In this episode Rich speaks with Whitney Lee. Topics include: Whitney’s career before tech, how she started at IBM and VMware, her streaming shows Enlightening and You Choose, the challenges for new folks learning cloud native, and Imposter Syndrome. Show notes Mauricio Salatino Mauricio and Whitney’s KubeCon Keynote vCluster Crossplane Enlightening Keptn Netflix’s Freedom and Responsibility Knative CKA Julia Evans Viktor Farcic Whitney and Viktor’s You Choose series Viktor’s DevOps Toolkit...
Published 10/16/23
Published 10/16/23
This is a repost of episode 12. Kris Nova passed away in a climbing accident on August 16. I thought it was fitting to repost this conversation I had with her and Dave Fogle about their experiences being homeless. There is a memorial for Kris on the Nivenly site. It's backed by a GitHub repo, if you'd like to share your memories of her. https://nivenly.org/memorials/krisnova/ Episode transcript Original show notes: In this episode Rich speaks with Dave Fogle from Civo and Kris Nova from...
Published 10/10/23
This is a repost of an interview I did with Carolyn back in April of 2021, which was episode 6 of Kube Cuddle. The memorial to Carolyn on GitHub is here. The transcript is here. The original show notes are below. --- In this episode Rich speaks with Carolyn Van Slyck from Microsoft. Topics include: How Carolyn got started coding, the old Microsoft versus the new Microsoft, getting paid to work in open source, Porter, CLI UX, Git UX, and virtual KubeCons. Show notes: Carolyn's Twitter Rich's...
Published 07/05/23
In this episode Rich speaks with Paige Cruz, a Developer Advocate at Chronosphere. Topics include: How Paige got started with software development and Kubernetes, how much complexity should we expose developers to, using events and traces when troubleshooting, tracing for Kubernetes (added in 1.22), OpenTelemetry, and the burdens of SRE. Show notes: Paige’s Twitter | Paige’s Mastodon Rich's Twitter | Rich’s Mastodon Kube Cuddle Twitter Links: Kubernetes Up and Running Kubernetes the Hard...
Published 04/16/23
In this episode Rich speaks with one of the creators of the Kubernetes project, Joe Beda. Topics include: KubeCon NA 2022, the Kubernetes Documentary, how the Docker image changed everything, designing early Kubernetes, what Kelsy Hightower brought to the community, founding Heptio and the VMWare acquisition, and what Joe would do differently designing Kubernetes today.
Published 12/08/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Justin Garrison from AWS. Topics include: Why Justin left his college C.S. program, writing a scheduler in Bash, running animation jobs with k8s at Disney, monitoring cloud native services, making Kubernetes TikToks and streaming Containers from the Couch, EKS, Karpenter, and ECS.
Published 10/07/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Divya Mohan from SUSE. Topics include: The importance of Linux fundamentals, open source and Kubernetes in India, imposter syndrome, working on the Kubernetes documentation, what it means to be a contributor, chaos engineering for Kubernetes, being a CNCF Ambassador.
Published 09/02/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Lukas Gentele from Loft Labs. Topics include: Running Kuberentes on top of Mesosphere, how Kubernetes killed DevOps, why Kubernetes multi-tenancy is a challenge for platform teams, the origin of vcluster, speaking at KubeCon, and the fear of breaking k8s changes.
Published 07/19/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Liz Rice from Isovalent.. Topics include: How Liz got involved in cloud native, Kelsey Hightower’s Tetris demo, writing eBPF programs, use cases for Cilium, why she joined Isovalent, Cilium’s new service mesh, Liz’s time on the CNCF’s Technical Oversight Committee, Golang.
Published 06/30/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Gerhard Lazu from Dagger. Topics include: Gerhard’s podcast called Ship It, designing web sites in the 90s, how he used Kuberenetes before Kubernetes, the Kubernetes Documentary, and lots of chat about CUE and Dagger.
Published 04/18/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Celeste Horgan from Stripe. Topics include: How developers can get better at writing docs, what makes a good concept doc, “blank is a blank that does blank,” the difficulty with making big changes in the Kubernetes documentation, the Dockershim deprecation, inclusive naming, and many listener questions.
