Published 05/13/22
Published 03/11/22
Health and wellness is a billion-dollar industry—and yet, the country’s never been unhealthier. Something. Needs. To. Change. This week, Les and I talk about where the industry is currently and where I hope it will evolve to. It’s about health, not...
Published 04/27/20
Injuries are the way our bodies tell us to listen up and slow down. They can provide cues to deeper issues, both physical AND mental, but they don’t always have to be detrimental. A lot of positive opportunity lies within injury if you pay attention to...
Published 04/20/20
We’re tackling a big one this week—we’re talkin’ about BODIES! As humans our self-worth can often get wrapped up in what we look like, so how do we push past that? How do we reprogram the way we think and see our physical selves and recognize our...
Published 04/13/20
Perseverance means different things to different people—so on this episode, Les and I decided to break it down a bit. We explore the positives of how it can help you stay healthy and grounded, but we also touch on the darker side of productive trauma. I...
Published 04/09/20
Team, I’m feeling a certain type of way. The world is facing uncertain times and Les and I just wanted to take a breath, check in, and reconnect with you. In this episode, we talk about life during quarantine, how we cope now that normal routines aren’t...
Published 04/06/20
In the season finale of the podcast, Les and I play a fun game of questions. We talk about traveling, night life, favorite things, hopes, dreams—you name it! Recording the first season of my podcast has been the most amazing experience and I’m so...
Published 03/24/20
Team! It’s finally time for my favorite topic—MOVEMENT! It’s my first love, my life’s work, and my identity—so I was super excited to sit down with Les and dive into this! 
Published 03/16/20
Let’s talk fuel! In this episode of the podcast, Les and I discuss different types of fuel—for your mind, body, and soul. It’s food, it’s media, it’s energy—anything you can consume counts! We also talk about the power that energy can have on your...
Published 03/09/20
In this episode, I answer more questions from the Team. We dive into a variety of topics including my thoughts on genetics and what it was like to be a muscular girl growing up, not comparing myself to others, my shoe collection and my thoughts on...
Published 03/02/20
This week Les and I are switching things up and answering some questions from the Team. We discuss everything from the moment I gained my self-confidence, to how I recover from workouts, to advice I would give for those looking to find their passion. We...
Published 02/24/20