. With each breath, we immersed ourselves in the warmth of these connections, feeling their presence within us. As our focus softened, we surrendered to the collective embrace of love, allowing it...
Published 04/02/24
Choice: Navigating "Yes" and "No" Somatically   In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we begin by taking deep breaths, inviting our bodies to relax. We explore situations where we've said yes when we wished we'd said no, feeling the responses in our bodies and nervous systems. Then, we imagine saying no, noticing the contrast in sensations. Back and forth we go, between yes and no, sensing how each feels within us. We hold both choices separately,...
Published 04/01/24
Sensing Potency: A Guided Embodiment Practice Rena leads us through a journey of somatic mindfulness, beginning with grounding breaths and gentle self-holding. As we delve into body scans, we awaken to the potency within each sensation. With curiosity and trust, we explore our emotions, allowing them space to unfold. Through intentional poses, we embody the desires pulsating within, witnessing their power. 
Published 03/31/24
Shabbos Preparation: Pace Pause In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we begin by taking deep breaths, inviting each breath to delve into any tension spots and offering them extra support. We reflect on the past week, feeling into the rhythm of our routines and acknowledging all that lies ahead. We visualize ourselves preparing for Shabbos, first at a rapid pace, then in slow motion, adjusting the speed until it feels just right in our bodies. We allow ourselves to dream...
Published 03/28/24
Nurturing Presence: A Guided Journey to Embodied Ease In Rena's guidance, we start by breathing deeply, allowing our breath to reach its natural depth. We're encouraged to slow down, letting each breath settle us. Rena prompts us to notice any tension in our bodies, gently inviting us to release it without force. We're asked to recall a mildly stressful situation and observe where we feel it in our bodies. Then, we imagine someone who brings us comfort and imagine what they might...
Published 03/27/24
You Matter: Nurturing Self-Care through Mindful Attention In Rena's guided somatic mindfulness practice, we start with a few deep breaths, allowing our breath to find its natural rhythm. As we delve into our body's sensations, we're encouraged to recall the recent days, events, and interactions of Purim, noticing how our bodies respond without judgment. Rena prompts us to focus on any areas of tension or discomfort, giving them our full attention and care. We explore these sensations,...
Published 03/26/24
Visualizing Past Ease, Embracing Future Readiness: Somatic Preparation for Purim Rena led us on a journey through time, guiding us to reflect on moments of past ease and envisioning our future readiness for Purim. With mindful attention, we recalled instances where we gracefully navigated challenges, allowing the memory to imbue our bodies with Menuchas Hanefesh. Transitioning to the future, Rena invited us to visualize ourselves preparing for Purim with the same composed demeanor. We...
Published 03/21/24
Preparation for Purim: Surrendering to Hashem's Support Rena led us through a journey of somatic mindfulness, guiding us to sink into the present moment with each breath. As we acknowledged our to-do lists and responsibilities, she gently reminded us of the support of Hashem, the One orchestrating everything. With each exhale, we surrendered to Hashem's support, feeling our bodies relax and our nervous systems find calm. Rena encouraged us to release the burden of responsibility,...
Published 03/20/24
Body-Mind Harmony: Preparing for Purim As Rena guided us through a somatic mindfulness practice, our breathing steadied and our bodies settled into the present moment. With each inhale, we invited our awareness to embrace the sensations of the surface supporting us, acknowledging the tasks awaiting us before Purim. Rena encouraged us to notice how our bodies responded to thoughts of our to-do lists and interactions ahead. We acknowledged the echoes of past stress and gently reminded...
Published 03/19/24
Small Wins, Big Impact: A Mindful Recap In Rena's guidance, we embarked on a journey of mindful embodiment. Beginning with gentle breaths and subtle shifts, we explored new ways of connecting with ourselves. Anchored in the support beneath us, we delved into the landscape of our emotions, acknowledging their presence with openness. Naming three small victories from the week, we felt their resonance in our bodies, recognizing the nuances of joy or relief. Oscillating between our...
Published 03/18/24
Finding Voice Within In Rena's somatic mindfulness practice, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, starting with deep breaths to settle into ourselves. As we find a comfortable position, Rena encourages us to listen to the silent parts of ourselves, the ones that haven't had a chance to speak. With gentle guidance, we offer loving attention to these neglected aspects, inviting them to share their thoughts and feelings in their own time and manner. Through this process of giving voice to...
Published 03/17/24
Serene Shabbos Preparation Under Rena's guidance, we embark on a somatic mindfulness journey to ready ourselves for Shabbos. Beginning with deep breaths, we invite our bodies to slow down and embrace the present moment. With each inhale and exhale, we acknowledge the support of our surroundings. As we confront our to-do lists and the rush of preparations, Rena encourages us to notice the emotions and tensions that surface. Through gentle reflection, we recall past moments of...
Published 03/14/24
Embrace and Expand As Rena guided us through the practice, we felt ourselves sinking into the rhythm of our breath, letting it guide us deeper into the present moment. With each inhale and exhale, we invited our bodies to relax, to simply be where they were without judgment. We explored the subtle shifts in emotion and mood as we played with our posture, from hunching forward to expanding outward. With each movement, we noticed the ebb and flow of sensation, the dance between constriction...
Published 03/13/24