In this week’s episode, tune into a conversation between Komal and Taran and Bunny, the founders of Blume: a company that provides organic period friendly products for womxn. In this episode, you can look forward to hearing Komal, Taran and Bunny discuss what it means to build a company that is rooted in self-care and education as well as…
Published 09/13/20
In this episode, Komal talks to Salima Visram, founder of the 100% cruelty-free fashion brand Samara. Salima shares her experience and lessons learned building her business as a vehicle for her to create change in the world, the challenges that she and her team have faced in this season of covid, and how she has supported herself in these times.
Published 09/06/20
Join Komal for a conversation with someone who has greatly inspired her entrepreneurial journey, Kat Gaskin of @thecontentplanner: an IRL planner that you can get to plan your social media content as a business owner. Kat has helped thousands of people around the world to expand their business and has empowered womxn business owners everywhere. In this episode, Komal and Kat discuss what it means to have a business aligned with your values and identity, and share some advice for you on how...
Published 08/27/20
Join Komal for an incredibly meaningful conversation with close friend Sahaj Kohli aka @BrownGirl Therapy. In “Episode 37: Building The Communities We Need”, Sahaj and Komal discuss what caused Sahaj to plant the seed to build her online community ‘Brown Girl Therapy’ and what she has learned over the past few years through her experience in the mental health space.
Published 08/18/20
As women, we deserve to soak in our accomplishments and successes, and we deserve to have our boundaries respected. In this week’s episode, join Komal as she interviews Vivian Kaye. Vivian is a Mother, Entrepreneur, Shopify Expert and Founder & CEO of KinkyCurlyYaki. Vivian and Komal have a candid conversation about how we can protect our energy and embody our most authentic selves.
Published 08/10/20
In this episode. Komal reflects on the big milestones she has reached in her life and the role that celebration has played in them. Komal shares all her lessons learned about celebrating the small and big things in life, and how we can honour ourselves by being present and recognizing that we are worthy of being celebrated. In this episode, you'll learn the steps that you can take to be present and embrace celebrating yourself.
Published 08/02/20
This week, Komal interviewed Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the NDP. He is the first person of colour to become the leader of a federal party, and has created lasting impact by rooting in his identity and connecting to the community. Join Komal and Jagmeet as they have a conversation about why it’s important to connect with our communities, and how we can do it ourselves. 7:42 – Jagmeet and Komal discuss the importance of standing up for what you believe in, and the power of protecting our...
Published 07/26/20
With many of us working from home, the line between the work/life separation is more blurred than ever right now. In this week’s episode, Komal discusses why it’s important more than ever for us to be aware of burnout and set in place boundaries to prevent it. In times like these when many of us are spending large amounts of time at home, it’s more important now than ever to become aware of our work patterns and set in place systems and supports that can allow us to work sustainably while...
Published 07/17/20
We have all felt self-doubt show up in our lives. It’s normal, and it can sometimes be a great teacher. The importance lies in how we choose to work through it. In this week’s episode, join Komal as she shares the 5 questions you can ask yourself to gain clarity and work through your self-doubt when it rears its head. On the week of their anniversary, Komal and Mitch discuss moments when self doubt has shown up in their lives and the lessons they have learned from it.
Published 07/09/20
After taking a month-long break from recording, Komal is back this week to introduce an eye-opening conversation that she had with Jam Gamble, a multi-passionate media personality and speaker at Gem Conference last month. The conversation at the conference was planned spontaneously, as it took place the week following the murder of George Floyd, and both Jam and Komal felt it was important to hold space for a conversation about anti-Black and Indigenous racism. In their conversation, Komal...
Published 06/30/20
In this week’s episode, Komal talks about expectations and how we can stop suffocating ourselves by naming and removing certain expectations when it serves us. Komal shares what her state of flow looks like in her life, and how flow can be created with healthy habits that we are consistent with. Sometimes the expectations that others have of us and the ones we have of ourselves can be there for the wrong reasons. They can interfere with us living in our truth. Many times, they’re...
Published 05/24/20
On this week’s episode, I am bringing you into my relationship with two important women in my life, my mother (Ma), and my maternal grandmother (Nani Ma). I asked and recorded them sharing about the lessons their mothers taught them. It was the first time I’d ever heard my grandmother speak about her own mom, Ama. It was so beautiful and so funny. I also share so many of the stories you all submitted about your lessons learned from the mothers in your life. Your wisdom is so powerful --...
Published 05/10/20
This week’s episode is a look into how you can walk yourself through hard days. Questions you can ask yourself as you workshop different parts of your life, and work to find clarity in what you’re feeling, and what YOU want and need to do next.
Published 04/26/20
This week, I explore what it was like to commit to new plans in the shadow of the plans we lost. I didn’t expect grief to hit again! That grief allowed my inner self-saboteur to rear her head and allowed me to face some hard things this week. The outcome? Better understanding boundaries, and feeling fully present in my joy. Dive into this week’s episode to learn about showing up fully when self-sabotage comes for a visit.
Published 04/19/20
This week’s episode is a reminder that hope is our guiding light in our darkest times. Komal touches on her childhood and growing up in a home filled with fear and love at once and how she first learned to choose hope for a healthy and happier life. Komal also talks about the power of routines and daily habits to anchor and move through the emotions of grief safely, as well as how she has become viral on Tik Tok.
Published 04/12/20
Join Komal in this week’s episode as we come together to hold space for the loss, grieving and hurt that we are all feeling right now. We recognize that certain things have been canceled, let go of, postponed, and it’s important to allow ourselves to let that hurt in, talk about it, reflect and hold space for each other this week. Let’s be in the company, so we can look forward to new possibilities.
Published 04/02/20
The world is reeling in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, Komal shares what has helped her anchor and root through the unprecedented reality we are all facing. Through tangible tools, Komal encourages you to dive into the habits and routines that will help you stay well each day.
Published 03/19/20
In this episode Komal shares her virtual keynote and Q&A focused on how to build a purpose driven life and career. Pulling on her life story and lessons learned, she inspires the audience to dive deeper in their greater purpose.
Published 03/19/20
In this week’s episode, Komal talks about making friends online and the power of opening ourselves up to connection and community to steer where we want to go and the life we want to have for ourselves.
Published 02/27/20
In this week's freestyle episode, Komal reflects on the changes she has felt in herself and the future of her work over the past six weeks, sharing an important lesson that competence must come first before confidence can be established.
Published 02/20/20
In this week’s episode, Komal’s partner Mitch returns for a special conversation about love. Komal and Mitch share their experiences being an interracial couple, touching on how they've integrated their culture, language, and beliefs, and the reactions they have experienced from both family and friends. TLDR: it's about how you show up for each other in the hardest of times. Tune in for more.
Published 02/13/20
In this week's episode, Komal shares what it means to hustle, holistically. Komal helps you recognize why it's okay to love work and helps you identify ways that you can (and must) stay well through the journey.
Published 02/06/20
In this episode, Komal shares how she prepared for interviewing Michelle Obama, what this moment in her career meant to her, and the lessons she learned from the interview itself.
Published 01/30/20
In this week's episode, enjoy a conversation between Komal and Sheena Brady, Founder of the Founders Fund. Komal and Sheena discuss life as an entrepreneur, celebrating important milestones and the importance of showing up for one another.
Published 01/23/20
In this week's show, Komal continues to share the experience she had at Rachel Hollis's Rise Conference in Florida. Komal talks about how sharing authentically online allowed for powerful conversations about diversity, inclusion, and representation to happen. Komal also discusses solutions that conferences and events can explore to ensure inclusivity and diversity happen both online and in person.
Published 01/16/20