Today I am interviewing Melissa Browne, who is an ex-accountant, ex financial advisor, ex-working till she drops, bestselling author, business strategist & mentor and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping women particularly live a life by design and not by default. In this episode, we bust open those money myths, discuss money habits we should be employing to get us further ahead financially, we talk about sexually transmitted debt and what we can do to protect ourselves plus much...
Published 08/10/21
Published 08/10/21
A big part of Self Defence is learning how to avoid a violent encounter. We talk a lot about de-escalating a situation as we want to avoid violence at all costs as anything can happen in a violent encounter. In today’s episode, we talk about the importance of de-escalation and changing the narrative so that we can avoid an ego-based violent encounter. We also focus on unwanted attention and the best way to handle this.
Published 07/28/21
We are all about avoiding violence and the best way to do that is to give ourselves options. We want to make sure that the places we are hanging out provide us with maximum visibility, space to move so that we can leave a situation if we need to. Just taking a moment to assess our surroundings and seeing what options are available to us can make all the difference.
Published 07/05/21
We cannot be perfect all the time but there are so many things we can do that are EASY and put us ahead of the game when it comes to our safety. Today’s we point out the easy side of Self Defence as sometimes we forget that a little change in our life can make all the difference. The easy is so damn easy compared to the hard, the violence. It is extremely hard from a mental and physical aspect to fight for your life. At the end of the day, the choice is yours alone how you live your life.
Published 06/07/21
What is your inner chatter like when it comes to your safety? Do you instantly think “shit, shit, shit” or do you tell yourself “I’ve got this”? Today I talk about the importance of having the right mindset. Focusing on the things we can control, will make all the difference. We must think about the environment we actually live in and not the one we would like to live in. I want you to feel empowered when it comes to your safety, you are the one controlling your actions.
Published 05/03/21
There are lots of ideas out there about how to use your phone when it comes to self-defence and today I want to share our thoughts on when we feel your phone is needed. Tristan and I talk about how we would use our phone if we were confronted with a potential threat, just one on one. We also look at what role our phone can play in a third party situation where we are witnessing a violent encounter. We have many tools at our disposal when we find ourselves in a violent encounter, is the phone...
Published 04/19/21
In this episode, we talk about what you can do to not only feel safer when you’re out with babies and kids but actually be safer. Planning plays a large role but the type of planning will differ depending on the age of the child. We run through each stage, starting with Infants working our way up to 12-year-olds. You know your child best, so apply these tips and strategies when you feel your child is ready. Self-protection is a life journey and one that evolves with the various stages of your...
Published 04/11/21
WARNING - Some people may find this episode disturbing as we are talking about Domestic Violence Please listen at your discretion. Today Rachel talks with Caroline McGuinness who is doing amazing things to bring more awareness to domestic violence. She is a qualified social worker with a wealth of expertise in human behaviour, trauma and engagement. The founder of The WHY Campaign which kicked off last year. She is so passionate about bringing an end to domestic.
Published 02/24/21
Say what??? Everyone is going to be travelling at all different times during this pandemic and Rachel believes it is important to get the information out there so you can refer to it when it applies. Rachel and Tristan cover a broad range of travelling safety topics. The big bonus, there is a Travel Safety Checklist that you can download here: wsdn.com.au/travelchecklist so that you can locate this info when you are ready to travel.
Published 02/17/21
Today Rachel and Tristan discuss the importance of the “Mental” side of Self Defence. As the “Physical” side seems to get most of the limelight. The reason we hear more about the physical side is because of the violent nature of the crime. Violence sells news! While the physical gets all of the attention, it is the mental aspect that Rachel and Tristan place huge importance on. Rachel wants to bring these tips and strategies to the surface and make sure they are getting as much exposure as...
Published 02/08/21
Rachel + Tristan sit down and talk with Self Defence expert Jeff Phillips who is not only the chief instructor of Western Combatives in Sydney but also the director of SAFE International Australasia. Jeff has an extensive background training in Martial Arts and also as a competitive fighter. He is an industry leader in the instruction of Self Defence and is passionate about delivering skills sets and knowledge that is based on truth.
