It has been a winter season of slowing down, tending, living based on nature's cycles, following the spiritual breadcrumbs, listening to the nudges etc. and allowing myself to be led! This winter for me has been all about REST and RENEWAL. I have been in experimentation with silence, unplugging, regenerating my own spaciousness through awareness. Spring is a new season that ushers in new life, stepping into the sun and allows us to shed what is no longer alive. Like a snake coming into a new...
Published 03/20/24
Published 03/20/24
Allowing yourself to breathe is a gift! Breathing is exactly what your body needs to process. We never have to figure out the why. The mind is there to wander and sometimes I invite my thoughts in to wander. The breaths are with intention. They are with purpose. If you can lean into the depths of that, lean into that. Maybe it feels good to expand your core space. Letting a wave wash over you as you exhale. When we take the time to charge our own batteries, we feel better and refreshed....
Published 11/22/23
Just being is the gift, the medicine and the blessing. Everywhere we are guided to go, there is a bigger reason 💜 The reason that I’m really good at my job is because I meet everybody exactly where they are and nobody misses anything. I treat myself as the ceremony & home of high consciousness that is coming in ♥️ When we connect to ourselves, we can connect better with others. Let's go!  www.magicmomentsplay.com
Published 11/16/23
Introducing Illuminate Wealth Management founder, Dollars and Kids author, and Certified Financial Planner; Ben Hockema. Ben's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Financial Planning Magazine and he's focused on helping parents talk to their kids about money. We talk about how wealth can relate to our self-worth, enough"ness" and balance as we navigate the world of choices for ourselves and our lifestyles. Financial health can reflect many aspects of our lives. Let's...
Published 10/30/23
"When people have dysregulated brains they suffer physical and emotional pain, life is hard and relationships are damaged. Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, is a non-invasive alternative to medication. It is painless, drugless, free of harmful side effects and produces noticeable improvements that can enhance the effect of other traditional therapies. At SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training, Diane and her team empower people by providing neurofeedback services and systems that help the...
Published 10/23/23
Here are some lessons I have been receiving lately. Patience, Surrender and giving to myself the deep abiding whole satisfaction of delayed gratification. I am learning to nurture myself with so much inward love and grace. I am capable to sourcing my own sense of security. I receive the deep deep love of the mothers embrace. I am being called to mother others and myself, too. To hold and be held. ♥️ I have access to more love than my heart can bear. I allow the deep deep love to stretch my...
Published 10/17/23
Come walk with Meraki and me! I am taking you with us on a hike during this episode. Are we willing to listen? Are we willing to listen even deeper? Are we willing to shed patterns that are no longer supportive, no longer functional and no longer healthy if it means we get to walk away from all of the ways we haven't been truly kind to ourselves to deepen into even more magic in our lives? If we could come into even more self trust. I want you to zoom out and imagine what it would be like if...
Published 09/24/23
Are you feeling ready to rise to the occasion your life is presenting to you? So much of the time we can be searching while we dismiss what is right under our nose. Sometimes when we experience something that is playing out in a different way than what we planned or what we had in mind, the attachment to the outcomes and expectations invite us to take a look deep within. www.magicmomentsplay.com
Published 09/01/23
How do you feel home within yourself when you are home away from home? Traveling to new places brought up the unknowns and showed me where to honor my needs and priorities. Sleep, boundaries and sensitivities were honored so that I could live my best life. I had so much pleasure, spaciousness, magic and joy on my summer vacation. Cheers to celebrating a new decade. I am refreshed to be home and back in my routine. www.magicmomentsplay.com
Published 08/04/23
I am celebrating my health journey and my arrival to my third decade. I am turning thirty this month! I am stepping into this next chapter with empowerment and deeper levels of acceptance. Tending to my liver, specifically, has allowed me to access the repressed anger and work with my dragon inner fire energy in my meditations. Like I say, when life gives you lemons, flush your liver! How practical and healthy, eh? Did you know that in ancient Chinese medicine (ACM) the liver represents...
Published 07/09/23
"Dr. Stephanie Young Moss received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy and a Masters of Health Services Administration with a concentration in Health Economics from The University of Wyoming. She has worked in a variety of areas in pharmacy including, Community, Regulatory Compliance, Managed Care, and Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Over the past 20 years Dr. Moss has advocated for decreasing disparities in health care through her...
Published 06/14/23
Steven Kessler's Book The 5 Personality Patterns has inspired this conversation today about how we cope with the stressors in our lives. We pick up on patterns from a subconscious level to get to emotional safety when our nervous systems experience overwhelm. Safety first is very much the core need that we are requiring for optimal growth, development and evolution. www.magicmomentsplay.com
Published 06/07/23
Be the pattern interruption. Be the disruptor. Go counter culture and drumroll... feel your feelings! Are you wanting to create change but not ready to let go of the old? You  get to meet yourself exactly where you are. Your feelings are like the trash. Think of that Shel Silverstein poem of the garbage reaching the sky. Taking the trash out isn’t hard we just don’t love it. It needs to be put into the ground. It needs to compost, nourish the soil, regenerate and die to then contribute to the...
