parlare = to speak io parlo = I speak tu parli = you speak (informal) Lei parla = you speak (formal) lui parla = he speaks lei parla = she speaks noi parliamo = we speak voi parlate = you speak (plural) loro parlano = they speak Inglese = English Francese = French Spagnolo = Spanish Tedesco = German Russo = Russian Giapponese = Japanese Italiano = Italian Parliamo Italiano = We speak Italian
Published 11/30/18
libro = book penna = pen matita = pencil carta = paper quaderno = notebook or planner sedia = chair luce = light finestra = window scrivania = desk pagina = page porta = door
Published 11/29/18
Change the 'o' to an 'i' to make it plural: amico = friend, amici = friends Change the 'a' to an 'e' to make it plural: chiesa = church, chiese = churches Change the 'ca' to a 'che' to make it plural: banca = bank, banche = banks Change the 'e' to an 'i' to make it plural: studente = student, studenti = students Most masculine words ending in 'io' you drop the 'o' to make it plural: negozio = store, negozi = stores Nouns ending with an accented vowel or a consonant do not change in...
Published 11/28/18
Domenica = Sunday Lunedi = Monday Martedi = Tuesday Mercoledi = Wednesday Giovedi = Thursday Venerdi = Friday Sabato = Saturday
Published 11/16/18
Primavera = Spring Estate = Summer Autunno = Autumn Inverno = Winter Gennaio = January Febbraio = February Marzo = March Aprile = April Maggio = May Giugno = June Luglio = July Agosto = August Settembre = September Ottobre = October Novembre = November Dicembre = December
Published 11/15/18
The Italians only really use 21 letters, but sometimes they do use the other 5 if the word is a non-Italian word containing one of those letters. The 5 letters that are not a part of the Italian alphabet are J, K, W, X, and Y. A = a B = bi C = ci D = di E = e F = effe G = gi H = acca I = i L = elle M = emme N = enne O = o P = pi Q = cu R = erre S = esse T = ti U = u V = vu Z = zeta J = i lunga K = cappa W = doppia vu X = ics
Published 11/14/18
Capisco = I understand Non capisco = I don't understand Come? = What? or How? or Say that again? Come si dice...? = How do you say...? Come si pronuncia...? = How do you pronounce...? Come si scrive...? = How do you spell...? Cosa vuol dire...? = What does...mean? Ripeta, per favore = Please repeat
Published 11/13/18
Ascoltate = Listen Leggete = Read Ripetete = Repeat Rispondete = Answer Scrivete = Write Aprite i libri = Open your books Chiudete i libri = Close your books Fate l'esercizio = Do the exercise Capite? = Do you understand? Ancora una volta! = One more time! Attenzione! = Be careful! or Pay attention! Giusto! = Correct! Benissimo! = Very good! Sbagliato! = Wrong! Tutti insieme! = All together! Va bene = OK
Published 11/12/18
0 = zero 1 = uno 2 = due 3 = tre 4 = quattro 5 = cinque 6 = sei 7 = sette 8 = otto 9 = nove 10 = dieci 11 = undici 12 = dodici 13 = tredici 14 = quattordici 15 = quindici 16 = sedici 17 = diciassette 18 = diciotto 19 = diciannove 20 = venti
Published 11/09/18
Essere = to be io sono = I am tu sei = you are (informal) Lei e' = you are (formal) lui/lei e' = he/she is noi siamo = we are voi siete = you are (plural) loro sono = they are Avere = to have io ho = I have tu hai = you have (informal) Lei ha = you have (formal) lui/lei ha = he/she has noi abbiamo = we have voi avete = you have (plural) loro hanno = they have
Published 11/08/18
io = I tu = you (informal) Lei = you (formal) lui = he lei = she noi = we voi = you (plural, formal and informal) loro = they The subject pronoun io, unlike the English I, is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence. Lei is the formal form for both masculine and feminine and is written with the capital L to distinguish it from lei (she).
Published 11/07/18
Italian Spelling = English Sound a = ah e = ay i = ee o = oh u = oo c (before e or i) = ch c (before other vowels) = k ch = k g (before e or i) = j g (before other vowels) = g (as in go) gh = g (as in go) gl = lli (as in million) gn = ny (as in canyon) h = always silent r = r (a single r should lightly rolled or trilled; a double rr is strongly rolled or trilled) s = s (but pronounced as a z when it comes between vowels) sc (before e or i) = sh sc (before other vowels) = sk ...
Published 11/06/18
Di dove sei (tu)? = Where are you from? (informal) Di dov'e' (Lei)? = Where are you from? (formal) Sono di...= I am from... Dov'e'...? = Where is...? Ecco... = Here is... And here are some famous cities and their Italian and English pronunciations. Roma = Rome Milano = Milan Venezia = Venice Firenze = Florence Napoli = Naples
Published 11/05/18
Ciao = Bye (also means Hi) Arrivederci = Good-bye (informal) ArriverderLa = Good-bye (formal) A presto = See you soon Alla prossima = Until next time Ci vediamo = See you later Addio = Farewell
Published 11/02/18
Signore = Mr. Signora = Mrs. Signorina = Miss Avvocato = Lawyer Ingegnere = Engineer Professore = Masculine professor Professoressa = Feminine professor Dottore = Masculine doctor Dottoressa = Feminine doctor Insegnante = Teacher On those masculine titles that end with 'ore'; the final 'e' is dropped before the person's last name: Signor Bianchi = Mr. Bianchi Professor Ricci = Professor Ricci Feminine titles remain unchanged.
