Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is not easy work, but the payoff is enormous!!!
Published 01/29/24
It feels so good to facilitate the good work of raising vibration!!!
Published 01/28/24
It's slippery, and that's good! Because it makes for a thrilling ride that's hard to say no to
Published 01/26/24
What better way to spend extra time than bathing in Kundalini!!!
Published 01/26/24
It's embarrassing to lack self-awareness! But you can cultivate it with the Kundalini Yoga and Meditation technology
Published 01/25/24
Sharing the technology is so fun but just like using the tech, it appears teaching the tech also chooses you, and is important to stay busy in the waiting.
Published 01/24/24
They’re dangerous, and must be educated on since there is a cult within the Kundalini Yoga and Meditation system
Published 01/23/24
It's not easy, but the awareness is worth the effort!
Published 01/21/24
Friendship with God means owning the path and experience laid out, and Kundalini helps with that!
Published 01/20/24
Twin Flames aren't widely understood, but in my experience, they can be accessed through Kundalini Yoga
Published 01/18/24
The technology of Kundalini Yoga can smooth out even the smallest wrinkles
Published 01/18/24
The initial results of a practice can make or break the motivation to keep going!
Published 01/16/24
Yogi Bhajan taught this collection of 4 shabads as a way to elevate the vibration of men, especially as a way for women to help the men in their life
Published 01/15/24
Yogi Tea is perfect for the cold front we've been experiencing in the US!
Published 01/15/24
little bits of progress keep me motivated for the journey
Published 01/14/24
Kundalini yoga isn't the only way to raise your vibration, but it sure is an efficient way!
Published 01/13/24
the technology doesn't surprise me much anymore, so it's exciting when it does!
Published 01/12/24
moderation and kundalini are like oil and water for me
Published 01/11/24
life is full of choices and they're all hard — if it looks easy, you just aren't aware of the hard part of the choice — so choose your hard wisely, maybe with Kundalini yoga!
Published 01/10/24
I found it, the perfect kriya for when you don't want to do a kriya because you're tired, your body hurts, or any other stubborn reason: https://www.3ho.org/meditation/a-short-and-sweet-kriya-to-get-the-energy-moving/
Published 01/08/24
this technology of Kundalini Yoga is a gift from God the Provider, we've been given this great means of caring for ourselves and living to the fullest
Published 01/08/24
some days it is just nearly impossible to do the work
Published 01/07/24
scripted prayer from scripture is significantly more high vibrational than prayers we make on our own accord
Published 01/06/24
for those of us who live as a part of the modern world and don't segregate ourselves from the general population, we need to incorporate the technology into our everyday life circumstances
Published 01/05/24
saying "no" can be painful while waiting for the "yes" to materialize
Published 01/03/24