Published 02/28/22
In this episode Rich speaks with Dave Fogle from Civo and Kris Nova from Twilio. Topics include: How Dave’s tweet “From homeless to Kubecon in 7 years” brought us together, Dave and Kris’s stories about how they became homeless, how they took care of their gear, their love of open source software and how they used it to level up, and how they transitioned from being on the street to tech jobs.
Published 12/01/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Mark Mandel from Google. Topics include: How Mark started coding, ColdFusion, the early days of Kubernetes and how things have changed for new users, Agones (a Kubernetes-based system for running dedicated game servers), the challenges in game development, secrecy in gaming and how open source is impacting it.
Published 10/11/21
In this episode Rich speaks with David Flanagan (AKA Rawkode) from Equinix Metal. Topics include: How David got started writing code, leading development at a media company, the day Lemmy from Motörhead died, using Mesos and Marathon, how he got the idea for Klustered, some tools he’s learned about through his streams, and what he’s learned about troubleshooting Kubernetes.
Published 09/21/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Kaslin Fields from Google. Topics include: Growing up in a small Appalachian village, how Docker nailed developer experience, live tweeting events, Kaslin’s show Fields Tested on cloudnative.tv, the Kubernetes Contributor Communications team, being a CNCF Ambassador, how the Kubernetes project is organized, Developer Relations, and more.
Published 07/23/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Kelsey Hightower from Google. Topics include: How Kelsey got into tech, what he learned from owning a computer shop, working at CoreOS, storytelling in tech, dealing with Imposter Syndrome, how Kelsey evaluates tools, Kubernetes the Hard Way, and listener questions.
Published 06/01/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Brad Geesaman from Darkbit.io. Topics include: How awesome the Apple IIe was, how Brad got started in security, is Kubernetes secure by default, cloud security posture management, the trillion dollar topic of software supply chain security, sneaking vulnerabilities into the Linux kernel, some listener questions, and Brad’s picks for KubeCon Europe 2021.
Published 05/04/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Carolyn Van Slyck from Microsoft. Topics include: How Carolyn got started coding, the old Microsoft versus the new Microsoft, getting paid to work in open source, Porter, CLI UX, Git UX, and virtual KubeCons.
Published 04/19/21
In this episode Rich speaks with André Henry from Venmo. Topics include: How André’s mom was the first programmer he knew, working at ISPs in the 1990s, why infrastructure engineers love abstractions, Kubernetes is not a PaaS, how Docker nailed developer experience, and what may be coming for distributed computing. There was a recording problem with André’s audio and it’s not the clearest. It’s all Rich’s fault. But bear with it, André has some fascinating things to say.
Published 01/27/21
In this episode Rich speaks with Marky Jackson from OpsMX. Topics include: How Marky got started in computing, running k8s at Yahoo!, how we both met Stephen Augustus at hotel bars, Spinnaker and Jenkins, and what the Kubernetes community has meant to Marky’s career and life.
Published 10/29/20
In this episode Rich speaks with Verónica López from Digital Ocean. Topics include: How Verónica learned to love math and computers, her experience working at CoreOS in its heyday, participating on the Kubernetes CI Signal team, working on the API Engineering team at Digital Ocean, and her advice for people that are new to the Kubernetes community.
Published 04/16/20
In this episode Rich speaks with Duffie Cooley, from VMware and TGIK. Topics include: How Duffie got into distributed systems, infrastructure APIs as a force multiplier, Chaos Engineering and SRE, TGIK, kind, Cluster API, and multitenancy.
Published 03/18/20
In this episode Rich speaks with Stephen Augustus, from VMware and SIG release. Topics include: How Stephen got into computing, his first experiences with Kubernetes, working at CoreOS, the Kubernetes release process and how it's improving, and writing Bash in anger.
Published 02/26/20
Welcome to this preview episode of Kube Cuddle, a podcast about Kubernetes and the people who build and use it.
Published 02/11/20