Marhabtayn! It has been a while, but I'm back with one last episode for 2023. Firstly, I hope you're all safe and well. My heart is broken because of what is happening in Palestine and I'm praying everyday that things get better InshaAllah. In this episode, Lina and I reflect on the year 2023 but in a very light-hearted way. The last few months have been difficult to process and wanted to record something funny and light. My Arabic is a bit rusty so please be patient with me, my mistakes and...
Published 12/28/23
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well! I know it has been quite a while since I last posted an episode. If I'm honest, I haven't had a lot of confidence in my Arabic recently. I was so nervous recording this, but I'm so happy I did and I can continue to share my love of Arabic with you all. Remember, mistakes are all part of the journey. In this episode, Lina and I catch up on what we have been doing this year. I hope you enjoy it :)  p.s I'm so happy to share that I'm back!!  مفردات جديدة -...
Published 06/19/23
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well. I can't believe 2022 is already coming to an end. Where has the time gone? In this episode, Lina and I reflect on the good moments in 2022, if there's anything we wish we did, what we're grateful for, how we took care of ourselves and how we would describe this year in 3-5 words.  I wish you all a wonderful festive period and a very Happy New Year! I'm so looking forward to making more episodes in 2023 :) ان شاء الله See you soon! P.s Lina was right - I...
Published 12/18/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well! In this episode, Lina and I talk about holidays.  This was a difficult episode for me to record because I haven't been studying Arabic as much as I would like to and I didn't feel very confident speaking, but I hope it encourages you to keep going no matter if you feel like you're having  a bad day with language learning (it happens to me all the time) . Slow progress is still progress and making mistakes is all part of the journey! If you have any...
Published 10/08/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all happy,  safe, well and enjoying summer! In this episode, Lina and I talk about our free time. I hope you learn some new words!   (p.s. the 'Marhaba' at the beginning of the episode got cut out for some reason!) If you have any questions, you can email me on: [email protected] شو الأشياء اللي بتحبي تعمليها بوقت فراغك؟ 1.  What things do you like to do in your free time? 2.  قديش عندك وقت فراغ خلال الأسبوع؟ How much free time do you...
Published 08/08/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all happy, safe and well. It has been a while since I posted an episode, but I'm back! In this episode, Lina and I talk about our personalities. I hope you enjoy it and learn some new vocabulary! شخصياتنا - our personalities شو هي صفاتك الشخصية؟ What are some characteristics of your personality? شو هي الأشياء اللي بتخليكي مبسوطة؟ What are things that make you happy? شو هي الأشياء اللي بتخليكي معصبة؟  What are things that make you angry? إنتِ خجولة؟ في...
Published 06/15/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all safe and well. Almost exactly one year ago today, I published the very first episode of Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn. I always feel so grateful I have a platform to share my love for the Arabic language. I hope it has encouraged you and continues to encourage you to speak Arabic without the fear of making mistakes. In this special anniversary episode, Lina and I have a very random conversation (see the questions below and you'll understand what I mean!)...
Published 03/25/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well and safe :) In this episode, Lina and I talk about my Arabic Learning Journey. It wasn't easy in the beginning but with determination, patience and by practising regularly, I have now reached a place where I am comfortable speaking with native speakers. إن شاء الله we will all be fluent soon! The most important thing is to keep practising speaking even if you make mistakes.  As always, thank you for your support and for listening.  If you have any...
Published 02/19/22
Marhabtayn! Happy New Year! I hope you are all safe, happy and well :) In this episode  Lina and I talk about friendship.  Thank you all so much for listening and for all your kind messages on Instagram!  Follow my Instagram page: @marhabtayn_  مفردات جديدة new vocabulary   صداقة  friendship  1. أي صفات بتفكري إنها مهمة في الأصحاب؟ What characteristics do you think are important in friends?  2. كيف بتعرفي إنو شخص معيّن هو صاحبك؟ How do you know if a certain person is your friend? 3. لما...
Published 01/23/22
Marhabtayn! I hope you are all safe, happy and well :) In my last episode of the year (I can't believe the year is over already!), Lina and I will talk about the year 2021. Thank you all so much for listening. I wish you all a very happy New Year!  Follow my Instagram page: @marhabtayn_ مفردات جديدة  New Vocabulary  شو اسوا اشي صار بي هاي السنة ؟ What is the worst thing that happened this year? شو احسن اشي صار بي هاي السنة ؟ What is the best thing that happened this year? شو خطتك بي...
Published 12/25/21
 Marhabtayn! I hope you're all doing well :) In this episode, I will talk about gratitude and how we can practice it daily to live happier lives :) بالعربي ، في صفتين للامتنان - ممنون و ممتن .   In Arabic, there are two adjectives for gratitude - ممنون و ممتن. كنت فكر في كتير أشياء لانه هاي السنة خلصت تقريباً و بعد تلات اسابيع رح تبلش السنة الجديدة ان شاء الله . هاي السنة كانت كتير صعبة لكل العالم عشان لسة عايشين في الوباء و الوضع معقد .   I was thinking about a lot of things as this year...
Published 12/06/21
Marhabtayn! I hope you are all safe and well :) In this episode Lina and I will talk about social media and our experience of it. Unlike the perfect pictures we always see on Instagram, it's really important for me to share the unedited conversations to show you that my Arabic isn't perfect. You can hear I still make mistakes and say 'umm' a lot, but that is the beauty of learning. I hope this encourages you to speak Arabic without fear - regardless of your level and how many mistakes you...