Published 05/19/23
When I am rested, well nourished and loved, I am resourced to trust that I can let go of what is no longer mine to hold in order to make room for what is to come. I have been questioning the urgency of everything lately; letting go of all the "shoulds" resisting any expectations that satisfy my core wounding of "not good enough" and imagining life taking care of itself in the many ways that are truly out of my control. Througout this new pattern of letting life move through me, I have been...
Published 04/30/23
Children thrive when they sense unconditional support to tap into their innate intelligence, wisdom and true nature. As a parent guardian, when you make the decision to step into your role, you rise to the occasion. Let's help our children understand their relationship to the world around them in a way that makes sense and feels supportive. Let's encourage our children to feel safety and security and connection to who they really are, without the "shoulds" attached to their learnings and...
Published 04/03/23
Can you believe the moments that show up in our lives are perfectly on time to remind us what is necessary and needed to lean into in order for us to overcome to get to that next level? Release any judgements. Release any guilts. Release any "shoulds." Know that you are powerful beyond measure and beyond belief. Remember who you are and that you are here for a purpose, a deeper meaning and reason. Align with what feels good and give yourself all of the permission to walk away from what does...
Published 02/19/23
Do you know just how much you are loved? No, seriously! Your heart is beating for you, your lungs are pumping for you, your planet is spinning madly round; on and on and on there are so many things that support you being here and being alive right in this NOW moment. I love to see this as building evidence for how much we really are loved. Everything else that we choose to do and they ways in which we choose to spend our time are all an outward expression and opportunity of how much we've...
Published 01/22/23
Have you been noticing the frequencies shifting? Maybe you feel tired but don't know how to fully rest. Maybe you are being redirected right now into a whole new path and new direction but the map is not yet clear. You are not alone! I was recently guided to let go of my clothes and allow myself to "figure it out on the way" as a way to experience freedom in a whole new way. I have been creating so much spaciousness, it is insane! With help, I said goodbye to 90% of my closet. It was safe to...
Published 01/12/23
Lenora Edwards joins us today to share all about her online speech therapy practice from the comfort, safety and familiarity of their own home with the presence from their guardian if they so choose. She mentions the pause and pivot technique where we have a choice point to reconnect to our greater mission. When parents feel like they are not measuring up, it is crucial to remember that nothing is wrong but rather it is a moment to re-inform and re-connect to the emotional components at play...
Published 12/09/22
I am putting together a masterclass for parents called RiSE TO YOUR ROLE MASTERCLASS!  IT is all about being and becoming the parent you WiSH you had.  Being a parent is a big role to fill and a lot of it has to do with cleaning out of the old and redefining the truest version of you in the new. Becoming a conscious parent also requires the willingness to accept what might feel like constant change(s) while balancing the leaning into the growth edges that shedding layers of the unconscious...
Published 12/02/22
I am putting together a masterclass for parents called RiSE TO YOUR ROLE MASTERCLASS!  IT is all about being and becoming the parent you WiSH you had.  Being a parent is a big role to fill and a lot of it has to do with cleaning out of the old and redefining the truest version of you in the new. Becoming a conscious parent also requires the willingness to accept what might feel like constant change(s) while balancing the leaning into the growth edges that shedding layers of the unconscious...
Published 12/01/22
I am putting together a masterclass for parents called RiSE TO YOUR ROLE MASTERCLASS!  IT is all about being and becoming the parent you WiSH you had.  Being a parent is a big role to fill and a lot of it has to do with cleaning out of the old and redefining the truest version of you in the new. Becoming a conscious parent also requires the willingness to accept what might feel like constant change(s) while balancing the leaning into the growth edges that shedding layers of the unconscious...
Published 11/30/22
I am putting together a masterclass for parents called RiSE TO YOUR ROLE MASTERCLASS!  IT is all about being and becoming the parent you WiSH you had.  Being a parent is a big role to fill and a lot of it has to do with cleaning out of the old and redefining the truest version of you in the new. Becoming a conscious parent also requires the willingness to accept what might feel like constant change(s) while balancing the leaning into the growth edges that shedding layers of the unconscious...
Published 11/29/22
I am putting together a masterclass for parents called RiSE TO YOUR ROLE MASTERCLASS!  IT is all about being and becoming the parent you WiSH you had.  Being a parent is a big role to fill and a lot of it has to do with cleaning out of the old and redefining the truest version of you in the new. Becoming a conscious parent also requires the willingness to accept what might feel like constant change(s) while balancing the leaning into the growth edges that shedding layers of the unconscious...
Published 11/28/22