Published 02/07/21
Are you living your best life? If not, can you reinvent yourself? The answer is “Absolutely”!!! In today‘s episode Rachel talks (and laughs a shit load) with the gorgeous Bianka Ismailovski about the major changes that have taken place for her over the past two years that were a must in order for her to live her best life. She has openly shared these darkest moments with her followers and inspired so many. Are you living your best life or at least working towards it?
Published 12/15/20
Knife attacks are more common than gun attacks here in Australia. Unfortunately, we hear about them more often these days in the news and social media. They are easy to acquire, conceal, and don’t require any training for them to be effective. Most of all they are extremely dangerous. In today’s episode, Rachel and Tristan discuss the 2 types of knife situations that occur and what you can do to give yourself the best chance of survival if you are confronted with an attacker armed with a knife.
Published 12/09/20
So, you are walking down the street and you spot a violent encounter taking place, what do you do? At this very moment, you must be aware that you are entering into a world of risk. You legally have no obligation to do anything. It really is up to you and how much risk you are comfortable with taking. Today, Rachel and Tristan talk about the various violent encounter scenarios that can take place and the various options you have available to you as a bystander if you wish to get involved.
Published 12/02/20
How many times have you had a feeling in your gut that something just wasn’t quite right? Call it a hunch, sixth sense, it is basically your gut’s brain telling you that based on what you can see in your environment, something isn’t quite right. It is when the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. So what do we do when we get these feelings, a lot of the time, absolutely nothing. We question it, when in fact we should listen to it and act.
Published 11/24/20
Confidence plays an important role in Self Defence. Today Rachel talks with voice coach, Sally Prosser, about how to get confident in your voice. Your voice matters whether it be in a 1 on 1 conversation at a café, at a conference presenting to 1000 people, or screaming at a predator who is moving into your personal space. No one is confident 100% of the time, you have to work at it. The more we practice and put ourselves in situations where we test our confidence, the more we grow as a person.
Published 11/15/20
Fight-Flight-Freeze. Which one do you think will kick in? There are no guarantees, we do not know how we will respond because we have no control over it. But like anything the more you educate yourself and plant those seeds in your brain of what you need to do at that moment, the better chance you give yourself to make the right decisions. Today we dive into what happens to your body during that Fight-Flight-Freeze response and what we can do to give ourselves the best chance when that happens.
Published 11/10/20
Nobody likes rejection, throw alcohol and drugs in the mix and it can get out of control. So how do we reject someone without bruising their ego and causing the situation to escalate? In today’s episode, Rachel talks about the importance of having a story. By changing the mood you can reject the situation and not the person which allows them to walk away with their ego intact.     
Published 11/03/20
There are always going to be uncomfortable moments in your life. As uncomfortable as these challenges may be, they are also necessary for you to live your best and safest life. In today’s episode, Rachel talks about the importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone not only for your personal growth but to also put you in a position to be able to better deal with the uncertainties of confrontation and potential violence.
Published 10/27/20
This is what Rachel likes to call the big one, the main topic, we can’t make smart choices for our safety if we don’t know what is happening around us. Situational awareness doesn’t mean we have to live like a paranoid meerkat 24/7, but there are definitely times when we do have to switch on. Today Rachel runs through the 3 levels of awareness and talks about “when is” the time to be completely switched on. A predator is banking on us having low awareness so we have to be ahead of the game.
Published 10/21/20
Today we talk with Tristan Kealy who has been Rachel’s No.1 Self Defence trainer for the past 20 years. After training in the Martial Arts industry for over 35 years, Tristan’s wealth of knowledge will blow you away. Tristan is continually learning, testing, and seeking out new techniques to find the most effective forms of Self Defence. His journey has shifted to violence prevention instead of just dealing with the violent encounter. Jump on and listen to see how his journey transformed.
Published 10/21/20
A big welcome to the “Knowledge Is Your Superpower” podcast. I am thrilled to be delivering weekly tips and strategies in not only Self Defence, but also various topics that will empower you to live your best life. I will be sharing this stage with my co-star, Tristan Kealy, and various guest speakers which excel in their profession. Violence is ugly and anything can happen so my goal is to empower as many people as possible with knowledge on how to avoid a violent encounter.
Published 09/28/20