Creating a Life You Love - The Truth About Manifestation
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Links for this episode: Magnetic Creator Episode 4: How A Digital Detox Can Change Your Life Hey friend, welcome back! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of manifestation, also known as deliberate creation, magnetic creation, the law of attraction, and more. This episode is all about clearing up the misconceptions and getting real about what it means to be a powerful creator. So, let’s get into it! Understanding ManifestationManifestation isn’t just about “getting shit”—it’s about being creative and dreaming big. It’s about focusing on what we want to create, how we want to show up in the world, and experiencing this one beautiful life we have. It’s also about creating new patterns that support us in building a life we love, getting out of our own way, and stopping those default patterns of self-sabotage. Breaking Down the MythsThere are a lot of teachers and influencers out there who say that if you just think positive thoughts or imagine what you want, then poof—it’s gonna come to you. I don’t agree with that crap. Manifestation involves more than just positive thinking. After studying creation and manifestation techniques for over 30 years, I’ve learned a specific method that’s what I’m going to teach in my manifestation course, and it's WAY more than just thinking positive thoughts. It requires active work and focus on our part. The Role of TechnologyWe’re in a unique time in history, and as a Gen X woman, I remember life before the internet and smartphones, before we were constantly distracted. The last 20 years of technology have given us amazing things but also created a constant low-grade anxiety. We're always on edge, waiting for our phones to ping, ring, or chime. This alertness creates anxiety in our brains, and for some of us, it's high-level anxiety. For me, this constant connectivity just had me frazzled and stressed all the time. It was hard to pinpoint the source until I did a digital detox and got off all electronics for six full weeks. Let me tell you, that changed my f*****g life. If you’re interested in hearing that episode where I go DEEP into the digital detox process, I've linked that episode in show notes above. Personal Story: Manifesting Land in BelizeLet me share my most recent fun manifestation: In January, we closed on a 4-acre piece of land in Belize next to our current home. This was the piece of property my husband and I wanted from the beginning because it’s the edge of the jungle, and we wanted to be sure it was conserved for wildlife instead of being built up. But the owner said it wasn’t for sale and never would be. I just ignored that and, every night for over a year, I did the very specific, sensory process that I teach in my class. Even though I had never been on the land, I visualized unlocking the gate, walking through the land, down to the creek, and stepping into the water. Then, one day in December, we got a random call asking if we wanted the property, offered at a hugely reduced price. And friend, I can't describe how amazing it felt to finally own walk on that property, knowing I had done it hundreds of times in my mind. Creating New PatternsWhile manifesting things like that piece of land is fun, the most important kind of deliberate creating is getting out of our own way and creating a life we don’t want to escape from. It’s about creating new patterns that support the life we dream of. I was just talking to someone who said she wanted to manifest more “abundance.” Now, that’s a vague f*****g term. When we chatted more, she talked about her bills, debt, and how she couldn’t afford a house. So here’s the thing—she...
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