In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share My Client Just Made 77K This Month. Here’s How. So…..My Client Just Made 77K This Month. I know right!!! I am the proudest coach ever right now because when she first started working with me just a few weeks ago, things behind the scenes of her business were feeling a little all over the place! It’s amazing what a few of the right tweaks using an aligned approach with the right kind of support can do. In this weeks...
Published 02/14/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared The Mindset To Adopt To Make The Most Of 2024 In Your Business. There are 3 huge mindset shifts in particular that supported me the most to go from $0 to over $1,000,000 in under 4 years without complicated tech, Facebook ads or a large team. One was deciding to focus on the long-term vision rather than the short-term wins AND how this makes the very difference between making multi-six figures and beyond…or not. I see a big...
Published 02/12/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share Why I've Worked With The Same Coach For 3 Years.⁣ I used to coach hop and I wasted a lot of time and money re-starting, re explaining, and re learning which slowed down my growth.⁣ Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes it can take some time to find the right coach, support and approach for you, but once you have found your person, the fastest way to grow isn’t to keep investing in new and different things, but actually...
Published 02/07/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared How Georgia Made 24K+ From Running One Free Masterclass. Eeeeek, I am so excited for you all to listen to this weeks podcast episode on Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi I had the absolute honour of interviewing my client, the beautiful Georgia! ❤️ If you’ve ever wanted to live a laptop lifestyle in Ibiza, running beautiful retreats next to the ocean, dancing, and doing yoga surrounded by your favourite people and making 5...
Published 02/05/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share What I’ve Learnt Are The 5 Habits Of Multi 6 And 7 Figure Coaches.In this weeks podcast episode I share 5 habits you probably didn’t expect from 6 and 7 figure coaches!And no this is not an episode telling you to wake up at 5 am, mediate for 2 hours and say your affirmations. 😜Whilst those habits can be helpful, they are not essential to success. 🙏🏼In this episode, I share with you what is. 🙌🏼 Enjoy the...
Published 01/31/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, O talked about My January 2024 Goals Progress. At the end of each month for 2024 I am sharing a very raw and unfiltered podcast episode breaking down my month. The highs, the lows and everything in between. I want to show you what it really looks like behind the scenes to move towards your big goals. I want to share with you in real time the challenges and the big wins along the way. My aim is to normalise your business experience,...
Published 01/29/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share 3 Beliefs That Have Made Me Thousands In My Coaching Business. Your beliefs determine how you feel and how you feel determines how you behave which ultimately determines your results. I am grateful my very first mentors taught me these beliefs and helped me let go of any limitations around them holding me back from growth, abundance and success. Tune into the podcast tot hear these beliefs, why they are so important...
Published 01/24/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, How To Hit Consistent 10K Months In Your Coaching Business In 2024. There is enough evidence out there from coaches that it is possible to make a lot of money whilst having a lot of fun, freedom and impact.And some coaches even make it look incredibly easy.It can leave you questioning yourself…Like what are they doing that I am not? What’s the secret?Why does it feel so much more difficult for me? What am I missing?Sound like you?At...
Published 01/22/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share The One Thing That Attracted Over 150 People During The Holidays. No one wants to work during the holidays, well I don’t anyways. Clean rest is super important. If we are constantly go go all the time you’re unable to take a step back and assess what’s working, what’s not and what we could be doing differently. So over the Christmas break, I made sure to be prepared BEFORE so that I could take 2 weeks of clean rest...
Published 01/17/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about My Marketing Strategy To 600K+ For 2024. Ever wanted to see a behind-the-scenes of my entire marketing strategy? One that brings in 600K+ per year? Well my friend, now you can. In this week's episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I break down exactly what I intend on doing + focusing on in 2024 to bring in over 600K cash. Here’s a sneak peak… Attraction Strategy: High-quality lifestyle/value content. Double...
Published 01/15/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share How To Set New Year Business Goals. Haven’t set your goals for the year or need a little helping hand to make them more specific and actionable? ✨ Then this week’s quick wins podcast episode (sub 5mins) will be perfect for you. 🤍 I share my signature goal-setting process that’s supported me to reach all the goals I set, whether that’s to run a marathon, make a million dollars, complete 75 hard, save hundreds of...
Published 01/10/24
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about My 2024 Word + Goals For The Year. 2024 IS HERE!!! YAYYYYYY 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I could not be more excited for the next 12 months if I tried!! 🥲✨💥 This year is going to be HUGE. For all of us. And yes, you too!! Whether you believe it or not! 👏🏼 Every year on the podcast, I very vulnerably and transparently share with you my 2024 goals, my word for the year, and how I’m feeling about those goals. This year is no different. In...
