旧文通費「誠心誠意対応する」 解散・人事には答えず―岸田首相
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【バーリ時事】岸田文雄首相は15日、調査研究広報滞在費の見直しを巡る日本維新の会との合意に関し、「党首間の合意であり、文書で確認した重たいものだ。 Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday vowed to "sincerely address" the issue of revamping research, public relations and accommodation allowances provided to lawmakers, based on an accord reached between the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai .
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【図解】都知事選の構図任期満了に伴う東京都知事選が20日に告示され、17日間の首都決戦が始まった。 The official campaign period for the July 7 Tokyo gubernatorial election started Thursday, with incumbent Governor Yuriko Koike, 71, set to compete with challengers including Renho, 56, who served as administrative reform minister in the...
Published 06/20/24
沖縄県石垣市の尖閣諸島沖で20日、中国海警局の「海警」1隻が日本の領海に侵入した。 A Chinese coast guard ship entered Japanese territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands in the city of Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, on Thursday, the first such intrusion by an official Chinese ship since June 7 and the 18th this year.
Published 06/20/24