Published 11/01/18
Come stai? = How are you? (informal) Come sta? = How are you? (formal) Come va? = How's it going? Sto bene = I'm fine Sto benone = I'm terrific Sto benissimo = I'm very well Sto molto bene = I'm very well Sto abbastanza bene = I'm quite well, or I'm well enough Sto cosi' cosi' = I'm so-so Sto male = I'm badly Non sto bene = I'm not well Non c'e' male = Not too bad Bene, grazie, e tu? = Fine, thank you, and you? (informal) Bene, grazie e Lei? = Fine, thank you, and you? (formal)
Published 10/31/18
Ciao = Hi, bye Salve = Hello Buongiorno = Good morning, good day Buonasera = Good evening (Tanto) Piacere = (So) Nice to meet you Molto lieto/lieta = Very pleased to meet you Scusa = Excuse me (informal) Scusi = Excuse me (formal) Come ti chiami? = What is your name? (informal) Come si chiama? = What is your name? (formal) Mi chiamo... = My name is... E tu? = And you? (informal) E Lei? = And you? (formal)
Published 10/30/18
Hi, my name is Mike, and welcome to my new podcast called 'Let's Speak Italian.' This is a daily podcast, usually only lasting a couple minutes. Listen to it multiple times if you want, or just once. Enjoy! Mike
Published 10/29/18
avere = to have ho, hai, ha, abbiamo, avete, hanno Giorgio ha venduto la macchina. = George sold the car. Ho mangiato la mela ieri. = I ate the apple yesterday Non abbiamo visto la ragazza. = We haven't seen the girl. Avete finito la lezione? = Have you (plural) finished the lesson? Quella donna ha cantato la canzone. = That woman sang the song. I ragazzi hanno letto il libro. = The boys have read the book. Non hai comprato quella borsa? = Didn't you buy that purse?
Published 09/28/18
essere = to be, stato = was scrivere = to write, scritto = wrote leggere = to read, letto = read vedere = to see, visto = saw bere = to drink, bevuto = drank aprire = to open, aperto = opened chiudere = to close, chiuso = closed fare = to do, fatto = did dire = to say, detto = said venire = to come, venuto = came rispondere = to answer, risposto = answered chiedere = to ask, chiesto = asked morire = to die, morto = died nascere = to be born, nato = been born
Published 09/27/18
To change a verb from its infinitive form to its past participle form: For 'are' verbs, replace the 'are' with 'ato' For 'ere' verbs, replace the 'ere' with 'uto' For 'ire' verbs, replace the 'ire' with 'ito' andare = to go, andato = went preparare = to prepare, preparato = prepared lavare = to wash, lavato = washed parlare = to speak, parlato = spoke mangiare = to eat, mangiato = ate volere = to want, voluto = wanted credere = to believe, creduto = believed vendere = to sell,...
Published 09/26/18
facile = easy difficile = difficult marito = husband moglie = wife rumore = noise animale = animal borsa = purse tempo = time (hours and minutes) volta = time (occasion or number of times)
Published 09/25/18
arrivare = to arrive arrivo, arrivi, arriva, arriviamo, arrivate, arrivano tornare = to return torno, torni, torna, torniamo, tornate, tornano entrare = to enter entro, entri, entra, entriamo, entrate, entrano pensare = to think penso, pensi, pensa, pensiamo, pensate, pensano chiedere = to ask chiedo, chiedi, chiede, chiediamo, chiedete, chiedono nascere = to be born nasco, nasci, nasce, nasciamo, nascete, nascono vendere = to sell vendo, vendi, vende, vendiamo, vendete, vendono ...
Published 09/24/18
Cosa c'e'? = What's the matter? Mi sento tutto(a) rotto(a). = I'm all sore. (I feel all broken) Sono stanco(a) morto(a). = I'm dead tired. Sto per morire. = I'm about to die. Non vedo l'ora! = I can't wait! (I can't see the hour) Che bellezza! = Wow! Oh boy! Terrific! (What beauty) Magari! = I wish! Meno male. = That's a relief. (Less bad) Che peccato! = Too bad! or What a shame! (What a sin)
Published 09/21/18
Ho mal di testa. = I have a headache. (I have bad of the head) Ho mal di gola. = I have a sore throat. (I have bad of the throat.) Ho mal di stomaco. = I have a stomach ache. ( I have bad of the stomach) Ho il raffreddore. = I have a cold. Ho l'influenza. = I have the flu. Ho la febbre. = I have a fever. Ho la tosse. = I have a cough. Mi fa male la gamba. = My leg hurts. (The leg does me bad) Mi fa male il braccio. = My arm hurts (The arm does me bad) Mi fa male il piede. = My foot...
Published 09/20/18