Published 01/08/24
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared 5 Journal Prompts To Reflect On 2023 In Your Coaching Business. As we start to wrap up 2023, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year.In this week’s episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share 5 journal prompts that I’ve journaled on to summarise and reflect on the year. Enjoy the episode. Connect With Sofia: All My Links All My Offerings Join Facebook Community Follow Me On Instagram Book A...
Published 12/20/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared My 2023 Year In Review. WHAT A YEAR!! 💥💥💥2023 for me, has been one of the most expansive, abundant and transformative years to date. ✨🤍To give you an idea of what that has looked like…⬇️✨I moved interstate with my man from Adelaide to Brisbane and we LOVE it…✨I reached my first million dollars to date in business…✨I met some incredible women in my life who I now call my best friends…✨I traveled A LOT! Which I’m sure you can all...
Published 12/18/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share 3 Tips To Get More Facebook Group Member Requests. Do you have a private Facebook group and struggling to get aligned members requesting to join? I get it, I’ve been there! 🥲 In this weeks quick wins episode on the podcast, I share 3 tips in under 5 minutes to help you get more member requests with ease so you can build in depth relationships with potential clients and have them signing up to your program in no time!...
Published 12/13/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about 5 Lessons From Reaching 1 Million Dollars In 2023. In this week’s podcast episode I’m sharing 5 lessons from reaching 1 million dollars to date in my coaching business. 🔥It’s been a really abundant and expansive year with lots of lessons, challenges, wins and everything in between.In this week’s episode I share the 5 most pivotal lessons that supported me to grow my coaching business both sustainably and quickly.Head to...
Published 12/11/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share One Thing You Can Do Today To Sign Clients In 5 Mins Or Less.I emphasized the importance of repurposing content and finding a post that has performed well in the past. ⁣⁣I encourage business owners to share their authentic stories, regardless of how big or small their achievements may be. I advise repurposing the chosen post on various platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Facebook groups, to attract new leads....
Published 12/06/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about How I Made $135,000 In 10 Days From Running One Online Event. Last month I had my biggest month in business, making over $135,000 in new sales in just 10 days from running one online event. I did this without using Facebook ads, complicated tech, a super large team or burning myself out. In fact, it was probably my most effortless and abundant launch. How? Because I follow the same process each month. I am not trying to...
Published 12/04/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared The Best Organisation Hack For Your Coaching Business I get messages every week either in awe of my organisation and productivity skills or asking me how I do it…And more importantly, doing so without being overwhelmed, running on a constant hamster wheel or burning myself out.⁣ So in this week's podcast episode on Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share exactly how I do this in under 5 minutes so you can take...
Published 11/29/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about The Exact Strategy Of How My Client Made $17,776 After Just 3 Weeks Of Working Together. My client made $17,776 AUD after just 3 weeks of working together in my mastermind Rise To Six and today I am going to share with you how.⁣⁣ Firstly for full transparency, my client already had foundations set in her business. This isn’t one of those stories where someone went from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds.⁣⁣ I’m here you share real...
Published 11/27/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share Most People Make Business Too Hard By Doing This One Thing. Here’s How To Fix It I See wayyyy too many coaches making business so so much harder than it needs to be.⁣ They are doing all of the things, following too many different experts, attending every free thing they can, trying every approach, feeling like business is one never ending hamster wheel.⁣ Yes there will be difficult moments. Many in fact.⁣ AND, it...
Published 11/22/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I shared My Story From $0 To 1 Million Dollars In Under 4 Years 4 years ago I was working 5 casual jobs. Babysitting, cleaning, walking dogs, making coffees and catering. I loved it, but I was working 50+ hour weeks and it wasn’t my true passion. After going through a breakup in without the mindset skills to help me move through it, I was forced to work on myself to feel better. Through this journey I discovered coaching. All of a...
Published 11/21/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share What You Need Instead Of A Website To Grow Your Business When I first started my coaching business I thought I needed a website to be legitimate and successful.I spent months putting it together and if I’m being completely honest, I was simply procrastinating putting myself out there.Learn from my mistakes, While a website can be helpful, it certainly shouldn’t be the top of your priorities when working towards your...
Published 11/15/23
In this episode of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I talked about How to Stop Chasing Overnight Success & Start Chasing This Instead With Liz Ross It’s easy to get caught up in other people's successes and highlight reels online… And in a moment of doubt, it can leave you questioning yourself, your results and the speed of your growth. This often leads to a scarcity mindset and behaviour which is felt by others, ultimately resulting in more of what you don’t want. This was a trap...
Published 11/13/23
In this Quick Wins segment of Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi, I share The Best Way To Reduce Overwhelm In Business. In this episode, shared my best advice for reducing overwhelm in your business. Overwhelm occurs when you focus on too many things at once, causing discomfort and procrastination. To overcome overwhelm, I recommend the following steps:1. Brain dump everything out of your head onto paper or a notes app.2. Organize your tasks in order of priority.3. Focus on one task at a time...
Published 11/08/23