Published 11/27/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode I will talk about happiness and how we can find it in the smallest of things :) let us focus on the here and now! New vocabulary:  مفردات جديدة  سعادة : happiness معنى السعادة رح اتكون مختلف من شخص لي شخص : the meaning of happiness will be different for everyone مشاعر ايجابية : positive feelings فرح  : joy القناعة : contentment  انا رح يكون مبسوط / مبسوطة لما : I will be happy when  سيارة جديدة :  new car بيت جديد : new house اشياء بسيطة : simple...
Published 10/03/21
مرحبا جميعًا ! بتمنى تكونو مناح و بتستمتعو بالصيف . أنا كتييير مبسوطة عشان كان عندي الفرصة للسفر على الأردن ،الأردن واحدة منالأماكن المفضلة عندي . زرتها ٣ مرات و كل مرة برجع عالأردن  بحب البلد أكثر . عن جد بحس أنه الأردن هي بيتي الثاني . بنصحكمللسفر على الأردن ❤️ شوفو كيف حلو البلد : __Instagram: @marhabtayn  
Published 09/11/21
Marhabtayn, I hope you're all well :) In this episode, I will briefly talk about emotional intelligence and how we can improve our emotional intelligence through self-awareness. I hope you enjoy it!   اليوم رح احكي لحالي عن الذكاء العاطفي . انا و لينا حكينا في هذا موضوع شوي بالحلقة الماضية بس كان بدي احكي عنه بتفاصيل اكثر لانه هو موضوعي المفضل بي علم نفس الشغل .. مجال دراستي Today I will speak on my own about emotional intelligence. Lina and I spoke about this topic a bit in the last...
Published 07/16/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, Lina and I talk about emotions. You can hear I still make mistakes, but it is the beauty of learning! Don't give up :) New vocabulary: مفردات جديدة بشكل عام إنتِ شخص إيجابي أو سلبي؟ Are you generally a positive or negative person?  إيمتى بيكون عندك أكتر طاقة؟  When do you have more energy? لما تكوني متضايقة، شو بتعملي عشان تحسي حالك أحسن؟ When you are upset, what do you do to feel better? إنتِ حساسة؟ إنتِ عاطفية أكتر أو أقل بالمقارنة مع الناس التانيين؟  Are...
Published 07/01/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, I will talk about a very important topic, mental health.  We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and do things which make us happy.  مرحبا يا جماعة وأهْلاً وسَهْلاً بالحلقة الجديدة من البودكاست مرحبتين Hi everyone and welcome to a new episode of the podcast Marhabtayn.  ازا انتو مستمعين جداد ، اسمي سايرة وانا بدرس اللغة العربية و بحب اللغة العربية كتير . شكرا اكثير للاستماع If you are a new listener, my name is Saira and I study the Arabic language. I...
Published 06/15/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, I will talk about my Arabic language journey and the importance of not comparing yourself to anyone. Slow progress is still progress and a lot of small steps will help you to become successful quickly!  مرحبا يا جماعة وأهْلاً وسَهْلاً بالحلقة الجديدة من البودكاست مرحبتين  Hello everyone and welcome to a new episode of the podcast Marhabtayn. شكرا كثير للاستماع Thank you for listening. هاي الحلقة رح تكون مختلفة. اليوم رح احكي لحالي عن موضوع كنت عم فكر فيه كثير...
Published 06/06/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, Lina and I will talk about travel. I make mistakes, but it's all part of the learning process. I hope you enjoy it :) New vocabulary: مفردات جديدة ضروري : necessary زيادة  : extra الرحلة كانت طويلة : the trip was long درّست  : I taught شو هي فوائد السفر لحالك؟ : what are the benefits of travelling on your own? فوائد : benefits حديث  : modern تقليدي : traditional بيجنن : amazing بيقرر : to decide 
Published 05/23/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, I will draw on my studies in Business Psychology and talk about what organisations should consider when asking staff to return to work post-lockdown, specifically the importance of having open conversations with staff about how comfortable they are returning to work and ensuring safety guidelines are in place such as social distancing. New Vocabulary (مفردات جديدة): عشان يهتموا بموظفينهم - in order to take care of their employees بيأثر : to effect الرجوع : the...
Published 05/03/21
Hi everyone! Welcome to the third episode of the podcast 'Marhabtayn'. In this episode, Lina and I talk about my favourite topic - food! I hope you enjoy it :)New Vocabulary (مفردات جديدة):  درجة الحرارة : temperatureموضوعي المفضل : my favourite...
Published 04/24/21
Marhabtayn! In this episode, Lina and I will be talking about the Covid Pandemic. I make mistakes but it's all part of learning. I hope you find it helpful :)New Vocabulary (مفردات جديدة): إغلاق  lockdown برنامج التطعيم  vaccination programالجرعة...
Published 04/12/21
Welcome to the new podcast 'Marhabtayn'. In this episode I will introduce myself, my Arabic journey and talk about my Masters studies in Business Psychology. I hope you enjoy it :)New Vocabulary (مفردات جديدة):Intermediate level: المستوى المتوسطHuman...
Published 03/27/21